Oregon Daily THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 130 Group seeks to close nuke site jSoloflex founders bankroll second effort to close Trojan power plant By Tim Nett Emerald Associalo Editor A group sponsored hv the founders of Soloflex is launching .1 second initiative to close the Trojan nude ar power plant The Do It Yourself Committee is conducting .1 state wide dirert mailing-do collect petition signatures The group must collet t signatures hv |ulv 1 to get its initiative on the November ballot Solollex founders Jerrv and Marilyn Wilson anil Hillslxiro certified public accountant Lester I ordhnm |r , the effort's chief sponsors, are funding the 1 ainpalgn out of their own pockethooks In i'lUO, Oregon voters strui k down an initiative that would have t Insed Trojan Portland (itinera I Electric which ovv 11s and operates Trojan, spent more than 1 million opposing tin initiative In addition to the Do It Yourself ( oinnnttee ■ am patgn. the 1 ton : \\ 1 •.!■■( tregon ('.01 mn 11 tee which spon sored the ; r! 1!; • 11 \ ■ , is launching in initiative lor the hallo! Jerrv Wilson • aid tin two groups will continue to campaign separately It's like two armies showing up lor battle instead ot one he sail! It gives us more t redihdltv The initiative drives were prompted hv concerns Turn to NUKE Page 4 Banking on the future t,.r Mi ' -w. Federal DcfnK.it Insurance Cor cor,won bank examiner Debra Meyers talks with University st■' econ vr. ->r Tony Bn ,\n durm,:; Wednesday's C •■nor Day in the CMt) Bailrth >m There -von a ml of t'viujs I w is ■ Wrested m. particularly " economics " Bro.\r said Symposiums cover diversity, rights jThe discussions of gay and lesbian concerns and the cele bration of diversity will coincide with Gay Pride Week By Rivers Janssen Emerald Reporter The University will play host to two sympo siums Friday and Saturday dealing with world diversity and gay and lesbian rights Entitled "Celebrating Human Diversity" and "Claiming the l’ust/Creuting tire Present," the two symposiums are intended to foster dia logue within the i ampus community on hu man rights issues "Claiming the Past/Creating the Present" is co-sponsored by University President Myles Brand's Task. ! one on Lesbian. Cay and Bisex ual Concerns The symposium is divided into two segments, the first of which will take place from April 4-11 and will include discussions of gay and lesbian issues within Latin Ameri ca, a history of oppression within the gay/lesbian community, and the present arid future of gay/lesbian rights The second segment will be from April 24-2f> and will include more gay and lesbian history us well us defining the parameters for social change The symposium's Iwo segments will bracket Cay Pride Week, which lasts from April 1.1 17 Dominick Vein, co-chair o! the guv and lev bian task force said the symposium will help people on campus understand the value of gay and lesbian studies "We want to give people the opportunity to learn about gay and lesbian si holarship in the United Stales. Vein said We hope to open up the community to the reality of gay and les bian life, that there is literature and history on gays and lesbians that deserves attention The "Celebrating Human Diversity" sympo slum will kit k off today with a rally at noon in (lie EMU courtyard The symposium is co sponsored by the University Si bool of Law The rally will feature law school Dean Dave f-'rohnmuyer and Vetri. as well as Donna Albru, director of affirmative action at Lane Commu nity (ail lege It should encompass .1 mix ol cel ebration and criticism, said Jane Cordon. As slslant Dean of Student Affairs at the law school "People recogni/e that the University has come a long way with diversity issues." Cor don said "But now there are second-gen eration diversity issues to com ern ourselves with, along with some remaining first genera lion ones This rally will hopefully celebrate the gams we've made while also f.u mg up to what we still have to do " hollowing the rally, a film festival and panel Turn to SEMINARS Page 4 University Senate votes to simplify class requirements j Students can use major courses to fulfill course requirements for graduation By Carne Dennett ! ft .rfj ) Am- i .it*’ t (1' * The t diversity Senate voted m the last moments ot its meet dig to .llloW students to use courses m ttteir majors to fulfill one of the three required ( ourse t lusters The vole vs us ,i I,ist -d11c li .it tempt to simplilv the Umversi Is s degree reijtiiremenls iind will tie forwarded to li vole ot the l adversity Assembly The i ourse rei|uirements un der tfie original motion, which tailed 1 1 li sv ith five absten tions, were in four parts • A A total ot 1l> i redds in eac h of three groups (so< lal si i ernes, natural sciences, and arts and letters) including one approved (luster carrying a minimum of eight c redds, tak en as two four C redlt classes or three three a redd c lasses • II ()ne rai i gender m m l-.uro pi'iin Americ iin i ourv' • ( lwu introductory willing < (HUM S • I ) I V% i I ye,OS III foreign 1,111 gunge lor fi.ii hi'lur ill .iris t ,m didiiles, nui' yi'.ir nl inllege lev i l m.illlem.illi s lor Inn helnr III si innt ii i ,iridid.ill's l ru)<• r lIn- i iirri*nl retpiire merits, students Inlo' sis courses in i .n h ul l In- lliri e groups. Ittr .1 inlniiiuim lulnl nl ■'i t i ri'dils ()l llii' su courses pt;r group, three nmsi form iin .ipprovi d i hisii-i Iti'in A w.is tin- in,on |><>1111 nl contention An .imi'riduii'nl In I Inin A , w Ii ii Ii would Ini v i' doin' .iw.iv wilh tin- sliind .done requirements Iml required .i three course i Iusii*r in i-.ii h nl ihii lli rut' groups, also Inili'd 14 l wilh four .ilisli'iillons 1 In- .iiti'inpi in simplify ilw l nlviTMlV s gl'IllT.d I'dui iltloll •mil cluster system sleins from compiirisons with oilier in! leges ,ind universities .ind from sludeni i ompl.iirils uhout the i urrent syslem The University is the only In Turn lo SENATE Pncjo 10 VIOLENT MUSIC The Violent Femmes bring their alternative style of music to Portland tonight and Oregon State University Friday night for two shows See VIOLENT, Page 5 ARAFAT'S BACK Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, was found alive and only mildly bruised Wednesday after his plane was reported missing See ARAFAT, Page 7 RUNNING MAN University graduate student Bob Stoltz will make a run at the U S. Olympic team. See SPORTS, Page 9