Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    EMU budget remains unsettled
By Daraiyn Trappe
• '•'‘•nt'O As see ate. • .1
The Incidental Tee Committee allocated
y.i budgets to five student groups this week
and tabled until next week the two biggest budg
ets they considered
The KMC budget, which has been a source of
conflict between the IAH Board o( Directors and
I!■(' members, was: initially tabled trom Tuesday
to Wednesday be: . fuse of some unclear wording
in a budget note and mistakes in some of the fig
Those were not ironed out to the satisfaction of
the majority ol the ILL members in Wednesday v
meeting, and the budget was again tabled until
next Tuesday
Legal Services also had l!s budget tabled late
Wednesday night when the four ll'C. memiiers
present Anne T'eig Lvciru Lerma Sura Dodge
and Sue Dockstader found themselves at an
impasse over the- 7 7 percent increase the AStT)
re< ommended
Dodge and Te.ig voted in tavor of tin- int reuse,
but Lerma and Doc kstader opposed u
The five groups that had budgets approved all
got decreases
At'Wednesday s meeting. AVLM' tin student
publication of the architecture and allied arts
school, requested an increase from its current
budget of S.t.-l iJ to better cover art supplies and
printing But the il ( voted M to allocate $ t iS-l.
reflec ting decreases in arl supplies, telephone
costs and postage
Lerma voted against tile allocation because she
thought it was not enough of a dec reuse
The Minority Law Students Association re
( rived St.-titi for next year, a 17 percent dec reuse
from this year's S1 .til’H
MLSA members requested an inc reuse to help
M#n ti4p«
$i./w siMs a3
3 43? 3 3S4 ? 3
HM 'Man r.*** sag
4 OS* 3 4 s
Dane* Oregon
! over the . •• •!•■ ni MinorlK Law 1 . in <innu.ii
cvt'iil ili.it takes ;> 1 i; .1! ' ’ii' ni tiir three -r.if*• : iw
schools ryriA year Next Vr.ir, the event w:|t! !.1 k.<•
place .ii the 1 imiTMtv
i hi li ( Voted n favor 'of tin i.\ :>■ isr howev
er.-representing ,1 lowered amount in :hr speakers
fit's lino items
i).m< r Oregon rripii slinl .in increase, for oos
tumi* I'vpcivsrs t)U.t received .III allocation ul
S3.H7J, liovvn fri.in tins year's MUM. budget [)e
1 rouses were made in tile film, advertising .uni
audio-visual setup line Horn
Also .it VVei!fie-<!.i\ s n.eetiiii; ():.-i.'iin V n/fere
oeived .1 S 1 f>0 spe. ,.il revpie-.! I.. i.iver printing
(osts for the filial issue of tile vear
At ! tiesii.n s meeting Men Against Rape was
unanimously allocated Si.lifts, down from tins
year's S''el M inor dit reuses were made in so
eral administrative one items when ASt’O hi
name (.0 i oordmator Durrvl Luther nnted ifi.it
not all o! the monev allor sited in timse line items
w as spent last year
The Sisier university Project was unanimously
allot.aled S~' 118 down from this year's budget
Luts were made in administrative line items
Luau offers tropical delights
Hawaii Club members are
offering a respite from the
cold and rain lingerie has been
hit with this week by bringing
a bit of their homeland to the
The annual luau takes
plains this Sunday in the
EMU Ballroom Two shows,
at .1.10 and f> 30. will he pre
sented. Tickets are SH for the
first show and SI 3 for the sec
ond and will be available at
the door.
Dinner at the second is all
you-can -eat
Marcia Oshiro, co chair
woman of the Hawaii Club,
said both shows will start ol!
with a traditional dinner. In
cluding |K)i. roast pig, coconut
pudding and guava take and
will be followed by a tradi
tional Hawaiian dance, the
first of several dam es.
Others include dunces from
Micronesia. Tahiti and New
Zealand .is well as a modern
Hawaiian dance Slide shows
and comedy routines will also
he a <>iirt of Ixith shows
U s >i chariot for us to bring
u little part of Hawaii to f>r«»
goil and give thf people horu
a little fill of the culture."
Oshiro said
'Hus is die seventeenth an
nual hum in the Ballroom, but
the event lias I lee 11 staged fur
much longer than that, Oshiro
said It was held at the Lane
County Fairgrounds before
moving to the l Jntvursity
Oshiro said the shows usu
ally sell out
Continued from F’age 1
Tho stilt*! money wimt primarily to building ole
vators in Dandy. Villarti and Chapman halls
"Johnson Hall is tin- lust one and tin' biggest
problem," Wentworth said.
Tho tiered, "wedding cake"dosign of Johnson
Hall makes wheelchair access logisticully comp 11
i.uted and expensive, Wentworth said
Wentworth said Johnson Hall is also on the his
torn: register, meaning any renovations would
have to lie made with the building s historic in
tegrity in mind - and in budget.
"It's not that the University doesn't want to
make Johnson Hall accessible," Wentworth said
"It's a matter of money, it's a matter of time, and
it's a matter of planning."
The major law governing campus wheelchair
accessibility is the Vocational Rehabilitation Act,
which requires that students i>e ensured access to
classes and programs However. Hilary denies, a
counselor for students with disabilities, said this
does not necessarily mean all buildings have to
be accessible.
Bofore those buildings were made wheelchair
accessible, denies said, classes and programs
were moved to accommodate students wanting to
The same is now true of Johnson Hull, she said
People with disabilities prohibiting them from
navigating the building can meet with Johnson
Hall staff. Including University President Myles
Brand, elsewhere on campus
However, this does not minimize the need for
accessibility to Johnson Hall, denies said
"We are doing tho best we can with what we
have, she said
ASt'O Affirmative Action coordinator Hobby
Lee in dissatisfies! with till' best we < <|M and
won t fie satisfied until tiic last building on earn
pus is made at i essible
"The spirit of our fund raiser is to sav all build
mgs. whether exe< utive or classroom should he
att essible.” Lee said
In 1 'Wit.. the ASUO used surplus funds to do
nate a ramp making knight Library's front en
trant e wheelchair at t essible
It was tfus gift of at t ess that inspired Lee to ini
tiate the longterm fund raising effort to make
Johnson Hall wheelchair accessible
The University of Oregon Access (Committee is
sponsoring tonight s event U () A ( is a coalition of
student groups int luding the ASt 'O, Student Sen
ate, Alpha I’fil Omega, a community service or
gam/ation, Student University Relations Council
and Students for Lcjual Act ess
The University president's offic e provided tile
money to bring Ooldthwait to lingerie Lee said
Ooldthwai! lowered his lee Iki ause the motley
raised is going toward a good i ause
By holding yearly fund-raisers, such as (.old
Ihwait's act. UOAC hopes not only to raise mon
ey. hut to raise awareness about issues facing stu
dents witii disabilities
"Besides (being a) money issue, Ibis is also an
educational campaign to bring forth an issue
that has been ignored ever since tins University
was first built. Lee said
"Because of this event, people are saying they
didn't even know Johnson Hall wasn't acr essi
ble," he said
(ioldlhwait will perform tonight at H p m at
South liugene High Schixil
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