Y'-i v^y "There goes Clinton's claim he didn t inhale while experimenting with pot LETTERS Lee/Fore I am writing to let student', ot this c ampu.s know that the peo ple ol Project Saleride endorse Bobhv Lee and Karmen l ore lor ASHO president and vice presi dent They have worked hard this year to create an environment in which issues of safety are supported in the fall, during the i ontroversial complaint against Suferide. Lee and Lore helped mobilize student sup port They helped i omnium < ate t11 thf- entire < .,im|iuv t In • mu»irt,mii- ol wlniiiii .11«• ■ v yxlth activities s,,. h i- organ!/ inj; pres■» conterences and postering I hrv have pro .11 lively minimized v loletu e by encouraging dialogue about m'xii.iI assault rut i.il tension and Suite crimes I'hetr plans b .r next year will tie built upon the network .li ready established tins year and Will t tills be more el let live I hull olhiT i ufuliiiiitrs Satrf.idi ,s i'r r». :1 : ' I’c.ii r K i I-jr i ’• .mil MUninars during K()KJ’ Hv voting tnr I.ii and 1 urc. v mi .ini voting in \ '■•VVJ^ SPECIAL GROUPS OF MERCHANDISE NOW SALE PRICED AT 2.00 ft 5.00 ft 10.00 ft 15.00 ft 25.00 MERCHANDISE FROM ALL 8 KAUFMAN S STORES HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO OUR WAREHOUSE, LOCATED AT THE REAR OF OUR 135 W. BROADWAY STORE. SAVE NOW ON SPORTSWEAR ,Y DRESSES A COATS PANTS A SKIRTS A SHIRTS A ACCESSORIES LINGERIE & MUCH MORE! OPEN SATURDAY 9 A.M. * 6 P.M. A SUNDAY NOON - 5 P.M. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS SALE Paul's heats (tie daylight outnl the competition! IIIKI <>l HU MtlNTtl HKIIKil STONI MB reg $d'W $*50 S|xm.iIi/ihI (irouiul Control I - xtr lire reg $24 $15.00 Sjvi i.th/i il I >ui IXtg All) Shoes $45.00 As-oect ('yde ( omputcr $52.50 (lte.it prices on replacement wtwcls ami custom wheels UluckN’Uoiti Shot is and lights lop ipiallls. low puced FOR l of () S I I I)K\ I S with this coupon bus ans Bridgestone. I;u|i, or Mivata Bicycle lion; I’a ul’s get a FRKE KRV1TO I -1.0(1! PAUL’S bk vi i t shop i.XO Al-kT • u: h 1 SS mCY( I l WAYOM H I 152 W 5ih • 544-4105 I ho l’() Folklore Program And l tu- Hebrew l-niversity/l'() pAchange Series Are l’roiul lo Announce I eetures By BB.. BOV woy M (irunwald ( liair of Folklore Thursday, April 9 “Contemporary Israeli and American-Jewish Folklore” at 3:30pm in Room 338 Gilbert and I he Role of Women in Yiddish Folklore” at 8:00pm, Temple Beth Israel JSSO Portland St., I ugclu ll ( I l KI .S AR1 1 HI 1 AND Ol’l N 1() 1111 PI 1U I( SM .-'r / /*> fiv ! . : e I .'y of f )rr^VH } / V ,ynt rrt. /'V 1 )(h* t iff 3 : • ■ ’.f'f / ftfii <>' . ‘r !'.i • tmr'il. //V } iuui n. t ■ A \ludent j»; t ,oy \fu i'hii • > //N th'r ! uni THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON i r-«JV >>■1 ' Medieval chicken coops