Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1992, Page 16, Image 15

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    Noriega convicted on major charges in historic trial
MIAMI (A!’) Manual Noringa
ihc <fu lalor who ilrflcrl a super
power. was nmvti I is I of night of 10
dnm and rite k ntner mg rhargns
Thurfuiuy. two M ars afo r the long
arm of Amnrh a pluc kotl him from
I’nrum.i tn a Moodv luv.tsion
The (Misled I'nnnmanian leader's ( onvif lion ini luded
I Ik? key i ounls of r.ic keleerln^ .ind f.n keleii'rln# i onsplr
,t( y | he ejj>hl ( (Minis (.irrv .1 possible maximum sell
lend' of 120 yours Seldom mg was sol for July 10
I S Attorney hones M. Ad.inis sold ,is soon .is
Nurimfa is seiileld ed. In' will lie taken to Tionp.i for 11
trilli on marijuana smuggling ( harpc. If minuted in
thill ( .ISO, he c.nuld lie senlein e(i Id ISears til prison
The defense s.ud II would uppf-il tin verdit 1
(’resident Hush ( ailed the ( onvit lion "a major vtc I"
rv against I he drug lords
"I hope it sends m lesson to drug lords here and
around the vs,.rid tiles will pus a pm e if they eonlinue
to poison tie lives of out kids m Ibis , ounlry or am
w here else. Hush said
The Inal mark, d th, firsl lime lie
Stales in
v,nii ii .1 sovereign country and brought bat k its lead**
for .icnmiri.il trui! On I)e< 20, VWto, ili<- t nited Stales
invaiieil Ibin.in .i 1 S fort es tnu ked \< nt-ga U; a \ alt
tan mission in Panama < its, surrounded it and blasted
hut. with rot k music until he surrendered
IJrfense attorney I rank Kubmo was bitter, anti said
the appeal would tie based on issues including
Noriega's prisoner or war status and the invasion
I his. in our opinion, is the modem day version of
the Crusades that the I'mtetJ Stales will now trample
across the entire World, imposing its will upon so
called independent, sovereign nations Huhino said
Cnle-.s the*', foreign governments are willing to kneel
out. a day anti fate Washington and give grate to
(,enrge flush, thev. loci, nun he in the same posture as
General Noriega
Noriega was at quitted of toia.-t.e distrihutn r, and
t onspinit v to import tot nine
The I S fhstrict Gourt trial lasted sevc'tl months
during vvtiit.ii tin government painstakingly built its
i as. against a head of stale il t ailed a small man in a
■gent-nil's uniform who 'was pis'! another crooked
The defense maintained Noriega was a victim of 1 s
politic v saving tin case smt'llcd all the wav to Wash
iisgion The attorneys portrayed the government's wit
nesses confessed drug traffu kers m mam cases as
uns< rupulous thugs looking only for a "get-oul-of-jull
free i art!
Much of the defense case lav in poking holes m the
sometimes hit (insistent testimony of prosecution v\i!
Desses Defense lawyers also showed how few wit
nesses ever dealt diret 11y with Noriega..and how many
of those based their testimony on a single, whispered
i m hange at a party or ret eption
Also the defense enlisted the unwitting help of the
< IA and t fit’ Drug b.nforcement Administration to t as!
doubt on the prosecution's version of events
Summaries of secret CIA catiles tucked Noriega's at
i mail of the Darien lab int ident The cables said Melt),
rml Noriega, kept the S t million
And former Di.A t hud brant cs Mullen, who he.lift'd
(lie-.agent v throughout most of the period covered try
Noriega's indictment, said he fe ver saw anv, credible
ev ident e connecting the I’.tnnmani.m leader to drug
t rat lit king
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