Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1992, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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Spring awakens Market
By M ' dy M >
i ri-sh Miui-i /i i! 11• m,<
.nil- Handmade iris and
i rafts Live nmsii longer
ing m ents uf good food
You art- entering a t mu
inunity i eb-bratIon ’.• ■!
just am t.(definition. lint
Dili' tll.lt .lIluWS V' 'll. !i'
port liasi' a produt I w ilh
more than a pin <■ . it pa
per listing tin' Ingred i
Your salesperson is not
vvia k ing on i iimmisMnn
for a ills!ant i ailiji.lliv,
but band t raft mg ■ r b
itfrn is itb individual i an
il is .1 plat i w brn von
i an mn-l a iulturallv di
vi-r-a- group o{ people
Tin ionosphere is friend
I \. and you feel as if \, hi
an- on \ a< a (ton in some
!.ir off i mintr\
Y * iii a r i • s i-1-1 n g 1111
world, sampling Inn-mu
tional foods meeting pise
p I e and enjoying all
Walks of life And flu- best
part You don't ev en have
' . I • Ip ! ' a ' : * : !
for this ex per lent e Ills
all i wii i-ntratfd inti !-.s
d o w II I li « I) - I i g i- n i
bfot k -
1 III S.ilnei.n M a r k
ftegan ii*. lid si- im hi on
Saturday April i and
vv 111 i on: in in- t b n gh \>
vi-mbi-r Kam or shine,
from tt) a rn to p m
ear h Saturday peopie
will i nine. neatly .’00
vendors will t t a I! and
sell, i lief s in 0 fond
tbs w • I art
Ists o! nil kinds Will pi t
fm m
There is plenty of free
parking around tin- mar
ke! • -me. lie.; '. tin
j: .1 r k t . i I k ■ ’ ill'!)! fi
A . and O »
W f.i. linens e alter I) .1 1 e
modes nj Ira ". spur! at i on
.1 ri ■> V ,i: i.ltli!
’ ■■ j;| ' >: t: > ' ■ " .
very! i . -V itn'1
vs'as held l.'t tin r.mi on
V !', u l'i 0. vs ,1: , u par
tu Iptilirig vendors Smir
tfi.it tin’,. it fi.i . flourished
to in Iucii ti. ir I v J00
vendors ami the uii'.i has
spread lu Miiul.it markets
.if nitil the si.ile. bringing
lin inmunitv i eiebr.i
lion atmosphere In iheir
IIH li i till i prel.it ion of .1
nittrkft plaza
Tin- ole of .) Saturday
Market vendor is filleif
vs i! fi fi.itil vs i .i k ami (ledi
i a: ;i>n 1'reparutiun is put
I nti i i r .i iI s oil s ear long
lie , . ■ ,; Mi, 111■! je K:. ..
Sbi hi- done be.el vs. t k
fur I I years at S,iIu rday
S' ,-k i:.-t feels i! e. -i
p,.. d i.ier fur ail Ivimis
til i vi flanges, of mfortmi
is s <:hilifreii li.tve
bee!! i p.ltl Ilf I lie S.ltUr
i f. i v Market's environ
mint s | III e the V vs e re
bull! ! b t eldest l fllllf of
10 opened a booth of flirt
VS • k ■..!!, I :g 1II .1 ties a t id
,f . ’ I VS : k SI
i: v < d a..! . f) do i it’
eai fi Saturday and lias a
business sense that most
1 0 yi ,;r obis Will Vs a I!
years It experieni e with
oui lie opporluntlies Sal
in t ., 1 : ka l has lo , .Her
S.,1 . r.-1.1 y Mark.'- pro
v i lies ,i great |ilni it to
simp lor gifts and set ai!
walks of l,le l.ai fi v enifi >r
pass S ' plus 10 p.enent
i f ! Ill-: T wi'l'i, 1 is. i t h
s.iii V<-;; dm \ .1 r< ss.
i 1 to pari.. i| .,’r .s ,'fi
ij! 1 i S . !; g III.' ■ is i r.
One s■ f the guid'-imes
I*• r S.|i ..: d .1 \ Mark ■ '
Uni! .1!i products must !x
sold bv !!,' pen m who
made them nr I>\ 1 lam ns
member dins cnsuri's
firsthand information on
tfir prod nr ts urn! their
s alue snmr i hint;!.'
corning srrs rate it! p;,r
1 basing am J>r ! . ' these
‘I III S.I I.ltd.is V .1 r s "t
1 ‘ x 111' r i I* II t 1' ;s ut!" that
It'S tics 1 it ui li.lt. 'll' tie
yotui vs i!t hmg iis e per
formance. Im'suihI shop
ping and beyond 1 iti ng
nut Sal 11 rd .1 s M a r k. e t
t ombines .di id these IS
|U'( ts mil 1 1 ill" ! .11 I*
i til" ■ .Ill- " 1 ns! '• s
( Itllig iss I in i ► ■ Ii t !:•
Nnrlhsvt sl. S.I .11 :n,c >. ■ t
manager Dill < aildsmith
; t.i- vs 1 ► ■ ■ 1 .s
;..I ».. 1 i ss : s ■.g
us i-iits ting] n 1. 11 g .0 in
,! II! SS It!. 1.lip-111- S |M>jHi
.it ! 1!,. ::;. 11 :. ' ‘ ►.
Slim An 11 -t m potior
mam c fur 1 hddreri ss 1 iI
feature siorvtelli r Uarbara
Mruiis N it sv in!. At
n.mu. Terrs V\ agner s ,: i;
mg flute sis l<* is tc.iliircd
in .1 pi'-rfornum e try tin
group I ’ s■ r.i in id At 1 Ht
pill i i Hi K . ml ! t s \ ( tors
I .1 ti.l 11*! ss , I i p f e si* n ! .i
pros ii-vs id tin t fortti
1 orning prnifut tioti, / l>n'
I Da' That will tie ini
lowed its tin* afternoon
dance, beginning at t
p Hi . fe.i! ii t i tig tie .1.1
origin 1 i 1111 V 1; . 1. . 11
1 . : 1 ■ Maga k < 1 ti h
.«Wfc ■*
Booths opened and visitors were drawn in (and on) as the
Saturday Market came out ot its winter hibernation last Satur
‘Spiritual odyssey’ film
is compelling, beautiful
FILM rhirtrifhtrl a currarniy showing
al MovwUnd and Sfyingtlaid Quad Dra
maa Ralad R
• t *• '*«l
rhutuli'rht'iirt is
misruprosontod in
iis ads You (Min
hanilv bhnne the
producers and ills
Iributors lor doing
so I'm sure thiil .1
murder-mystery se!
in <i South Dakota Indian Keser
vation would altracit more oils
tuuiiTs than .1 ( areiullv «rafted
examination o! a man foreed to
come to grips with tin’ soul iiu
h.r. denied having all Ins hfu
II gt\i• n tlic i him i'. i would
probably choose a good actiori
thriller over .i spmlu.il odyssev
Hut that would be a misiake
rhuiitlrrlic.ir! is a compelling
and lm| hi! la lit vision of m er
rm r ar.d redemption
Ihi- |din shows that a person
i .inui >! *• \ 1st ,:i a stati■ id wolf
being as long as tin- person's
inner truth e. denied It also
a\s the: i ’ are no depths to
a ■ : n !hat lie
i an : -still regain his sou I
\ ; KI due: p la vs an HU
,.s a : rv.itii iHu In
v O' tie inutder of an
Ogalii sunn He mission also
trie hides putting down a civil
dispute Is tween militant tradl
ii ii., .-,t trihal menilters and
those who support the US
e , ■ : erit in hopes I d getting
■ r third world corn!i
t tot is
The I-IH thinks he s the man
toi the ot) bf< .him' iie lias some
Sioux blood on his father s
side Hut lus father died when
iie was seven and Ins Native
\: :• III an heritage died w lilt
him rite agent is r.u 1st and
ii ds i onleinpt lor the reserva
turn citizens He lun’t under
stand why lhrv don't upprei i
■itr what h« s doing for them
Hr goes along w ith another
agent, played by Sam Shepard
who has prior ekpeneiu e w iilr
the trilie aru) seems at firsl. to
hr mnri' nr lepting of their
ways Msn participating in til**
investigation is a tribal polii r
offh or played b\ (.rahum
(Ireene i onu s oil as .kind- of
l.ukolu Sherlock Holmes This
Is intentional He loves to tell
kiliner, ambiguously, Listen
to tile winil l.rel'iie plays up
thi' wizened old master stereo
type: wlm li liri ves hi lini-i < ra
/ V
klllller is surrounded hv pen
pie vv/lio have yirluallv nothing
of material value They live in
<111 iij)ui.11eel houses with poor
sanitary oiulit:■ ms. o.t r. :.>w.i
mg. an,! '-at staiulanl turdu .11
,i ml eilui at tonal luetlilies Vet
tIll's are fighting tooth ami nail
to remain autonomous
Dir : a Mu hael Apt' I i ■> i o
expert at we.i V 11 a the sp ml aa 1
birth m killiier's heart with i
compelling narrative Not only
that, tuit the si littery is magnifi
cent anil \pteii makes lull Use
ol a large si ri'i'ii w ith this film
Mill I: ot the H’lUltfle suction
Is slow am! t fie t I ■ Ilia \ is in
long In coming There are sev
eral scenes that simply reiterate
things that have been sail! I*'
lore But for the most part.
I'huiulvrhtmrl is a compelling
and beautilul portrait of a man
who has the tough duty ol ills
assik luting himself from his
former life and comes to grips
with the man he never knew hi
w as
By Lucas J Gutman
i e.e.1 I C. mini*.! .<
f. ' J hi' ■( H ■ : •••;■<•
» J!. J. 4*1 I" .■»«•*•! i! Tr 1 AN
t )••
• *t I'.’ 11 • 1 . 1 * i *' t >' t lk • - li k }
. >. s'* ■ i , * * ;»* ]| it1 • i * • "' •*
U - 1 )i m 1
! • .1! A
' le-k!
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i V 4 IV«*(‘4* v*. • ■■ ft >« *f ‘ a )f . » •' *» i l*. Iff v.-f tht» jr
tv > v • it t J v ' V •• • ;• * i .• t Slf tv 1 * V \ 1 O' •;• » ?*»t* ’
Dinner & Karaoke Reception
Friday, April 10
7:00pm - 10:30pm
Gerlinqer lounge
Cost: $10
: *.* j
• r * VS"
< i >\ ! IMS! M Itkl.Vkt \M
1 histn' v
< All I I I I I S ^ SU j
f nth
R 'juLrlv SI 50)
w ;.v
1225 Icier
N . < . t »i. v -very , r with *n>
■rf ‘"«'f 1 - ,>unf* \H nHjpon* One
cuifV'n p**f cit»toftu*T
i »pm-s >■ 12/^2
u U*' V' * *•»*»«*« Ht VV*. H V • O VD
■ “ •1 •" ' i :•:—l:—-i
" \ j ■ , » vTT Ma' ^
H U«<l *t« »•»’ C »»"• »»•«••
"Perhaps the most meticulous
and seductive depiction In
movies ol the hard work ol
making art "
I'x'iCu i: ii«*m.-rt.r=na n f
f :,\NV( )N
V./ ' f ' K‘ 4 1C • ■ IW 4 X
rs# Nmm lh/tl*#✓ ffxtm Thm P*/0Ctor ot
Ml <*«« B/td VHjBJlB^tB
I ",.T»n tru
a -winunn
Scholastic Discoim Program
The l.»hrc\ ISftSX ■ N-*tc*h«H.k * till 2
4 Mb kAM MSlX)S b : Jbs >> iv + *
UuJcnts, ta^ulu ami educational staH at
Mb Hard l>:»*
. ailablc U> whi**U
an incredible pruc
386SX/20 $1299
«) 1** **.
TTZmnUTTT fak ' kr ir > \ *"***»
bur Mart' Information
Call 1 (SOU) 766-294S
P*. <• *r»; • ( .»* •• * j * ■ * ■«' * •*< *»*■«■
Double Tee Presents In Eugene
\ Yen
MAY 19 • 8:00 PM • HULT CENTER
BY PHONE 687-5000
, unu wmtu
mil 12
m 10m nrrwM wrrw
mu 22
fA(_[ I HE vus/c • fO(t MO call 346 4362 • ncxns SU6JIO ?C
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