LADIES NIGHT Men’s Swimwear Contest Thursday 8-11 pm WEEKLY PRIZES $50 Cash and $50 Kowloon’s cash Everyone Who Enters Wins A Prize! 2222 Centennial Blvd. 343-4734 Natural Klegance spring Vrrix .ils .irt- >\ inninu llirirw.ix inio our shop il.iilv \\ i i .irr> .in o n v li.m^inu .irr.ix ol .iriKlii .illx protlinril. HIht i lotliinu in tln/riis ol si\ U's. r.u h ol \\ 11it It «c l»u\ in shliII ipi.nuiiii's lor uniipir look. 01*1 \ mm I (> V M (•I'M SI INI )AN< ll Ml l<( W I III • 11 III! \ \KI> • I I <.1 Nl OK • ^ i i 0 iSO COMMUNITY I Planned Parenthood Phdoby Tha new Planned Parenthood clinic, 1670 High St, will have it» official grand opening Friday Planned Parenthood opens clinic By Hope Neaison i .'• ii'.i ! Reporter The in.ivor\ nl hugene and S|ir11If! will be on hand I relay to help cut tin- rihlxm in the grand opening ol the new I’lunneil Parenthood ol Lane (amnty l-lxet utive Director Bill Shisppurd said the new offii i* is ,i significant improvement from the lor mer offiie The -t.titM) square-fool office is twice the M/e ol the former offii e and is lot .ited at 1070 High si We hud been leusuig the older facility since l<)7:i and hud completely outgrown it, Sheppard s.ud We i oiildn t serve all the clients that need ed to re. eive set vii os hoi uilse ol the size Sheppard said the Lane (Inuntv fai lilts receives .dsmt " iM>0 patients every with the median uge being 2 ! Since the opening on Mjn h 2. Sheppard s.ivs the same si.dl has (seen aide to treat more patients thiin usual We ve been absolutely- armt/ed at the re spouse Shisppurd s.nd We have waiting room seating lor up to and III the hist two weeks of our opening. It has lieen full at times Sheppard s.nd the former office s lm upon on the second floor of a building w ith no off street parking unit |ux>r visibility- wiis not meant to be a medical ( linn Sheppard said .liter approval from the board ol dim tors. I’lanned Parenthood funded the proper !\ purchase and construction through grants and i omnium tv donations I’lanned Parenthood has raised approximately hall ol their S<>r>4$ 4J»< • !>orJl<~ V if >#" ... A S pi \ H. \ Si ( )|t , •«. • * Vf - ^*A. Of Af ii) **ji ^ ljt ^ .f : One of The TOP one hundred OUTSTANDING Things TO DO ($54) Brotherhood \T y Living with your best buddies knowing that they will always back you up, where ever and when ever. CHECK OUT THE FIRST STEP TO BROTHERHOOD' SIGN UP NOW! 5-7 Ul, Hamilton & Carson; 2-4 EMU Breezeway