Grad student to make a run at Olympics jBob Stoltz will run the mar athon at the U.S. Olympic Tri als Saturday By Erick Studenicka tmorad Contributor University graduate student Bob Stolt/s life long dream of making the United Slates Olympic, team could soon become reality if he can finish in the top three at the t S Olympic Trials marathon Saturday m Co lumbus, Ohio The task will not he easy, however, as Stolt/ will he competing among 115 ot the nation's top marathoners for an Olympic berth Experts predic t that the top three times tor tile 2t> 2 mile rate will tie under 2 1 2 to, Stolt/ s ties! time to date is .' lit 5ti Right now 1 I eel I can run a 2 15 mar athon. so realistically. I'm not expected to tie among the top three Stolt/ said But if (lie weather Is had and slows the '.pat e. I might have a c bancoc>f being with the lead ers at the finish ' In order to qualify for the Olympic i rials, a runner must have posted a sub--’ -0 mat athon time in the previous year.Tieeti -i na tional road r.ic e champion, or lieeri a pre vious Olympian Stolt/ s cptalilving time c ante last December in the California Inter national Marathon in Sac ramenlo. ( alif Although Stoll/ would like to make the team this year, he doesn't sec- this race as a "do-or-die" situation for his Olympic ca reer "At age 27, I'm one of the youngest com petitors. so I'm looking at tins race as on op portunily lo gain some experienc e." Stolt/ saici "Most marathoners peak in their early thirties, so I'll have a better chance- cef mak mg the team in 1'4‘M> "Bui a top-20 finish is a realistic goal. I'd TEAM ‘*Nd*0 V • *■** S «' « University graduate student Bob Stolti is preparing to run the marathon at the Olym pic Trials Saturday in Columbus. Ohio be pretty satisfied with .my place within the top 20 " Stoit/ begun running in high m hrxil and continued on to I’urdue, whom hi' was .1 i russ country Ail Aini'rinin Alter his gtud Uiition 111 l'tltH. he jl.irked up Ills r.U illli! drove to Idigene. the distance runners "mis ca I didn't have a jot), I didn't have any contiir ts. 1 just moved out here, Slolt/ said "I liked Kugene's atmosphere and the lai t that distance runners are respected here i’ltiple are as enthusiastic here lor distant e running as they >»r*■ lor basketball in indi .1114 Stoll/ soon hooked up with . o.ii 11 Mike Manley .mil .in elite group of Ir.uning purl ners tti.iI included collegiate stars such .IS I),ill Nelson .mil (.reg Whltelv Sill I ess In r.u es Its) to support for Stoll/ from NikeOregon (Huh .mil 1’ Stoll/ remains husv these attending classes in tfie V1 II A program .mil working ■IS the youth (lire, tor .it .i local church Hun mug rem.ims ,i fugfi priority though, .is Stoll/ still finds time to run lietween uu ,md 1 (Ml miles .1 IV eek Several other prominent runners with Or egnn ties will also he lompetmg in l oluitl fills tills Weekend I .inner !),.,k sleepier (laser k. n Martin, the only A merit all to run a sill' 10 mar ithon since Pint. will he one ol the favor lies if fie is healthy Brad Hudson, the lor trier Oregon cross country star lias also tjualifled hut m|iiries have hampered Ills training and it is ipieslumatile it he will nil e Then, of . ourse, flier** is the living legend Alberto Salazar In tout. Sala/.ur ran a world record .1 Ott 1 I while still a 1 niyersily student He went on to make the Olvmpii team In 1WH4 lull suite then has been plagued with injuries and blood i hemislry problems The tun 4 Olympu marathon, w hen he tin ished 1 Sth. was Sala/ar s Iasi marathon However. Sala/ar now feels healthy and thinks he can run the 2 12 net essary to make the team Contrary to Stoll/, though, Sala/ar does fuel the OlyinpU Trials are a "door rile sil nation He recently said he will retire from the sport if he does not make the Olympic team d TENNIS Continued from Page 8 who is nursing an ailing twi k In othur at.lion, freshman Josh I’rager (ontrolled his No I singles mail h. winning l> 2, <> 2 Sophomore (dirtstian Oulke had even less trouble with his No 5 singles matih. winning .1 t>-2, ti-1 win Oelke found no need to shill TERIYAKI ALLEY CURRY DISHES._lgA50 sm.2.50 BEBiM RICE_5.50 CHCKEN BREAST STEAK_150 YAKJSOBA sm.2.50 TERI BEEF_3.50 ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN 1306 HILYARD • 345-9555 gears fur doubles uither. ax he te.imed up with hirner for .1 l)-0. (1 ■ 2 rout in the No t mutch The No doubles of Nick. Smith u nd K v u ri .Muruxigan t losed out the muU ii with .it/ 1 1)0 win Next for the Ducks, 10 10 on the yeur. .ire muti hex against Washington St.111 ■ and W ashing ton April 10 1 1 m Seattle South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Redut lion * t 'hronu Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 3% E. 18th St. 683-9070 ■li Student rates Near Campus FREE MUSIC BUY 2 USED RECORDS OR TAPES AND GET ONE FREE!* One coupon per customer per day. We Pay Cash $$ For Used Records, Tapes & CD’s •(Free used record or tape of equal or lesser value) Expires 4/23/92 HAPPY TRAILS 361 E 13TH • U85-5351 A ASSISTANT Continued from Page 8 intervww i’d for itn unro sirn ti-ii job a! ()rugon. Turguon has t»>•«•»; an assis taut iU Kansas sini:r I'tHH and has roachiui thi* Kansas junior varsity b*am during his tnnun' Croon. pnivlously an .isms (iinf .it Kmis,is. was namrd as flood inarli Iasi wti'k lamii' Kltmd an assistant sports information dim tor at Oregon. said fin tiad ri‘ itiivod no word afsail oitfinr of tin' hirings as Ui-din's day nigh! SPRING RUSH SIGN-UPS April 6th-10th 5-7 at UI, Hamilton and Carson 2-4 at So EMU Breezeway Rackets & Balls at the UO Bookstore Kraig Norris Weasel’s World *' .*« . J- « ' * .• OPNQ A \ Nl r'- . : l \* » . *< I.Vv ■ F A /•' -V . I ‘ if • H f . «• v . • • ,< ■ : V l li VH ». '* V. TV' *.’ C.U »jW V .> v'-* *< : I - a. Aau •V,1 in’ Min' i,R "i‘i. a. in i’ll f. >•%'/. VC M ?J'1 «* BuOjT r v4 '«•»*». v,. ix .Vi < >t wv/wi Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen f It I !' ■ -t '."’f EZUGE i WEJ/-1 L • T M 0 ft f>, % t . ' . / • pt ♦ -dVr"-* P7 ’