Candidate runs due to ‘high stakes’ of race By Gerrit Koeppmg E^nefaid Be;- vier Cynthia Woolen said that originally she did not want to run for a seat on the Oregon House of Representatives But, she tolii a group ol 1 t University students Tuesday.', the at.lions of republican in i unibent Marti Bell and the ef felts of Ballot Measure > ion vineed tier to enter the rai e Woolen-, a u el I known demo t rat who has served on the hu gene City Counsel for eight years:, said : the slakes are very high, because v\ hat we are talk ing about is money arid money for higher education She said she yvouId wait lor (.Jov Barbara Roberts to take the lead on replacing the lost revenue After she said she would he active in solving the problem Wooten said she supports personal and corporate income tax in combination with in creased taxation of commercial landowners Despite her advocation ol tax plans that would ini rease the tax burden on businesses, she said "there is a haleru e to he at tamed We re not going to get the number and quality of jobs we want if we take a blindly anti-business stance "We need leadership from every strata in our society to solve the problem with dignity and to rebuild trust in govern mellt," she said Measure 5 is not the only is sue Woolen is addressing in her Cynthia Wooten campaign platform Wot)Ion places strong empha ms on her pro-choice stance cm the abortion issue She said she has rec eivec) endorsements from tile National Organization for Women and National Abor turn Rights Action League Bell, on the other hand is a staunch opponent of abortion rights Wooten said Hell's abor lion stance does not represent her constituency She also said that Hell is not an effective leader and is not sophisticated in her analysis of politic al issues At best she doesn't under stand how the political system works, Wooten said The discussion with Wooten was sponsored bv the (uillege Demin rats Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section THEY DON'T LISTEN... IF YOU DON'T SPEAK OUT The Oregon I.t'gislulurc will change your campus, your career options, and Oregon's future if you don't. Tell them how to fix Measure 5 and save accessible, affordable, and quality Higher I (location. CAMPUS RALLY Monday, April 13 12 Noon, EMI Courtyard Tax Reform Teach-In 1-3 PM, EMI Ballroom Workshops, 10-12 AM, 3-5 PM Speaker* on Tax Reform Alternator, Ho» Cult ( ould Affect ,