Speakers address racism experiences By Fivers Janssen A University law student chilled I hi* cmwii wtth.ii per sonaI story of racism Thursday, setting the tone for .1 weekend of diversity-aimed let turns .it the law school |ane Suskin. .1 sc. and year law student, told about her ex portent es five years ago living near Grants Pass with a friend Her friend's son. a live year-old African-American was fol lowed bv several Ku K lux Is Ian members on fits was home from st hoof In full regalia, they.'told the tats to lease town immediately "She if nl n t feel" I ike she could go to the .liithot ities Suskin remembered. diet au.se the klan were the.authorities As a result, she and her son. had to leave Suskitl svas one of five speak ers at the SIMt' rally, t o spun soretf hs the law s< liooi The rally opened the "(ielefir.it mg Human Diversity conference that ssill run through Saturday Dave I'rohnmastr dean id the law school, shared his per sonal experiences vs ith diM rim ination A a high school stu dent in southern Oregon, he was shocked to discover the mayor and leading 1 atizens of his tosvn were all klan mem hers He said it awakened him to the frightening reality of rat - ism and the growing need for diversity in Oregon We are only a generation awav, or perhaps a day away from discrimination against our brothers and sisters." Frohn mayer said Diversity hv my definition is having an identity within a community In the law school, we must !»■ a part of licit identity, otherwise we anti our sot lety will revert to a kind of tribalism Donna Alhrn director ol \! firm.1Sjs«’ Action at lane (inn nuintty f'<>Iif'yt• saiii true diver sity ran happen only i! people rerogrvtzr their similari11es rather than different es ' U e • ■ • i tu r> i 1 We are a' human la mgs Albro said Who VS e ,i'e, :•;!■ .’--spelt to the past, the pri ser.! and the future We need to realize that vs hat happens in \ frit a hap pens here What happens in Antarctica happens lien Ail our destinies are linked in terms of existing as human !»■ 'frigs The linkages between us are stronger than the.'■ differ (li.lrenie Spigner and Domi nit k Vein also expressed frus (ration at tile '-bigotrv" and hu s ot diversity tiles see on campus and in the state Vetri ru-i hair of President Brand s Task Pori e on Lesbian. Cas and Bisexual ( unierns. said tile diversity < onfereni e tells ^ass and lesbians and pro pie of color that the University values their present e fie criticized tile Oregon ( ill /ens \llninte, repeatedly call ing them (tops ( rat kpots Again, and expressed liope that people vs til recognize the roots of bigotry Suskin sani she was con cerrtfid about who vs isn't repre sented at the University a tiieme reiterated by most of tile speakers She urged people to observe the world outside of tile University and not to be iieve everything tile University tells them People have to turn off the PV. to not trust tile newspa purs. she said We have !o see fur ourselves what s hup pernng on the street We need to look around tor the issues tiiat am. t talked about “The Best Health Care For Women Should Promote Two Things: Confidence. And Confidentiality." Confidence. It’s what you take with you when you leave the Feminist Women's Health Center. 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