Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 09, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Obey the court order,
return doctor to Mexico
WANTED — Juntas Bond-type agent needed for co
vert kidnapping of foreign nationals who have done
something hud Must have own weapon, transporta
tion. references. If interested, contort the White House.
Washington. D C.
Sound crazy? If Bush & Co. gets its way. such a
classified ad could soon be running in finer newspa
pers everywhere.
In 1985. a li.S. narcotics agent. Enrique Camarena
.Salazar, was tortured and murdered in Guadalajara.
Mexico. Evidence pointed to a doctor, Humberto Alva
rez Machain, who allegedly participated in the crime.
Two years ago. the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency po
nied up $50,000 for his capture, and several Mexican
bounty hunters went for it. lifting Alvarez, as he is
known, from his office and delivering him to El Paso.
Mexican authorities were irate, demanding Alva
rez's return (they want to try him. too) and charging the
United States with violat
ing the two countries' ex
tradition treaty. Utst year,
a 11.S. District Court judge
in Los Angeles agreed, or
dering the Hush adminis
tration to hand over the
As can be expected.
Hush ft Co. disagree with
the ruling. Vehemently.
The lawyer who repre
The case also
sets a dangerous
precedent Where
do you draw the
line on what Is a
sentcd th<* administration
in the case called the extradition treaty "a tool — a
valuable tool, but only a tool" and went on to say gov
ernments had the right to pursue so-called internation
al terrorists and such
Should Bush & Co. refuse to heed the court’s order,
there could be catastrophic results.
First, even though Mexico is a strong ally of the
United States, not returning Alvarez could wither the
relationship Countries don't take kindly to seeing their
citizens kidnapped by a foreign nation — no matter
what the circumstance. There can Im* no doubt that if
the situation was reversed, a IJ.S citizen taken to Mex
ico. the administration would spare no option in get
ting him or her back — up to and including sending in
the Marines
The case also sets a dangerous precedent Where
do you draw the line on what is a kidnapping-option
offense? Torture and murder appear to Ih; on the list,
but what about drug smuggling? Traffic violations in
front of a U S. embassy?
Silly perhaps, but the concern is real The idea the
administration has of being able to do whatever it
wants in the world communiH is dangerous and inac
curate li Hush & Co. truly want peace, as it has
claimed, being the block bully is surely not the way.
Oregon Duil\
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I thought the letter by Hrvi <•
Ingmun about the; story of
Myles Brand being a student for
a day was rule, loo [ODE. April
ti) I especially like it when
logman wrote that fie liked it
when Brand put on a I shirt to
be a student That was a good
idea for a sentem e
I used to hate Myles Brand,
too, but after reading logman's
letter. I think Brand is a lot of
fun as well Please do more sto
ries about Brand being a stu
dent for a day. so I can read
more letters about him by
Scott Cleland
Go Bush
The press has recently re
ferrwd to how low (.eorge Bush
has fallen in lfie polls I lielieve
the real story is just tfie op[«>
site how amazingly high Ills
ratings haw* remained under
the onslaught of the leftist me
Bush's magnificent and re
markable accomplishments in
creating the coalition that de
touted evil m the Middle bust
was the embodiment of every
tiling that liberals had ever
dreamed of Combine this yvith
the unparalleled military victo
ry that drew obvious compari
sons (the UeriKK rats had a war
V letnam, the Kepubl ir ans
had a vsar Persian Culf) and
the leftists knew they were in
trouble In fact, the Entire left
ist elitist 'democrat establish
ment was on the verge of ex
Unction Bush had to go
Their envy and need to i over
up foolish pre-war congression
al and media statements led
them to the seditious treachery
witnessed over the last nine
months They hijacked our
press and begun a withering
and relentless attack on the
president y Pariahs like Fonda,
Cartner 1'iso.h and Moyers used
every t unning, derelict anti de
vtoils tool available to turn an
altruistic Ament an accom
plishment into something less
Noble bet time malicious, mag
nanimous liecame maligned To
refer lo the propaganda stooges
at ( HS. NBC and (INN as news
people is .1 perverted mot kery
All Americans should fie
alarmed and offended Our
once free press has fleen
siiiitt fietl by a small evil gang
with .1 [Kiwerful determination
to grab control of our republic
Thomas Jefferson forewarned
us about siti h malcontents
Thev lost in the USSR and
Eastern Europe, hut their t on
John B Thosteson
Roswell, Ga
Not constant
Don king’s proposed 10 per
cent cut in incidental fees is
not only a Ifni versify-level
Measure 5, but it doesn't work
on ,i much more base level In
i idental fees are based on en
rollment which changes from
term to term When enrollment
goes down, fees go up, and
vice-versa This means that
talking afioul changes using
percentages doesn't work be
t ausc there is no constant num
1 t heated on inv high st luxil
algebra final, and I still flunked
it, but something in tins equa
tion just doesn't jive
Vote in the election or watch
as your student organizations
crumble and dissolve, leaving
the University a smoldering
crater And don't forget our fiv
ers are bigger
Pol it e re< ords available upon
Chris Pharls
ASUO president
Getting his way
To Leslie Galliano (ODE.
April (i) and all of the others
who are "increasingly dis
turb'd" and appalled by Bryan
Westbv’s attitude" toward
rape Just stop
Westby is only saying what
he is to get a rise out of all of
you, and he ls gutting Ins way.
II he wants to Icxik like an igno
rant buffoon on the issue of
rape, then so be it Don't feed
Ins laughter by responding to
his disrespectful letters And I
assure you tfi.it what he's doing
is laughing at your frustration
Tracy Jardln
Since when do we grant con
vie ted criminals "the constitu
tional right to freedom of asso
elation'' and protest their sen
temes on the grounds that they
would have to be around peo
ple and institutions they might
otherwise w ish to avoid7 This
seems to ix' the Washington Lc
g.il foundation's objection to
the sentencing of Donald
Bohnert, who lias been "con
victed of Z 10 c ounts of illegally
transporting, storing and dump
ing hazardous waste " (OUi..
April 7).
Don't get me wrong I don't
like the sentence either It is
unfair that a successful (proba
bl\ while) businessman should
be allowed to expose the com
munity to such harm with no
more substantial sentence than
a temporary Sierra Club mem
bership At a time when one of
our Supremo Court justices
thinks it is not cruel and un
usual to beat prison inmates as
long as tile resulting injuries
are not critical, forgive me if
the temporary suspension of
Bohnert's right to freely associ
ate does not outrage me by its
inhumanity to Bohnert
If anything, it is an Imposi
tion on the Sierra Club, yet an
other unequal treatment of law
breakers on the basis of social
status, and it does not do
enough to mitigate the harm
Why not make him clean up
his messes7
As for having to advocate a
position isn't that what drug
abusers often have to do? Or
drunk drivers who have to take
traffic classes7 What alxiul their
rights to "freely associate?"
Shanta Kamath
Comparative literature