Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    Arafat mildly bruised from crash
TRIPOLI. Libya ( \P)
Yasser Arufal, who lias sur
vivod gun bailies, air raids
and assassination allempls as
mmrst i|j leader ot
cause, walked away Wed nos
day after his plane made a tally-landing during a
desert sandstorm
PLO officials said three of the five crew aboard
were killed when the plane's nose plowed into a
Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi made a bed
side visit with Arafat on Wednesday night at a
hospital in Misnitah. 120 miles east of Tripoli
Libyan TV showed Arafat, Ivmg witfi ,i bandaged
right eye. smiling and i hatting vs ith (iadhafi, vs ho
embraced him
"We have treated him fully and comprehen
sively," Dr Muftah al-Shwavhidi said His
health is excellent
Hussain Aim Sharif, a c lose adv iser, said Aralat
should be healthy enough Thursday to preside
over a session of the I'LO's HO member policy
making Central Counc il
In a televised interview with a Libyan reporter,
Arafat thanked Cadhafi for hav ing mohib/ed the
whole state" to find him He said the two pilots
and engineer were killed ami live others badly
hurt Others on the plane sullered minor injuries
or escaped unhurt, he said
Palestinians around the Arab world celebrated
on hearing the news' that Aral.it was tound at
dawn, bruised but alive after being missing for 1 r>
Arafat has been the' Palestine Liberation Orgum
/alum s undisputed leader for 2 ! years ills loss
would have been a grievous blow to the organiza
tion and could have seriously undermined t S
sponsored Middle Last peac u talks
"God has saved the Palestinians from a politi
cal disaster Aralat is irreplac cable, said /.eld
Wahbeh, Arafat's representative m southern i.eba
Arafat's two most important aide* iiave been as
sassinated over the past four visits, and no one
else has the stature to step in as sue i essor ot Un
divided PLO
How c an you put vour life at risk and go out
in such a small plane in such weather'' Gadhatl
c hided Arafat in tin- hospital He added jokingly
I yvdl set up an investigation committee to ques
lion the people yv ho allowi-d you to go out in
sue h weather
Suerd Kama!, the PLO representative in Cairn,
hgvpt. said \ral.il s Soviet built An 2t> aircraft
went down near a PLO training < amp .e is-Surra
on Tuesday Wahbeh said \rufat ys.-.s a cutup.i
nied by ! I bodyguards
'The base1 is ISO miles from ill.- Sudanese Uinter
and about 000 miles southeast cd ! rq. mi
Coffins bearing the tallies of the three dead
crew were flown Ironi Misralah Wednesday night
to Tripoli, where tiiey receiyed a military salute
by PLO officers On one coffin a sign in \rutuc
identified the victim as a Romanian engineer
(’1.0 official* idiuitifind the dead pilots .is
(Ihassan Yaseen. 12. and Mohammed Darwish
35. the latter from Algeria
Karn.il s.tui Kgypt sent five planes, Libya sent
ti.OOO soldiers, and the Palestinians sent 850
fighters from as Sarra to help in the search He
thanl.ed Prance. Italy and the United States for
the help he said they offered
('.apt Adrian Holeidv of the Palestine l.llierntion
Army, the Pl.Os military arm. said in I ripoh that
a Libyan air four plane lound tie- samiors at
dawn near as Harm
Atm Sharif said tie had asked former President
Jimmy C.arter to intervene with the White House,
where officials said they were in the pro! ess ol
seeing what they could do when Aral.it was
found Hut Washington was not involved in the
search. State Department spokeswoman Margaret
Tutwller said
" The Palestinians are grateful to President Hush
for expressing his will to ask the Amerii an salel
Lite to spot that plane, Aliu Sharif said
Anv l1 S help for the Pl.t) would stir ulro
versv with Israel, which' considers the t’l.O a t.-r
ror group deiln ated to the Jew ish stale s .L-drue
Some Palestinians expressed skepticism ati.ml
the Pl.Os at count hei aiise it i ollu ideil with i
flew wax e til a r it u isni ol tile a hai i sma!. i
leader within his ow n hierari In
Some Pl.t)Ollicials i oiilend Aral.it '. support l a
Saddam Hussein tn the ('.nil War dangerously
weakened tile Pl.t) fiy isoi.ililtg it and mgering
Saudi Arabia and other Persian i.aif stale-, that
proy uled Itiui h of the group's money
A rah Last Jerusalem exploded in cel. irae n
Wetlnesi lay at re .u that Aratat vs i ihve
Similar festivities bloke nut in tie .sr.e
pied West Hank and at refugee i amps in southern
In Irtpoli atxml 2(H) Palestinian-, watted in
he.pt and dust a! the a. port toi o vs- \ralal
the . rmvii in. .e l' .1 to ir ..r live , L n e . L .
olive brant lies tor \i.ifal
At.llat founded dale the firs' an::. .a te
am e group opposed to Israel, in luvi and has
he I !■ ( I (>.' | ’! ( ) SITU e LrbniilfV ! 'll e I
In I'M.M, l)e survived an Israel, lat x at! ! * I.
Pl.t) base at haran.eh, Iordan a Latte that
cimraged thousands ol young Palestinians to join
the Pl.t)
lice1 III He.rut 111 i 'HI.' ale! on , ms ■
l'*d5 lie es. aped Israeli air r.p.d that la;i;et. !
him and other PL(l leaders
\rata! also slaans lo have ■. ,rv v ■ 1 .. a
tinn plots by other I 'Ll) f.ii I ii ins as vs e 11 is s i i y
mg attempts hy several Arab governments
I th l iiunlt\/V Ht^l kyurl.
All of the
of the
guilt. "■
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