SPORTS Men’s tennis backhands Willamette By Doug Carter fc'mef ale) Contribctof Thn Oregon moo's tennis leant didn't let the tamv woath nr or a touch of misfortune ruin its day Thursday It simply l(Kik Its game to the t ovorod University courts and ac ed Wil lamette H 1 livery match the Dm ks won was in straight sets, with the lone defeat coming as a simple Case of short-sightedness No 1 singles player hue Kirner began the Oregon on slaught with a t> t, *> 2 victory and set the lone for a distinct home court advantage Create ycur own { FULL COLOR T-SHIRTS photosVarmm MICH QUALITY IMA4H a miimct *»rr +m*. Mwfrr >vw*r kinko's !t»f i«p» cmlrr C'OVI INKVIAI HhKAKKAS I Worlvlavi 11 • ’ I spretso it I'astrifs omi;i urns | EXCELSIOR CAFE 7M V I Mh / *r»/ »f tamtftmi AUTO ACCIDENTS Knot You* Night* FREE Telephone AJ»Ur ‘.X i »■« » i ■» "* <* » « *** '-« $ DO I Mk* 1 CM0' j mow mxt> mow » « wortn’ } m, rrmtLM U*’ j VWV w« pn m« bU mmol’ $ wa m» rum Min 90 i*»’ } »Wirt * Dm* ■ no Mime 5 snuti latBix mtutmr? > Mow png wt 1 aw «> TK m> nom’ 1 Atio A«ii4e»l* U|tl wirn»» "r.'-n 343-1473 «QU 1{K* • 440 WM»mt»OV IQ "The ball make* a louder sound on those courts. and it's hard to judge the pace of the hall coming at you.” Klrner said "At least vve didn't have the glare of tin- sun (through the tiered roof) today Captain Kevin Settlemym, a winner along with partner Dura I’artovi in a shortened doubles mati h. H 0. agrees that the courts take a lot of getting used to” and provide "the ulti mate hometourt advantage It s our way of getting tank at teams for having to play at their rundown facilities.” Settletnvre said Senior t.iiris (iladwcll made the right adjustments for the covered courts and pulled off a straight set victory in No 2 sin gles, t. -1. t> 1’ "These courts .in- made for se r v e • a n d - vol I ny (play).” (iladwell said "The hall pit ks up a little more speed on the skid in here A player who likes to plav the baseline is Iwt ter off outside i’artovi. playing No t> sin gles, came up victorious h-2. 7 V after falling behind five games in the sis ond sei "I started a little shaky, but I min! Isii k and fault turn handi ly,'' I’artovi said "Dura was down 5-0 and broke serve it was a great comehai k for him. head i oat h Hu// Summers said Things weren't as great for No t singles player Kob Atkin, who lost a three set dual to Hu//. Summers Willamette freshman Man Vestergaard. 7-fi (7 5), ti-7 (13-11), t' O The (.111 that Alkin was plus ing without his corrective eye sscar math- the loss a little ens ler to swallow "The (lot tor says I has e c on junc Uvitis (Inflainmation of tin1 inner eyelid), and I can't wear mv c ontac ts for throe weeks." Atkin said I can road L' on the eye chart dial's atKiui it If Atkin doesn't get his glass es from California through the mat! hv I ndus , hi* w ill miss the sverkond trip to Washington Atkin filled in Thursday for another Duck that ssill not he With tile team 111 Seattle tills weekend, junior fed Thoreri. Turn to TENNIS Pago 9 Duck golfer Lyons first at tournament By Steve Mims Emerakj Contributor Oregon golfer Jeff Lyons won the Southwestern Inter collegiate on Tuesday for his second victory of the year, loading the Ducks to a soc ond-place finish in the tour nament. Oregon had a two stroke load entering the final hole, but three players trlple-bo goyed the narrow lBth fair way. leaving the Ducks four strokes behind sixth-ranked Arkansas in the team race. "We played fantastic," Or egon head coach Shawn Alcher said "It was one of the best tournaments we've put together nil year." Lyons shot a one-over-par 73 In the first round but came back to fire a t>8 fol lowed by a 70 in the final two rounds to defeat Cal Northridge's Jeff Sunday by two strokes. "It was a course I've played before; I really like it down there." Lyons said of North Ranch Coif Course in Westlake Village. Calif. "I played well, the key was that i hit die ball straight " lames Chrisman and Mark Aldrich also played steady golf lo help the Ducks chal lenge Arkansas Chrismnn fired a final round 71 to fin ish tied for eighth place at 218. followed in 11th place by Aldrich's 220. Oregon, currently ranked 2t>th in the country, finished ahead of four teams ranked in front of them, including Pacific-10 Conference rivals US(" and Stanford. As a re sult. the Ducks are hoping to move back into the top 25. a spot they were in following the fall season Lyons, a junior from Anti och. Calif., has given himself a legitimate chance at mak ing the AIl-Pac-10 team if not the All-American squad. He finished third in pne fall tournament and fourth In two others before winning two this spring. ")off wins because he is consistent In his scoring,” Aicher said. "He's making a strong play for All-Ameri can .' ’ The Ducks next competi tion will come in the West ern Intercollegiate April 13-15 in Santa Cruz. Calif. Oregon's Doug Duchateau won this event last year, leading the Ducks to a third place finish. New Oregon coach hires first assistant, maybe two By Dave Chafoonneau f n-4f ,ikt Sporls Reports Long Bunch State assistant com h Bobby Braswell Inis incepted tin assistant cum lung position under newly hired men's basket ball i o.ii h terry (.reen "I was oflered the position lust week, Braswell stild bv plume Wednesday tiller noon, and I accepted the position Monday night ” Braswell bas bism an i oni li tit bong Beach State for the past three years, where he organized recruiting and detense As first assistant tit Oregon, Braswell said his duties will i enter heavily on recruiting "Wv main responsibility is recruiting," Braswell said "I'm from the Los Angeles area, which I think is very benefit ml in re ( rutting players from the area ” Green hut! not vet returned from the NCAA final hour in Minneapolis and was unavailable for ( moment Braswell visited the Oregon campus ori Monday and said he was impressed with the University and the Lugene area 1 thought it w as a beautiful c ampus. and the people were verv nic e- " Braswell said " The Lugene area was a little" more diverse fled than I thought it would be. a good plat e to raise my kids As for tlie basketball program, Braswell said In" hoped to bring hat k the enthusiasm of tlie fans "I think we're going to try and give the fans something they'll real Iv enjoy." he said Braswell graduated from Cal State North ridge in 1W84 He then spent four years at Los Angeles Cleveland High Sc hool where he compiled an impressive ‘14 14 record It was at Cleveland that he first met Green Green, who was an assistant at Kan sas, was >k lively recruiting two players from Cleveland, one of which was jayhawk point guard Adonis Jordan Braswell said he has kept In close contact with Green since then Portland radio station KKXX said Tuesday that Mark Turgeon. an assistant at Kansas, will also tii- added to Green's staff Turgeon was unavailable lor comment According to The Associated Press, Turgeon. a former player at Kansas, is cur rentlv a restricted earnings coach and is lim ited to a salary of SHS.OOC) at Kansas The Kansas City Star reported that Turgeon had Turn to ASSISTANT Page 9 FRIDAY APRIL 10 8 p.m. BOBCAT „ wSgSL UVE1. | *10*00 S®f?^ton c*» ASUO 546-372 For More 'nf^^ ***#00 *» THIS YEAR A LOT OF COLLEGE SENIORS WILL BE GRADUATING INTO DEBT. 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