Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1992, Page 12, Image 11

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    ■ SPORTS
Monson not the only one to leave men’s team
jin the shuffle, two assistant coaches
will not have contracts renewed, must
seek positions elsewhere
By Jayson Jacoby
U'iii'ii Onyuii uthlrtii dim lor Hill livrne intruiiuini
Jerrv i.r«*<■ 11 us Origin s nev> mi n i. iskrib.ill > u.i< h
Mil ft h II, most 11! 1 hr ,illi!nlinn nut gum In On • n •' ■■
on it,.- m,in in replaced. nine v< nr hr.nl iu.kIi Don
Mon Mm
Srrmtnglv forgotten 111 the shuffle were the Ducks
!wo full Imir ussiMunls. Km Sniilh .1 in I Mike I’rtrrsrn.
both three yriir veterans of Oregon huskrtbuil
Allhnugh ihrir c nntrucls run out ,i! ihr mil of Junr.
both Sniilh iind I’rtrrsrn have ,n n■ jitini tin l unc hing
( hitngr ,is purl ol III! jnh .iml ,irr .ii Iim U mti mg cm
plovnirnt elsewhere
(,ru'ii K.iui in M.iri h lli.il In would hr talking with
Smith unit I’rlrrM-n uhout possibly reluming thmn. lint
nothing came mil ol those inrrt iny;■> Orrgon s new
i (mi h tins already hlrrci t.ong ilr.u ii Stale assistant tint'
ti\ Braswell-to Kugenr unit mi' ul (,frrn \ former ( ol
leagues ,i( Kansas has also hern mentioned .is u likriv
,iltii It II ui to till' St,ill
Sii11111. 17, h.id stints us ,in .!■-si-.:.ml ut \\ uslungton.
Ntiuit.iii.i Stulr unit Sun I tutu .si o lalmr i utiimg In On
gon thill vr.il- UgO ill H.i. • ir.OU lieud coat ii u! t .S'
(.ullfnrniii high si iionls uiul inir i mnmunltv ( olIrgr
Sniilh sutii hr spent lust week ut tin- final hour m
Minnrupohs testing the wutrrs lor mui lung openings
I looked ut the In ,nl i nui lung ;"!> ut \nrthern ( i
ratio .iml v\ us interviews H for th.it pn- .l mu Smitt.
Assistant basketball coach Mike Petersen s fob status
changed with the tiring ot Don Monson and hiring ot a
new coach Petersen is now seeking employment elsr
said l! .1 mailer of who ihrwv in'.crrsU-if .1! !h.
jiiniit You hope that tl i v' r» ;■ i 1 " '• ■
Oregon \\ .ts iipj-Ut1* iu’fij
Smith who w.i*. 1 li“, to ■:tn : 11 t. 1'
Du 11(1 is
..is! ..A ;< .1 s-1r.1 program hr has hr.pni
m■ i iiffii s.il pur! ofihr coaching change
I i;,,i s whi ri iliis {jr11i. ssion bit iuni's so tough,
■: .. ... : *.• thr kids that arc on our basketball
. .. v. ! \s,oit to leave a job when what you've
, ■ ; • i isi'ii , -implrtrd I d like to tie around
• s , , ,dri; tils 11r Iordan and all the Irrshmen
:. . , 1 t is v er s d iffi( ult
t; a .mg to sav goodbye and move on hut I II al
vs , , • r:,i av i . : i : them. he said
i11■ i, ■. . || h id extensive college c oaching ex
j.,.|,, , j.r,i ; pinny the Oregon stall three sears
, -,s . iss-.stant men’s coach a! Northwest
;. t , ... v. m lingerie. .is vs el I as serving for two
1 win Heins, the (Jrogon vs n
en s head t (KI< h
I1, si'ii ii . ie tin' trip to the Final lour as well
sr >.en; a, , n! , ! vs it: several people about assis
■ .ohs a! Division I schools. Petersen said
A , vs . . ,ist have it; sit hark and wait to see what
. (,i i t some people alxiut some Division
; vs ■, la id a; hmg |oiis 1 reellv enjoyed ■coach
vs :: • nd'' rig a head coach, hot I Haven't det id
.-.i v ' i m ti. return to coaching women or stas
with the men's side
!■:. : ' Si: at: ! Petersen said tiles are looking at all
■ if y ,rj ih■ ■ profession s'c don't sscint to put
ans met m vs here sou want to go or w here you want
live. Nm.!!. .ud You just want to look for a quality
program with quality people "
: ',<■ would like In stay in the West if pos
: "|n.i ... : n I -, vi can't make that ( imice
rvt \ <*ood J°b
When you get ready
to apply lor that great job,
your resume will he put at the top of the pile
if it looks something like this....
• 2 Sophnmun
• I (iraduate Mmlt nl
• I I earhmg 1 ;nnit>
or ( M ltet i of
l acnltv
1 ( lassiiicd Stall
Scrviii Pitsonnt I
l Student-at-1.arge
\\ h\
1 )oll't You
Nun tin the
uill lx' taken
at the l ()
Individuals ma>
nominate tin mselves.
I ih*m1;iv, \pril 14th, 3:30 pm
W .iliuil Room oft he 1 Ml
• \iTmv from the l s> l’t*st OlYiee
By jjko fk*rq
A ti'ntativr I'illrn-s list lor ihr
w - - s tea ;
• We in .-.'Sir banged
i. j ■ : 11 a i *. k. i. r fur
w ard !u (umtng to Lugeno
The (ciphers will fa- in l.u
gem Saturday along with
U , gt. !i Si .ill- ! r .■ US'.
;i three w.iv meet with Ore
v a ,i! M avw.ifif I1 ;*■ iii but dun l
.•> . ■ In- k • ii u.u\
hosts !o wither
( )r; tiegaii its storing sea
viivi'” i! r - ad war
-irt IH w
U • : ' ' K ■- ( ggest
v a : .f\ i iv • • f a I'ai ifu 10 ( oh
1 ri 1 j ' 1 -'it in tour years
a;. 1 ! ’ h 1 s t points Itley fuiV e
ever i fiui against .< league
i .: (. is , s t < iimputed real
hard. Oregon coach lorn
1 ' i ' : ,■>. | j
Th ■:r effort w.is past hard
,. •. w ii: ; a uf the 1 ti
• ■.. : :s jrjii to set personal re
> . w■■ . ; windv
;av i! was harifiv iondut ive
; a ■! l he Was must
, a . 1 and impressed by
\V a rr i 100 inf ter
h;s teams sweep Hi the
u ! .• . t . iimsii in tin1 400
V. it, ran a personal record
w in the 100 w hen
Hi . .. :a h pri i'i ted that the
H,.. S . w flu ii.iii tile lies!
Oregon began its
scoring season last
weekend as road
warrior with a huge
98-38 win at
!imi's in !hit fv«!nI
w . i lake list- Slip two places
In the BOO where the Ducks
;r . ering tram a rush of
es. Oregon swept the top
!• and the Dut ks Jen
Nettling and Sandv
i .• h were Sirs! and second
-)l)0 tiuniles with person
.1S :ef .ails
. lie \ all real I v surprised
re.' Heinonen said
: vents that may not surprise
anyone this weekend at the
Hayward thre<- way are !he
long lump, shot put and tiisc us
Heinonel. expet Is these events
to ,de Huge lie tans with the
most competition
i !. 1 ■ ng |utnp W ill fe.lturt:
Oregon's Laurel Kota rls and
W ishington Mate s Sheren Li
and rh.mtal Brunner, all of
whom have cleared inure than
to tret this season
In the shot put and disi us.
Oregon's Julie Beck will face
stilt i competition from Washing
ton Slate s KnsU Andrews The
Tjrn to TRACK Page 13
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Track teams gear up
to compete Saturday