Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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Violent Femmes hit Corvallis Friday
By Lisa Miilegan
Emocaid Associate Edticx
This band has only three
memlrers, but concert after con
cert the Violent Fnmmos usual
ly manage to whip their audi
ences into a frenzy
Read this description from
the Nov 7 New York Times
"Halfway through the first
song, writhing euphoric Ixxlies
were being passed overhead
By the last song. Add it Up'
from the Femmes' 1WH2 debut
album, people were stripping
off their clothes and throwing
them on stage."
Or this 1989 Ratlin# Stone
review of a three-group Illinois
concert "It was clear the crowd
had come for the Violent
Femmes, whose dynamic set
generated enthusiasm verging
on hysteria
This hysteria-producing band
will perform to a sold-out
crowd at Portland's Fox Thea
ter tonight, but tickets are still
available for their Friday night
Corvallis show
That concert begins at H p m
at Oregon State University's
Me Alexander Field House, be
tween 15th and |efferson
The road to fame for the Vio
lent Femmes began in 1081
when the Pretenders’ Ohrissie
Hynde spotted them on a side
walk outside a Milwaukee
The group, whose name was
fashioned by Femmes bassist
Brian Ritchie from an old high
school locker room insult, had
been playing mostly punkish
‘We didn’t want
Why Do Birds Sing?
to be careful and
sound produced,
but we wanted it to
be a little more
contained than X
Gordon Gano.
Violent / emmes singer
music with .1 country (wist
Their first platinum selling al
bum. titled Violrnl w
gained them a devoted follow
ing w ith such songs as "Blister
in the Sun
Dealing with thwarted sexual
fantasies and adolescent frus
(rations, the Femmes songs
gained an instant audience
with high si hoot and college
We tr\ to subvert reality
through music." said Ritchie,
explaining the album to Rolling
Stone in 1WH.I
Subsequent releases have in
eluded HiilUnvrit Cnniiut. I'hr
llluiil /.eed/ng thr \ukril and .I
S i nge r gu 11 a r i st Gordon
Gann. bassist Kite hie and drum
met Vu tor Del.oren/o s newest
album, released last vear. Is
IV'/i v Do lltriis .Sing ’
"This 11 real Violent Femmes
alburn." Chino said "We didn’t
want this album to bo careful
and sound produced, but we
wanted it to lie a little more
contained than I Why Do
Hirds Sing' combines those two
proces ses."
The «lhum's Iimi(I single
"American Music," which lolls
iho tongue-in-cheek tain of a
drug-abusing lonor. has re
ceived play on national radio
stations and MTV,
Other songs "Girl Trouble,''
"Life Is A Scroarn" and "Fla
mingo Baby” arc previously
unrecorded numbers the
Femmes have played for years
on tour
A remake of Culture Club's
"Do You Really Want to Hurt
Me'" complete with rewritten
Ivru s features the sounds of
bou/ouki, a mandolin like
Creek string instrument
The Femmes started their
tour last spring with some
shows on the Fast Coast Alter
that, they performed' in l-.ngland
and Australia la-fore traveling
back to Finish up their tour of
iho t Initial States
File two Oregon shows are
among the Iasi the trio vs dl give
before returning to their respei
live homes in May Sharon
l.iveton, director of publicity
for the Femmes' label. Slash
Records, said the group has
sold out .it nearly every stop on
their t oncert tour
l.iveton said the Femmes
usually play a mixture of I fie 1 r
old and new material
Tickets for the Corvallis
show are SIS For more odor
illation, call the Oregon State
Memorial Union Program
< fount il ()lfi< e at 737-tilt72
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