Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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PROJECT SAFERIOE b running for spring term as of
Monday, March 30 New spring hours begin at 8 00 p m
For scheduling, questions, or to volunteer, call 346-4?39
We run until 2 a.m. Fri. A Sat. nighU.
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Fraternity RUSIL'
5-7 Ul, Hamilton & Carson; 2-4 EMU Breezeway
World diversity symposiums set
By Rivers Janssen
ErTm<;i!d Bocxvtc*
Tim University will play host
lo two symposium* Thursdny
through Saturday dealing with
world diversity and guy and
lesbian rights
"Celebrating Human Diversi
tv and '(Maiming the
Past (treating the Present," are
intended to foster dialogue
within the rumpus community
on human rights issues
“(Claiming the Past/( Tooling
the present" IS ( o-sponsumf by
President Brand's Task Fori e
on Lesbian, (lay and Bisexual
(ami urns
The symposium is divided
into two segments the first of
which will taki plac e from
April 'i ll this first sympo
slum will inr hide discussions
id gas and lesbian Issues within
Latin America, a history ol op
pression within the gay lesbian
loinmumtv, and the present
and future of guy lesbian rights
The sei oild segment W ill he
from April 24 2ri and will in
i lude more gay and lesbian his
lory as well as defining the pa
rameters for six nil change 1 lie
symposium's two segments will
bracket C.IV Pride Week set for
April Pi 12
Dominick Vein. < o chair of
the gav and lesbian task force
said the symposium will lu-lp
people on campus understand
tile value of gav and lesbian
We want to give people the
opportunity to learn about gav
and lesbian scholarship in the
t lulled States. Vein said \\ e
hope to open up the communi
ty tei the reality of gav and |es
hian life, that there is literature
and history on gavs and leshi
.ins that deserves attention
This rally will
hopefully celebrate
the gains we've
made while also
facing up to what
we still have to do.'
Jane Gordon,
Assistant dean ot student
affairs, taw school
The "O'lobrating Human Di
versity" svnijMJMum will kick
off Thursday w ith a noon rally
tn tho l-.Ml) -.courtyard The
symposium is co-sponsored bv
tho law school
Tin" rallv will toaturo V"ln
Dave frohnmayer. dean of. .the
lavs st liool. anti Donna Albro,
director of affirmative at lion til
l.tine Community College The
rally should encompass a mix
of celebration .inti criticism
Hill'd Jane (Jordon, assistant
dean of student affairs at the
law st hoof
"People recognl/.e that the
University litis t ome a long wav
with diversity issues." (Jordon
said "Hut now there are set
onti generation diversity issues
to concern ourselves with,
along with some remaining first
generation ones fins rally will
hopefully celebrate the gains
we've made while also fating
up to what wo still have Iti do
following tiie rally, a film
festival and panel discussion
will tie held from " to 10 pm
in Room 129 of the I -a w ( enter
1'he films will cover various
human rights struggles in the
twentieth century unhiding
I fie forced ire art e: 11 It in of fip.i
nose Amern ans during VVoriti
hv.tr II and tin mistreatment
Friday, April 10,12:30-1:30
Charles F. Wilkinson, considered the nation's preeminent public lands
scholar, will be signing copies ot bis newly published Ns'k Iht Lagic bn,l. hidyi’Uit-*l
\c;c IVV,st in our C.eneral lk»oks Department He is currently the Moses Lasky
Professor of Diw at the University of Colorado and specializes in public land,
Indian, water environmental and constitutional law, history and policy Mr
Wilkinson began his teaching ianvr at the University of Oregon School of Law
and is the author of numerous Nx>ks concerning Indians and natural resource
policy and law in the American West Charles Wilkinson lives m Boulder,
C olorado with his wife and four sons
HARDBAC K $20.00
The L.i^U- H-,rJ is .1 startling and elegant fsirtrait of the New
VV.-st lit the diverse interests and constituencies seeking to
define it and the crucial issues confronting it C harles Wilkinson
assesses the battles fought over the region s resources and how
the conflict between conservationists and developers, once a
blai k and while matter, now enmeshes tourists and sportsmen,
local municipalities and public utilities I>ie E^yfc
l<irJ articulates an ethic of place witli the passion
and immediacy of a manifesto
... a si vs wt »> “I he Tagir Bird is the best handbook that I
( llAMlII > A « ••»•>**
knoii' for anyone who wants to know the
/nsfury of the West and the probable future of
the VVrsf. Charles Wilkinson knows morr than
anyone about laml law, water law and all the
latvs that affect Native Americans in the public
lands of the States. Knowing so much, and
being so reasonable, he almost persuades me
that the VVrsf has a hopeful future. I would love
to believe him. In fact, I think I do."
- Wallace Stegner
the Navajos
Panelists include Guadrlupe
Quinn, chair of the Chictino Af
fairs Hoard, and Diane Won#,
assistant to President Brand for
affirmative at lion
( or the symposium. David
William Foster, Regents' Profes
sor of Spanish at Arizona Stale
University, will give a lecture
on 'Gay and Lesbian Sensibil
ity in Latin America" at 130
p m in Room 1H0 PLG
At 7 30 p in . Yvonne Yarbro
Hejarano w ill speak, on ' I he
Lesbian Body in-Latina Cultural
I’rodui lion Kx'p.itiding Rat e
and Gender Categories in (Jay
and. Lesbian Studies " Yarbro
Hejarano. an assoi late professor
of romance languages and c om
parative literature al the I'ni
versity ol Washington, will
present the lecture in Room
1 1 . til Lawrence Hall
April 10 vs ill feature: a panel
disc ussion on t ensorship arid
oppression leaturing i osier.
N'arhro-Hej.irano; and San i ran
um:u lawyer Mary Dunlap in
Room 100 Willamette
Alter the panel discussion, a
social hour will lie held at 5
p m . in the same room
At 1 .10 in the Law Center, at
lorney Llden Rosenthal v\ 111
present I tie Skinhead Murder
Trial Reflections ol the Trial
Lawyer." followed by Professor
Charles Wilkinson s Indian
Tribal Sovereignty m the Nine
ties and liesond at <0
On Saturday, ( osier vs i:
present a seminar workshop on
gay and lesbian literature m
Latin Arnerii a at u a m in
Room lO'l ol 1 i o ily Hall
At 10 30 a m :lie two svm
poMunis wiii sjii i'it?r .1 joint
lot turf’14*Ii4mi lesbian and liny
Rights in the N metiers
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