Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1992, Page 11, Image 10

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Continued from Page 6
that would filter traffic down Agate Street ire- causing nervousness
in the University community
We live on Agate and we re quite terrified u! the prospect o(
any kind of opening in the area. Strain said
University planner Diane Wiley, who sits on the !• • rrv' Sttivt
Bridge r.itl/en Advisors (iimnii'tn said Increasing traffic along
Agate Street t ould have a very detrimental inipac 1
Making a new thoroughfare through . empus is n : desirable.
Wiley said
But Wiley s,i ! the l nlversitv is tu>t taking a p -. >n; on mv spe
cific alternativ e it this stage of the prpt ess
Any ilectsi n on the alternatives is several vus away The city
is now in. '!v *-s of reviewing each altern,it > v * in a Draft Knvi
runmental lie;:... : statement -The statement is s: heduled lor i dm
p let ion In Mas
The DK1S vs ill i • ter th<- puhln hearing proces-, this tal. il the
city council appro.* s a ( onstric. tton alternative .ill reports will be
compiled into a final environmental tmpm l Statement
At that si o'* led-' rai funding will lx> released lor the proiec (
Duke Sa d S. 1 * , in federal funds have already Been ear
marked tor the pn • 't-hrough a Itsieral-transportation a; t adapted
las! v ear
The i itv vs ; i i a is. ass tor St Al millioti from the Lane flountv roud
fund State and . ms vs a' I ad -i . needed to complete the
pro left ('.bnstrii ' , n s*u:ot exp' • ted to begin lilt 11 1 ‘i‘M>
"This whole thing .-could be built in phases .\er many ■-years.
Duke said Thai appro,u li would mirror tie gradual' evolution of
the Ferry Street traffic corridor
Less than 30 sears ago. the area north of the nye: was largely un .
developed farm land
Changes began in the mid dif.Os u ;th the (obstruction id the
Oak wav Mali and 1-105 What vs as mine a quiet i onr'vtrv r ad inter
sis turn bei ame a traffic nightmare
It s basil ally a country road system. Duke said ! here s :■
quick and easy !iv oui there l i, whole thing is one giant intersei
Rapid residential growth in ■ Willaken/ie and North Oatessav
areas aggravated the problem i t. population of tile area is evpei !
ed to double in the next ltd years
In response to potential traffic proldems. the city completed a
city-wide transportation study in , mt> based on (oinputer general
ed models The final report, (ailed Transl’lati. recommended hun
dreds of improvements to the ; itv s transportation system, includ
mg improvements to the ferry ‘street Bridge
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New l **!.bian and Gav Scholarship
>omr /V i>po sa / s for thr study of Cay ( utturr in l *2 tin Amerua
I'uMk Inlurr bv W I («4rr • \ H) p n> 1 Hit F11
{>l h -miriiM*: «{<rH Anrr»*i r .,» *i ! ! *» wt pt.jfnwhcO *i,<i L Ot i
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Race arul l.emier ( atryorirs in (.uy *Jnil l esbian >tuihe
Public l eetunr by Yvonne Brjarano. • ** W *MK) p m 1H l iwitiui
i Jr Hr*ai*ru> t nrkU in. (tut* LruUan {•rrrmniai hrrK-mw/ .r Iemmi*l an.l C'ft'i- *1
!)*( -ry ( f * tiki 1 jfcn luxe i 1 1 A»'r l/rin«»
Overcoming ( msorshtp and Oppression: Legal C ultural,
Creative Actions
Panel wrtli David W. fouler Yvonne Yarbro-Bejarun<», end Marv Dunlap
l» laOO pm 100 Willame«le
V«u»! hour r* h.«v<« >1 HIV AllJS uuiur..* an.i edv»afK*i .or*
Touards a Ikfimtion of Cay and I esbxan Literature in l attn Amema
Seminar1 Wor4*h«>p wrth David W. fmln. • W)0 - 10:30 a m 10* Fnendly
Cay ami l eslnan Rights in the \tneties.
Public lecture b> Mary Dunlap • 11:00 - 12;30 p.m 12* law School
Dt Cha :«p 'r*ne* write* atout gay. k*b*ar» c:»U right* I'ntlJ recently rfur >**» u
prrvale law p>«*tj»e * ifh ff^'l »*a . ai nvtl ruy;t '* lifiga**«rt
Organ»ml by the President * Imk Fvwxr on lesbian arul (av ( ri‘- rfnv 'he
Roman* r 1 anguagra Department. and thr law s, h *4
C oaponaorvd by Lr»b:an. (a»y, and Buwiual AJUanoe. Orrg->n Mumaiutn-* (. enter
Movimn-nt.’ iaiutliar.fi; C hit'ano d# A/tLan. < enter for thr Study • *» VV cnrn in
Society. and thr ( ompuratm* Uterature Program
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They’re Taking Appointments for
Some Woman-to-Woman Talk.
Meet Laurie Freier, physician's assistant, and Judie Hamilton, certified nur se
midwife (CNM) Both know what's on a woman's mind, know her concerns,
understand her fears They're easy to talk to easy to be frank with
As a physician's assistant. Laurie does routine gynecological exams and offers
counseling m PMS. contraceptives, and sexually transmitted diseases Stic s especially
good with teenagers needing their fust exams
As a certified nurse midwife, Judie offers an alternative approach tea prepat m;
for childbirth She consults with expectant parents from their very first office visit
through the delivery, and afterwards
Most importantly, like the doctors they work with, both Laurie and Judie are
committed to giving women the information they need to make sound decisions
about their health care
Skilled doctors A caring environment And now. Laurie and Judie Good
reasons for making your next appointment at the Clinic for Women
175 West B Street
Suite I
Springfield, Oregon 97477
Clinic for Women
1200 Hilyard Street
Suite S-200
Eugene. Oregon 97401
Richard Beyerietn, M.D and David Powell. M.D.
Oregon Daily EmCTald 346'37 1 2