SENATE Continued from Page 1 stitutlon that rmpiirns thri'i' rlustirs, Mild (lurry Kisslrr, snriior vie n pros ost for planning ond rusour* <•> I'ui ulty Son I’litrii in f iwiirim v < libtis siiid results from .1 survciy of 1.000 Uni varsity sludnnl.s fiy one of Hit so* iology ciInssi’s indicated that morn than to pur runt of students have dlfnrultv polling Into cluster- or group satisfying i lasses and -17 percent have trouble understand ithr 1 Inlversity's degree requirements In other business, the Senate passed a motion that allows representatives on IJmvrrsitv ( ommlltees to have the option of completing their committee terms If their si bool or i allege Is eliminated Mat It affet ted position will he elimi nated when the mendwr resigns from the committee or when the committee mem ber's term expires, unless the position is reaiirxaii'd or reassigned by the t'nivor silV!' At next month's meeting, the Senate will vote (o change the system for deal ing with teac lung evaluations, attempt mg to make it easy for students to find out how prospective lourses and tnstrui tors are rated It is proposed that all teaching evalua tions lead with two questions how does thi' course rank < ompared with other t'nivrrsitv (»urM». and how dot s the in* strut tor rank compared with other t'ni vorsitv instrut tors The reMilts from eat h set of evalua tions will lie compiled and put into an easllv understandable format students can access hy computer at the Knight LI hrarv or the AS1 () Students will be able to Icxik up ratings by instructor, college, department or i nurse EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS • 3 DAYS ❖ 3 BUCKS! For Sale items under $100! (see ads for details) 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS SHE’S BACK! If you mt tins woman, wish Hit happy birthday! Mill** llisrs, Amy' 105 PERSONALS Al PHA PHI Contrast ' fw* tii G o' ’ .'»*■ -j * Xx G.ty & l1*.**i. .1 m** tv. ‘ -i urn- :*’« A; ■ K I psv,*!n.t> N *1* ,g*i t . tV ■ &mo*« cm aivtt’ .« fit * 4 * > FREE! TODAY ONLY! If YOON LAST RAMI STARTS WITH TMt 11 1 Tf R YOU WIN 1 r Hit Cl ASSIf It t) AD' • ' HJ A* ” - Como IN PERSON lo Room 300 EMU lo put • your ad' (No phono ad* ploasV) It HIM'. Wit i H l Mi AWN RAM b Ati t THH- > Hill MAy 'MR ‘ Pt t P v A IM l rl N TMt I l Aval It OS t VI MYtlAY Coming >oon lo y cx;» i AM Sorority Sami t omul SPRING RUSH April 24 ?7lh l ook lor ngr> u|»a aoon in U of O dorm a and th# t MU' H a tha chatKa of a Nfalrna GO GMt l A’ 105 PERSONALS B0M l .u \V1 \n Wtt «nvu *■ - • 4'»•'•« * 4»: a *-0 i'c* Ituppfl* In 1 d : «: U I i . • » * * ik * J Mo nay I ang ;ilH‘!> LX Congratulations Julie & Clark on your pinning. Best of luck in the future. IIX II BO T h# man Ifvai glows aaya fh.*y A.«t» lh4> a . rviOt>— A• >44 orvf. MO HJN t CHAD ftCHCXH APPMOVID ,*0 yaa> "w.iK*. !-*. * gfOui^] I**"' (xiiw't 1 •«».«>• l4 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara l and 4SV 3343 Punted lent to computet hiei fs CiANNlE RjSj 7474580 jiroi-u..>•»..) *j 344-4510 Ut Alin VM »Kl) l*Ki H » \MV . ■ HAIM »it •' n; r ■ I \jmr, ui.ia 605 F 13th 1)0 FOB SALE M6C Couch sty la Mon - V A* to* asia tuH *!/• bwd * » GNU *nc*wt>o*f t« > .«; m *Wj VS S H »u'9. ('».,»)« 8C4 90?*00Q I*' . " <>« Toyota Corona f body • ' o • *» a AM? M .r • >**•»»:• | SGC obo Un\»-n Mr *r * ■ * •’2 Vott»«g*n Ikj^j A 'Wt*-.>A» QQ& ) < i ■ l . • r«« / f.;»* SO MattfrM Now *rt ;* I- •»»«**, «* M#* S*f*A. v»<> »V* B444 SO 4 door Accord i ‘ S'» 143 4 V4 • 3 Honda Accord LX M ',.f t -ij '« ' ii j IM l •>' *, * IH .1- J *'• 4M r*V1 S3 Saato IKK) Turtx> A< >V.M «» ur»"\v'VQ (Jtia! V'.»44i V* • L>{»ij Won t last long1 343 iSfig_ 4 7 V3W loi A avvmTu V«*r> •*** *4 * J0 >4*» 44> or 144 TSSV 140 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 7 7 Itonda Soporoporl 7 SO A> Ai': nrvs.y «*t '* £'***’ |&**C oOO < hr** 344 0t0tt 12 Hondt 440. 6000 m«to* ®ood s*4l« o'*. I’-.*. f«B) M ’ *»*• • V Honda Aaro VO •-«**'»<-' . «* w. | i,ir« ■ < J*m %. > 4*1 *» "-*■ \f m BICYCLES for aala Sakai woman • Ink* * • \ * - Uk. r.#V ■l A a naw Tiafc SOOO ' » : •«> [4*»‘ 4#*>m-m Schwinn Contmanta! II 10apaad ■ m % Stt Srv »♦* m , 10 H«*d tweycia »*•» i,« Sr- *«• ML H(l*. 1 us COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS lIJM compalt-ika -vo-. , »■ >v*.5 *■* • $ ! ‘4. 44 « U» Mjm ntoah VI ?K 4 * M .1 m nr .» O' .« ' t ,***» •* \.:*W.V» V* *4* '* Panasonic KX-P1040 pnnlar al' r-Mx> v I V 34/ "*>' 4 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH'" Am r » t.« VMS VCH •. d'x! v’o-'uors T'-.impsoi l «wcy'o' ".% ’ ’ ?2 (At* 34) U/ • 3 i7s INSTRUMENTS Electric girfir lirw \Am .t*-« %4 n v ' }4 :m;- 440c *4 I OMfMg Mm»3» (8 . A«W HH’fi {'Mu’*' hil' ' «> A**’. *- MM? f! 'm*j «*■ *>' .»! *r*. i.x> %'atiJ % “• •a Cum «f*p |SOC >4 T 41 ’ ,* 8 ftf* ") 4*5»H ’’'•Mr'. King tenor Miophon*. »«p>--Tr mode* i’. ‘» X*.j (Mi XX»1 iao RESALE CLOTHWG VINTAGE Ck>»*out V'\ d" 'Vi 'Jih * *J ■* «•* X\ *4', S'*M i»$ TRAVEL I ours to I urop* Austral* *r*d tha Gii»tan£j» *9 A '-.Ki-'-g "•'inV, S*r S ' #i U • ’ rk» <•. • . 1 ’ { »■ #. Travel f urope Greece AwiIiimI t b*m«f real this eommar by Coniihi l icKj*w» college student tours t r•• t* cm: Mure ( til (tow 4r> AiiM MS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPE*OHTUNITY l A' 1 '«■! ~ Mi aTTvOUM CALI ■ UMI N IA1 \4i ’'e* Si LAW' ’ «► \f - y S’a" *<» *?. you 10 A>-r ng • «m *•’ • tor's *-o l* i I' jou 'wive a NOSE i OM Nl V*:. OCX- ’ rrj pi* uUi Of - tutu-^g a «i„■ ini' (MOST) (VO^XJto •'«» W Ox* i»s<^'.g '**• ilj H» N tt'-ittt'f kg Q.MMuUy’tk ft'c! '■'■p-t*'”-** • ' '<• tAo* *>! *>«*'< - *> 'it or (KVrim (A »*„ ?S i . * >*iN< . AHi AJ • •' fv opporlw.-'v?-, Of to'*. '* ,»■( 'irtHitflH V.* *% ,>a a i t» < t»t K'J 7 STUDY ABROAD THINK ABOUT IT? larn I <> irulil l w *i»ur rimmlil «ui Ft* nx»rt infof mtlkm tortUil » >fTU r I it Ur N* I »K r*. \ '0 Orrgirfi 11*11, '-U* 3207 205 OPPORTUNITtS SCHOLARSHIPS for STUDY IN FINLAND IW2 .jwa .»:>v *Of DO iKXMMVs a* Umvamty of Tamper* r » -a o' I ■ v’ not I ntctuary ’ <»r y s~C • CONTACT M.> n t nu&rta /; •> I H M< «H U IX 1,r< W v 330 OH 346 1?06 DEADLINE April 17, 1992 210 HELP WANTED WORLD FAMOUS SUN VALLEY RESORT is now hiring for its summsr Muon Emptoysss r scar vs frss swimming, half pries r sc r sal ion snd rsducsd food costs Low cost mon s and woman's housing availabia A rscruita# will bs on campus Thursday, April 16. to intsrvtsw tor positions in ths housakssping dsparlmsnt For mors information or to sst up an mtsrvtaw tims pisass contact Lsslis at 346-3214 40 GTf Dirscior, UO Cn**» C u-iu Cr v<% dmj % -po'V’Imck- atp ''■ouwMwt'y (*** t 6 spp; a-. X . y f -tm, •ariporason Hour’- & tkw/C >,ur B Ua i fa . u «»r>il'i Mhi ■ i w ‘ ui i - irrn-i>*jy ***?■' p*QQ!or a SVacfcr ' I ^.piOyms' • A; • *:*■ *>4*> 41 ss at- • v,‘. MAKE $50 A DAY PoRworkar daadlirw m *.4 A»y * 7 4^ *i p Vy / • '0 *>* JIJ.B • «» wa'‘os or A^ ?? ?'» .*9 a *] >. App<* *: a.a ’«» 4 f MU ASUO it an E OC AA_ 210 HELP WANTED Cruise Line E rrtry level on board lend side avail , year rnd kunmir 612 643 4333 FARN MONEY Heart m-g Sou** Vi 'vwnn pc*«' ‘ a Do’.t •. n v. 962 a :••: y *-*2 F ut Fundraiatng Program 1 4r\ SOTCK<•«*'. SL*1«n! Ck.OS { a-" -jp to S1G02 7 khi P .a ivji v« -i V bonus yo^‘,« ' A xT a FREE WATCH x-' tor at ng ’ BOG 932 GS2H Logo wanted, atylued rooater contest f rst place S ’- S»* ond p «k*» V' 'iubmrt on 11*V’ to ’*xw Hurt RuOS'or ’ > •> West l -/ i SUMMf FT EMPLOY ME NT Itr-p cou -r.OKKS r\«*tjO«d *or '' « MKX Svnmur Day camp .n Poland Season dam, tv 15 :o B?i Posrttom ava at> o Ml M Ml 8 12 i- MWf 8 1, ’ ( ,» ’atl S' .lion! I mpKiym**- • 1 - 'or mat ion nod application* a/xj to sgr up 'or • kV'T't«"U a •■*»*' : g Apr ,' •* 341> 3?14 ‘ Running lot* on eaah after paying turnon? Help the U of O keep tuition down and make cash for yourself Earn S6 hr plus bonus U of O Telefund, 346 34 3 3_ 215 WORK STUOY Now hiring work-study qualified Student At computer narfkea'e^ohwarw SLMXirt r»t Do&j't* compute* maintenance skurs in ’■a'lMa'u arid software f t«*i t>w 'kx/s S<> SO per hour Ca<< Janee at 346 4 Applicator al Chftpman Ha Now hiring work study qualified students as offics sssistsnfs to type, ftl# arvd gensral offics duties Si SO hour Opportunity to learn computer word processing Mulls I lei.toe hours Fill out application at 320 Chapman liell See Janies Now hiring work study qualified si utter-' :»u S' V ,.■«»' 'v* • et Jar a d <4r. 2V4 A,, or a: )*“. Chapman 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Volunteers needed kv 'wca Gove- , l!.vrwd Hotoals campaign Ca Sw/ar • « a: 689 /&S0 9M Sddy 4 bdrrn 2 bath MV V. «» 4H*i >600 or 4«S rB ion Congratulation* V S O' yCXi^ ' W a » 'r -it tHrV W Yout Stator* IB FOB _ Wo on,ov«Kl ""■*» l"'1* untJ **> » T*\*.'** lor Moc* Ct*& * wm* u*» o« y _XU.... To the men of OkT: Thanks for the fun times last weekend,and congratulations to your newest members! The (women of 11 BO CALL 3 4 6 4 3 4 3 FOR ADS Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU -*v" ’HfA? .'Uvv/es , > 4".; • v\faIv*■ . *.■', >*, ’. V? AfUKA.i XVHAVf IK'SI',fA’ % YOU* PAST, . •.• THt ‘4M3t:*>a/ AuS&aYPtPFORA /HAXX ,¥}>1\ 'JEP OWV Htx. <4’/ *cK’ COHTfUBUTfP TO YOUR CAWK&N A iOU TrilHK FT iWUP St fAfft :f'5UCH CPISOCft XX)R (HOOK *;•• GCMfiHOR Mf* OVS£P IWAPYJht Canton CM mm si Aft* /y >. OF UHtCH fxjk-a WMttF ! 7AKF VO. HO. HF*>A /XUN nif(: xouon hmlth BfUtfiTS1