EDITORIAL Ashe becomes yet another AIDS patient Is tho stigma gone yet? Has some mythical quota of "straight" people lw*en reached, whereupon narrow minded bigots truly understand what AIDS is? On Wednesday, tennis star Arthur Ashe an nounced he has known of having the HIV virus since 1988 Ashe apparently contracted the virus from a blood transfusion during an open-heart operation in 1983 before there was an accurate screening test for blood donors. Ashe is neither homosexual nor an intravenous drug user. He does not fall in any of the so-called "high risk" categories for contracting AIDS He is another vie tim of ignorance; not his ignorant e. but society's. The myth of AIDS being a disease attacking a stig inatized few has been irrevocably shattered lobe sure, there are some who run a higher risk of contracting AIDS just us someone who stands in room full of pneumonia-patients stands a greater chance of las (lin ing so k Hut one can contract pneumonia or AIDS without putting themselves in that high risk catego ry. It is about time we till understand that AIDS is not selective It strikes with the randomness and intensity of a train wreck Another tragedy about Ashes case is the fact lie didn’t wish to disclose his _ illness. It wasn't until a USA Tod>n reporter, re sponding to .in anony mous tip. questioned Ashe th.it he decided to go pub lic. As i!) any similar cir ruinstance. there is usual 1 v a w ish to assign blame. Ashe's right to privacy was definitely violated, not so much by the news paper but by the voice on Ashe’s right to privacy was definitely violated, not so much by the newspaper but by the voice on the end of the telephone. the end of the telephone. Once the .story became known. USA today w.ls under the gun — to quell it or not Had they denuded to kill the stor\. there would have been equal critic ism. There are those who would also criticize Ashe for not coming forward sooner. That is warped logic. In l‘)H!t. AIDS had an even greater stigma than it does to day. besides his right to talk or ktvp quiet about what ever he wants, by coining forward Ashe would have subjected himself and his family to public spectac le He was right to think his mans accomplishments would have- suffered from ignorant speculation by small-minded people. Ashe has said he will work to promote AIDS awareness, for which he deserves applause He is mak ing the best of a situation into which he was forced Maybe through his courage, things can be accom plished. A true understanding of the disease And may be. just maybe, a government that will stop playing os trich and start doing something. Oregon Emerald P O BOX Ji$9 fcUGtNi ONlGON 9740) I ..Vugof' (a S I A >M > MiVaJuy through f '*l*y Ju' vj tha fcChOCM yt*r A’KJ !.*i*,«fety .» ») PiwrvAdy i!w'«^g :'h* «. ■”■•*■■*> &y !^*» C>«^v l*ar*y I mere*! Put>nh*ng Co I'K A! !h*» l>v-,a?viy 0* Ouyun i Oi«gv>r' Ihe l -^a*) i*** »»’•*. ’> oI th* l>vvw^% *> *>'th oM*. a.” Jv..;'# X>G 0> ( >:> M**- u»',* » «i »% a -’w'-:««»•' o< ■•■•« Aa*-> wii«*i I’ «\ Pm* f * {v va'tt P'i>iJ«'Ty The aw a/A-“yn Pappu Cf''><% fkx,na»" Don i*w Marnty Ra x .m Oavd CNarOonm**. JAoOy Hva'-i ja^wo i'Vof' t ► 'vg k l .*:m% l tope N**»t von. Coew’ Pon *g Copy f ditora l’.r' ( ••*»' hire t i •»! P*v Havorvor S-Nn^'j M*h«, Kathy S/wvdt Photographara .k> NuwnMt'' Mk • *ua Sh--'*Ja* Advartiamg J*m » >y 0* a I uv« I a Dr»v*1 Gau '*■ Jo •**.' rv* x■•>* B'' »,« K »x.m Txjr’ t iMx *• Hamlon R«y C *!-her « Huy® Duafen Si ah* V * » T ot>*~ Sharon V«u Claaatfied i'oggy M . Marviga* A a - She.«a l oren/o Boamaaa KaJ* y v ,rt)o « Swcawvaor Judy ■••■o*’y Production gnd W* ’« i oprtlB^cV SAf»h C ». [W M. 1 ot>6 S.’acy M' hA M.r Mu - W fkva>i .ju ■«»• A «i capfwvv .Jm-'l-«»- V an Todd W Ganarai Man agar Judy Mx*J Advama.ng Director H , i M . Production Managar M '•« itoa* Nawaroom 3MA-SS1I Diapiay Advarliaang 146 3712 Buamaaa Oftica 346 1M2 Cia»»rt*ad Advartiamg 146-4343 2 Omgon Djriy EmorM Fnday Api hero This is hardly the Image ol homosexuals the OCA would want anyone to think too much about l lies might, however, let it he said that Turing killed himself because he could not live anymore with his wrong’ and abnormal tendencies I'he (X A would much rather base everyone; believe that such people have nothing wot tbs to i ontrihute to sot iety any was exi ept for Its undoing, so it is probably lor the better that he ended Ills life to provide us all with an objec t lesson m the hazards ol inappropriate be haviors With all due respect and grat itude lor brand's efforts regard ing Measure V Issues of e a part of the university system because of something as ignoble as the OCA’s ballot ini native It is horrifying to think about the reluctance of many influential people in preWorld War II Cerrnany who felt it was improper to i omment in favor or against what was happening there when they had the chance to lake a leadership role and do something about it. Kon Schllttler is a journul ism/siudolagy student ill the University and is a member ol the Lesbian, (lay and Bisexual Alliance COMMENTARY POLICY Commentaries should be between 750 and 1,000 words, legible and signed, and the identification of the writer must be verified upon submission. The Emerald reserves the right to edit for grammar, style and length if necessary.