Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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    ET ALS
Might loiium iho«
information maarting. ip-miwnid by the
International Student A»*o*j all on tail)
ba ton tub t at i in KMU ( *nlury Room
(irrli K will meat tonight at ? in
KMl. ( 4»<lar Room f
Alpha laraUa IWlwTVi Ma N*ma
will rtaMt tonight at n v> in KMt.' (*d*r
VMmmmw S4t*4aa«t Aaanc iatau* wtl!
rrvaat tonight at 7 in Smith Jounga
Wmtal (amtar will meat tonight at
A in tba KMt Masn tin liar Room
U„S/|af>an Ruitfiim Smmnar will Ym
tonight from ? to u m Koam JOO
| •panoao/tfiglioh l«R|n«|# UMm
«nJ3 he in ihm Yamoda !.onguag? r*rvu*
I.oung# tonight *1 > V)
A Tmamrim Smdm «tx»n*on»<J by ih»
( ht Ai|*h« Chmtian \ «f|c«r*hip. will bo
tonight at 7 10 tn KMl. Mourn JO [I
< j>trw and tMm about the m«mf| of
thn*Jlin* Uu tol'mitim# h Mi to th*
Kmofald front 4*U t .Kfl 'Halm WW tl
nat*n the tfay N»fcx» ptMHJtU&n ht Alt
:un tha stay of tho >►»«< uhlan th•
r»«nI 1*4 r»» piatm frefotv h‘».*n
weSlS?** Off*
Low Man on the Totem Pole Tour 92 with
Thursday,April 9th
WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln
Doors open 7:30pm, Showtime 8pm
Former UAW head to offer advice
By Koalani Roberts
Fmorale! f mar aid Conte Sartor
The former president of the United Auln Work
its of Amorir.it will offer Ills perspet live on how
lo make America more globally compelilive In a
free litlk Friday al the FJugeno Htllon
Douglas Fraser will speak al noon in Ihn (an
forerun ( color Lobby of the Millon on "Innova
live I.alxir Management Relations and America's
( onijM'lilivo Future
Fraser’s throe decades of exponent e in the auto
industry is espet lally relevant al .1 time when
President Hush has just relumed from negotiating
with Japanese auto-makers, and global compete
tiveness is an elts lion year buzzword. said Steven
Deutt h. .1 University-sociology professor
I lie auto industry employs one in sis Ameri
cans. and is "tcnlrul to tfie etononut lifeblood of
the tountrv, Deutt h said He said this is why
Frasers gums in strengthening labor's voice and
participation in the auto industry have been so
Deutt h salt! Fraser s speech will also !«• of m
tert-sl to those Irving to improve efficient v in Ore
gun s government and to those concerned with
expanding labor skills and options in declining
industries such as timber
Fraser is i o-tenching the class Sociology of La
bor this term with Deuteh os an occupant of the
University's VVavne Morse Chair of Uiw and Poli
Now a professor of lalxir studies at Wayne State
University in Detroit, I raser was the first union
representative appointed to the Chrysler Corpora
tion's board of directors
Fraser has been called the last of the "pioneer
ing generation" of labor leaders and has made
great strides in bringing lalxir and management
together. Deuteh said
In addition, he's helped change labor contracts
at Chrvsler to iru hide restrictions on .compulsory
overtime, a comprehensive health and safety pro
gram and improved e.irlv retirement and pension
The former member of the All.-CIO s executive
council has also been involved in national polit v
discussions on mass transit, i ivil rights, peace,
health care and e< onomic development issues
Continued from Page 1
disr tission will !«■ held from 7
10 p m m Room 120 Law On
ter The films will lover vari
mis human rights similes in
the 2()th eenturv. including the
fori ecf incarceration of Japa
nese Americans during World
War II and the mistreatment of
the Navajo tribe Panelists in
elude Cuadelupe CJuinn. ( hair
of the C.hli ano Affairs Board,
and Diane Wong, Assistant to
President Brand for Affirmative
At tton
l or the (lav and Lesbian
Rights svmjKisliim. David Wil
llam luster, regents' professor
of Spanish at Arizona State
t imersltv. will give a let lure
on (lav and Lesbian Sensibil
itv in 1-atin Anirrii a" .it .1 :u)
p m in Hoorn 1 ho i’l.C
At 7 to p in . Yvonne Yarbro
Ilejarano will spn.ik on "The
Lesbian Body in l.utimi (niltur.il
Production Expanding Rai n
iimi (lender (allegories in (lav
and Lesbian Studies ' Yarbro
Uejurano. an ass<x iate professor
of romam e languages and ( orn
parative literature at the Uni
versitv of Washington, will
present the lecture in Room
11 T> Lawrence Hall
April 10 will feature a panel
discussion on i ensorship and
oppression featuring Foster,
Yarbro Bojerario and San Fran
cisco lawyer Mary Dunlap in
Room 1(H) Willamette Hall
After tile panel discussion, a
six ini hour will he held at S
p in . also in Room 100 W tllam
etle Hall
Al 1 10 p m in the Law Cen
ter, attorney Eldon Rosenthal
will present "Tin’ Skin
Murder Trial Reflet lions nl tile
Trial I-iwyor," followed by Pro
fessor Charles Wilkinson's In
dian Tribal Sovereignty in the
Nineties and beyond' at 2 ill)
()n Saturday, the final day ol
the symposiums, hosier will
present a seminar workshop on
gay and lesbian literature in
Latin America at u a m in
Koom too friendly Hall
At 10 10 a m , the two sym
posiutns will sponsor a joint
lecture < ailed Lesbian and Cay
Rights in the Nineties " Mary
Dunlap, <i law ver from San
I rani isco whose practice em
phasizes civil rights litigation,
will giye the lecture in Room
1 20 Law ( enter
Continued from Page 1
about Trojan's safety
[ tin Nu< li'.ir Regulatory (.omtnission has estl
m a tod that there is ii -IS percent <banco tti.it thoro
is ill In- .1 ( ore rnoluiown at u 1 S nuclear pl.tnt
liy ttio year 2005
"That moans that tho ixids an* 2t)0 to 1 tliat
thoro will lx* an accident at Tropin. lorry Wilson
said "I don't know why anyone would accept
those oilds How many lottery tit kots would you
buy if you ( ould lilt on a 200 to 1 shol;
Safety concerns wore rune wed last year when
tho plant wont off lino because of an electric in
verter failure During the shutdown, hundreds of
seals on tho plant’s radiation containment build
mg needed ri'pl.K ement
Slain engineers also reported that thorn were
problems with Trojan's steam generators Accord
mg to 77ie Ortyoniun. the generators may need to
he replac eii at .in estimated cost of SJUO million
The Do It Yourself Committee initiative would
saddle PCI-. shareholders with the cost of dec om
missioning Trojan
|err\ Wilson hopes that the campaign’s early
start will help its chances
Wo want to penetrate deeply and early in the
campaign he said "Hopefulh we've inflicted a
wound from whic h (ltd-;) c un't recover "
Do It Yourself Committee organizers w ill be re
cruiting campaign volunteers in l.ugene during
the Mav street lair
Women, Weight & Body Image
If you have an Interest In tins topic.
we will be boldine a four week workshop on
Mondays. April 13th. 2(5th. 27th & May 4th. 1 1th 18th.
Topics of discussion will include:
• Women's relationship with food and
their bodies.
• Why diets don't work.
• Developing healthy attitudes about
your body.
• Fitting in nutritious eating & a healthy
lifestyle In a hectic schedule.
Place: Medical Library Student Health Center
Time: 4:00pm 5:30pm
Sign up to preregister - 346-4456
Limit of 18 ■tudrnU
SfmhiMKrtl liy (hr Uk-itylr IM.innin* IV’iy .im Sdnlrnl llr.illh Crnlri
t Waffle
Il« r , S . <«/ V -
(Regularly $1.50)
1225 ^lder
V* vaIm.1 vxi iMivrry i>r with Any
duwvHjnt* »*< coupon* One
i vni pon }w*r tuAtufiMT
! xpirt-* 6 12/ ‘/r
Hu» week nt I Tie McKrnzir
VS ' 1>»» KAVt «nJ mKw \rr<n
A •{>*« <ai Animal cJ *vi fi
I )>«j4»U ^Mlura.
japattrtr animation ol mutat
rd youth gang war m p<*t aporalypfu
Tokyo. In hi^luk
Fa: 8:45 Sml: 4:45, 8:45 Sun: 4 45
Heavy Metal awn
\JU**Jrr!uI iramatvvt from ail ovn (hr
wi*U. m none* fiA.“*n llir popular
diuktratrvl magarmr Raini R.
Fri: 7,1 1pm Sat: 1,7,11pm Sun: \m
rv-r at *mm »• •»**»■ mm> » ».
»»r—i»' »nJ. la I' t#*> *« t»)
»'Via il
atr tfv Hr»c at (l*r Mi Kti\at'
McKenzie Theatre
6)0 Nljun Si.