Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Lecture format endorsed
as valuable learning tool
j Instructors are taking
steps to encourage better
attendance at lectures
By Lisa Miliegan
( - eraid Msec t d«tor , _
Although close to '.on students are eii
rolled in freshman I.vnette Young s geo!
ogv class, only about 40 purr entusually
attend the lectures
A large nliinU r of the students that do
tome spend more time dozing oil or
writing letters than taking notes Young
rarely sits in the hat k of the c lass he
I alisc the noise of students talking some
times gets so loud that thi‘ professor's
voir e becomes inaudible
A similar situation exists in many of
the! diversity's 101) large let lure courses
held in rooms such as 1H0 I’l.t and 100
Willamette Attendant e is loss ,m<i main
students who ilu . hi..- In ( l.i-.s wonder
win iInn IkiiIh'i
Sonite professors vs odder i1 a I s* • ’ I ■ ■ r .<!
terniittve to targe lot tun; i lasses is to .-■!
put the let liirrs mi video anil Isold : iv
onh during test times
A! least oiir professor express, hilti :
ness .ilHi.it lei lute ( l.isses
I hate them I h.de them; I Is.ite them,
s.nd psyi hology i’rolessiir Robert U on
,U 'V.s vs, .is 1 it 11 1)! It lil r psvt hi n. 1 ; '
lessors who dei itleil to hall liiotiiotes i
note taking service Irom their i lasses
winter term to on mir.ip' student .dlen
But while attendarii e was l.i t r > v c. I
111 Ins p s VI h: . ..n .’ll.' ■ less U ••. t
he was still discouraged by student- low
interest tn the course material
turn to LECTURE I’ i )e 4
Professor dies of cancer
jLaw school and communi
ty lose highly regarded legal
By Carrie Dennett
i rr i-'.t : As*,; oto i ;M ■
The Inga I (’(immunity iosl a teacher
colleague ami friend when University
School ut Dm I'rofessor Frederic Mrrrill
died .il home Wednesday morning
Former law m hool dean Lugene Si olns
said Morrill was proliablv the inns! un
selfish person hr has know n Si olrs,
dean whim Mrrrill began teaching at Ihr
University in !'»:'(). called him an out
standing indiv ideal" who always had
time for Ins students and fellow lai ally
"Hr wasn't Ihr Iv pe of prrson lo lakr a
lot of time mil lor himself, but hr would
lie thrrr whenever Sou needed him
Si olrs said
Hr was very ill tive m whai we rail
outside education.' he said, working
with alumni. the community anil tin
An active speaker and scholar in 1 he
area of Oregon Ctvil I’rat In e. Merrill was
working on a control ted five volume
h.irdbai k series of hooks, with lie- 11: ;
volume due for publication In June
Si ole- said lhe amount of lime Mi ':
devoted to projects like these spoke to
his achievement more than his ipnet de
meanor might iridli ate -it first glam e
Merrill was a colleague III l inen! law
school l,)e,m Dave I-rulinmayet during
I rohnmayer s first tenure in the lUI'IK
Highly regarded as a teacher and
scholar, he exerted a very signiliiant m
fluence on Oregon law, Irohnmaver
said He pioneered major reforms ol
court procedures licit simplified and
made law more ai t essihle to the publu
Horn in 14 M Merrill ret eived a h.u he
lor of arts degree with honors in polite al
si II.-IH i- in 14 id and his law degree in
Turn to MERRILL Pago 10
Mow better blues
♦ ** ■ *■::> f:f V t’«4|
Ur w':, -.u.oent Brian Mi t V- - , n .vn ?'c (jf.iss outside el Friendly
H.t 7‘;ur::,j;iy mornirnj dun,; a downpour die Notion,r Weattu't
Service CON. ‘or a-1 ’ percent e1 :■ r of sfar.vcrs lixtii-, and 70 percent
chance on Saturday
Students will now be able to use the
EMU Computer Lounge for more hours
at a lower price, but hourly service there
has been eliminated
See COMPUTER, Page 4
The Oregon Athletic Department began
a program during winter term, called
“Follow the Ducks and Read," in an
effort to encourage young people to
read more.
See SPORTS, Page 13
Former Panamanian dictator Manuel
Noriega was convicted on eight of ten
drug and racketeering charges Thurs
day following a seven-month trial.
See NORIEGA, Page 16
Comedian’s show begins fund-raiser
j Proceeds from Goldthwait's
act will begin account to make
hall wheelchair accessible
Dy K.rsten Lucas
T" ty.nl R»(* or
'Hit' appearance tonight ol n.iliunn 11v
known comedian Hob (ioldthwait k.i ks off .1
longterm effort !o raise $500,000 !o make
Johnson Hall whi't'U hair accessible
Johnson flail, the administration building,
is tin' las! building on campus dial remains
mill cessiblc to wheelc bairs
In l'lfi'i. llir (iregon Slate Legislature .iu
thori/ed over a million dollars lo In- spool on
making university buildings accessible lo
Al that lime, a committee formed lo decide
where the money should fie directed 1 his
was accomplished by prioritizing buildings
at 1 ording lo student use
"Johnson Hall was not highest on the list
when the list was made," said University
Ombud Jane! Wentworth “Buildings that
were academic in nature were a! the top of the
Turn to COMEDIAN Page 3
COo'1**/ pi
Comedian Bob Goldthwail will
perform tonight at 8 p m at
South Eugene High School
Tickets for Bob
111 kels are si 111 i m s.ilr (or
rmncdi.ili Hob < toldthwail s H
p.m !■ rhi.i\ show. which h.is
tu rn moved from Mi Arthur
Court lo Souili hugcnc llinh
Sl.llliol Keserve MMl 111 kl’tS
.ire S10 for I 'diversity slu
(iciits .iml S1 ri (or the general
publu . .mil .ir«■ .iv.olatilc .il
the I.MI Main Desk and all
Cl Joe Th kctmusler millets
A S.! off loujion is In to
day s l.nuTiihl
Coldthwait is licsl known
for his iippearani i s in Itic I'o
lit r Auulrni) movies and his
standup comedy. ini lulling
a|i|iearan< es on l.tlr Nlfftil
with Ihnitl Li'tlrmmn and in
the ( limit Krlirt Unit! raisers
Most rei enllv. fie starred in
I tie feature film Shukrs ihr
Clown and appeared in tils
own HliO special, /s Hr Like
Hull All Ihr limr?