Major victorious in Britain WORLD waged ,i ( umc in in ts-himt. soapixix campaign tn extend 1 i years of Conservative Par ly government claimed vh lory i rtday morning ..Iter i in-r v i w rat ng eI*-.. t 10n count "We've won tonight .1 mugnifii ent victory. .1 victo ry many people thought was lieyolul our grasp." Mu jor told 1 ln*ermg supporters at party hoadt) carters With 613 of the GS1 dls tricts counted, the ('.onserv,1 tlves had won .1.3.1 seals five short ot absolute victory compared to i.alxit s Jt.u and lt> tor the Liberal Demo 1 rats Although 1.abort had yet to c uni ede, computer iinuly SIS showed the (looser \ a lives were assured ill .1 111,1 [oritv "I’m very pleased I yen thing we have done tn the last 1 ,t years will now he conserved and limit on in the future. ' former Prime Munster Margaret i'ha" tier exulted bailor's share ol the vote was up about live [mints since U1H7. hut its gems came almost entirely at the expense of the Liberal Dem in tats I hough 1.ahot didn’t dec' the ('miser\ at 1 ve pupil la 1 vote it did erode the lory majority in the House ol (aiimiuuis The British Broadcasting (.orp predicted the (a mser vatives would w in t t ! seats u itii 7 I tor Labor and 1 u fur thr Liberal Uomot r.ils 1 n ii i' pe nd r nt I" »■ Irvmmi Nrss s JJ.IV e till’ iaiivrs i iS seats, Labor J' 1 .ind Lilieral I ><rk . in pin iiUt r these results said Ko\ fiat11■ f s!i s depots In Labor r I o; \| ■ i; k:; Mill.! k r. ,' hri .mi- i ir, tin- i-.iris hours lhr Lories bad at hif’Ved a fourth i rsMVr irr 111 'P . . I Ii.- ( i'lisrrs ,i 11 s i-s i r i tunphrd o-.i-r ,i lingering re ( rsMilll ,ir.l u Hr lllp ii is nii-ht : I 'll pr ri rni, ,i Ii visit rmis • xprrimrnt It) ioi .ii I.i sal -nil m Mrs rh.iti her s l.isi i.-rm .mil .1 slinks! to thr lain p.llgll Labor, oh!:our.lg till ferenee ss as well within the margin of error Labor did cut into the ID r:> -■ in1) matoritv in the old parliament The t onser s its ve ( ampaim* direr tor. party i h..iirm.m (dirts 1’uttcn, vais .inniri>.; |m>tninent ID rr --. is ho lost their seats in parliament (i lend.i |a< kson. winner of !s\ i \. nfemv \ss .inis tr i amphed for i..i!)or in the north i ondon dastrii t of Harnpste.ii| and Hsghgale ■ lie (ioriser va ti v es held onto Mrs Thai! her's seat VH north I .ondon In bright sunshine thn't liathed most of the nation, ah. ait pen eol of the I I f> rail ion voters in I airland. Si i ■; land: Wales and \ Tib ern Ireland east ballots M a |n r I 'i sin i ceded l'h.Hi her as prime minister In months ago after she lost support vs I thin tin- (looser saltves over tin- parts s di rection kiiinoi k. St), a coal mm er s son. had moved the l.a hor Parts from the far let! to tile I enter in eight sears as Hniain's longest serving op pi isiti: ill leader The Liberal Demor rats, ‘lord largest parts had set a still price lot joining in alls coalition government i lie parts leaner. I’.uids A s h rl o sv 11 . demanded a ( flange m the eD< lor.i! -.s s ! e|!i If..:-: the . nrref:! svl li ner take all m separate dis Irn Is loa system ot albs at trig seats based oil a parts' s share ot die national Vote Arafat leaves hospital, PLO meeting put off IKil'OU. Libya iA1 ’) Hu Pl.t) leadership din ided 1‘hurs day to postpone i krv mmitlng on partH ipution n tin- Middle l.usi prate l.i 1 k^ until Yasser ret over* from injuries suffered m ,i plant* i rush in the Libs .m desert The f>-! year old I'Ll) i hid flow to Tripoli mi Thursday, .i day after he was rest tied and taken t .i hospital in Misratah. 1 .Ml inilt's east of tlir Libyan i apilul Lib van IN sin wad A ra fa t vv itil i bandaged r :ght eve walk on; in Tripoli airport Hr wearing his traditional green la tjgues arid a military I ap and appeared tt> hr fit Dot tors at Salah el-Uin Hospital said hr u as flnt* Ml hi'alth is good. Arafat told Kudin Monti* Carlo in an trlrphonr interview Iron! Trip olt i ask (tod to give me tin' p.. .sdiilitv if praying out* dav in Jerusalem 1.1in a s ofru ui 1 Jana n™ s agent v ipiotrd Arafat as saving Hrdoums iirlprd si art hrrs pm point tlir vvrri k.ige of his plane in southern Libia Libyan res i: u i' r •> arrived Widimdai morning I.' boors after the plane plowed into a dune dur mg a sandstorm \i atat said till , Oi kpi t i revv ill! 1 aptain . t;o-pi lot and flight engineer in.I in the i ra-.ii . Hiding I tfie Nigerian reg 1 si i'i i d S, i v : et fin i! 1 \N .Mi Old five others aboard were hurt A : tal o| 1 pi pie were afniard Initial reports had up to Hi ahi iard In Tunis. Tunisia VV here the Palestine Liberation Organi/a tiun has its headi|uarters Ara fat adviser Iiiissam Abu Sharif said Arafat bus several mild bruises I 'here A also a i til near ihi! right t'vr. uiul another on the head On Thursday night, Arafat was said (u be at a guest house in Tripoli Journalists who went there wen turned away Libyan leader Oad hall visited Arafat'on Weiines da v n igli I a I a hospital In Misrat.ih. east ol Tripoli hi a leleph. me ildei v n w w ith file \ssi n laied :■ '■■■ m Nil o si.i l Aprils. Abu Shaid said Ar afat was advised to rest and lake i! i ms v lor a few fa Vs He aid Arafat would return to !u nis "soon and thru dei ide on a new date for the 1*1 O s (fen tral ( anini il session I he < mint >1 is an till meinlx-i polu v making Urdy that hi Is as a liaison between the I’l l) s rul ing Ksei utive (aimmittee and .1 lM) seat parliaiiHint. the bales tine National (fount ll \bdel Hamid as SaVufl. the parliament chairman who pre • ides 1IV er I eilir.ll ( 'mini ll ses sums rei essed the meeting i Imrsdav "until further notice" alter briefing ineitibers on Ara Sal % ai i ident, I’Ll) otlii nils told reporters in Tunis Arafat Was expis led In come under pressure to suspend I’al es! mi an |>arl ii i pal ion in I he 0 S sponsored Aral) Israeli pea; e talks Tw entv nine mem tiers have signed a petition i all mg tor a boycott ol the nest ri .ml o| pea: e talks in Wash mgton on April 27 unless the I’! f I is giveii a prominent i ole WOLFF MSID1 10 Tanning Sessions $19.95 M4V U Si U \ II t < * 144 2691 1666 Franklin ilm Mri k at I hr Mi kcnzir \ J>i* KAVl artJ nK« Vfwn A •{*<* iJ AntmaloJ vi I 1 > *ji • U J mml ui ©. AKHA i«" hnlluttf Japanese animation ■>{ mufj' cd youth gurm w.<; trt jhim .«;■••* j,v; 1»Ayo In Fr^jlnh. Fn H 4S Sat: 4 4*>. 8 4S Sun 4 4^ Heavy Metal Wonderful a(utiiJtu*n tr -m all ovrt ifr \fc• *tkl, in »t<*rw* from tlir* pn»uL«f illustrated mafartne. Rated R. Fn: 7,1 Ipm Sat: ',7,llptnSun 'pm S TV l ar I > a -T - - *i J' ».;-**• ' «**»■» -T <■ • • J» I • '« t > *• ‘ J . . air (tr !’*•»! at it* M. fclrtuw MciKenae Theatre 630 Mun Si. ''pnngtiaii 74 7-H MU THE EAGLE BIRD MAPPING A NEW WEST 13th * Kincaid 346-4331 M-Sat HAKPBAl k $20.00' I riday, April 10, 12:30-1:30 Charles 1. Wilkinson, UUM i.T«sl thi lull n's ('nvmmrnt publn Kin.)' t. > w ill tv Mining > nt tus mwly put’listnsl l'«'k Ha LiX'-C L'L’tL 'thuvi’U d \V.\ IN -t in . >nr (' lkx>ks IS |Mrtnn nt 11<- is ciirrvnth •1"' N1. ■ I .isky Protrssnr of I i\\ at th«- University of Colorado and spev ialt/t*s in public land, Indian, water *jnvin>fifTu*nta! and . .institutional law, history ami [h»1uv Mr Wilkinson be^an ins Itching larn-r at the l Diversity t >t (>r«^< ai S. bool * >f l avv anti Is* the author of numerous Ikk)K.s inn. ermng Indians an i natural resource policy and law in tin* Aiiutu ait West ( harles Wilkinson lives in Boulder, | C i ■!. ra. i. i with his wif** and h ur sons 'LbcldikJklA >* •> .Iiu! fUnant (‘ortrJit . VVfst, t• t tt\*- div«*rst mU'ivsts and constituent n*s define it and tin v riK issues confrt»ntmg it C ii.irlf .issrssfs tin- Kittles fought over tiu* region's rrsouri« tii** conflict between 11 mservatinntsts and develop bi.u k and white matter, now enmeshes tourists and ■ t tiu* N» w s*H*king u ■ > Wilkins**ii *s and iu>w* i*rs, once a siM >rtsm**n, ».* Ai**-■ N - . A M * At Ual municipalities .ml publu utilities IhcluUv LaJ articulates an ethic of pl.i. •• with the passion and immediacy ‘>f a manite .ti■ “lllC LllXlf lllld • * the I’f'-l ha mlbook that I know for anyone who wants to know the history of the West amt the I’rohal'le future of the Ursf. I harles Wilkinson knows more than anyone about I a rut law, u liter Into amt all the latvs that affect Satire Americans in the I’ublu Inruts of the ‘states Knowmi’ so muih, amt heinjf so reasonable, he almost f’ersuiules me that the V\>»( has a hoyeful future I irouhl love to believe him In fai t, I think I ilo i\ allai e Sterner LONDON (Al’l I’rimi? Min s:i-r |nhn m a mi i , \\ h o