MOVIES Continued from Page 1 are very wimps .ind sis*iS Ilk*’ < harm tors i)oi ksi.ui' i Mini Itusir, Instiiit i .s tin roust "lesbophnhlt " movie sit*' s i'viT seen "It's terrible. she s in! i.< stn.ur, .ire jii>rtr.»v*-*•! j | i I * Sometimes ii i harilt.ter’s gayness is written mil of til*' si rij)I. .1 s is tin i ,isi uf I rlctl t.iri-n Imn.iti < s Dim kstaih r said In the book ! ri'-J (,r/' ii T/imiitnrs .it tin Whislln Ship (Mfr by 1 -iiintt Fins'}.; it s obvious Ruth .mil Idgm are lovers. Dm ksl.nler s.tnl In the rniiVi*’. how eve r, the roninnlK rel.itliuiship between the two Worm'll Is lei! out ! fie movie heterosevUtilizes tfie hum ‘ . e ’■ . Iionship In nuike it mure ai i eplable in mainstream an itienres,' she said File movie IU.f ;sir\ is also in ignoring ga\ pen pie of Color, she said Ml! lust re.I til (iim)i’v nsmt!!', (hi!. 1 IOC hide positive gav . 1..irn* ters "Tile movie industry doesn't fix ns ..n-ll.o loving an t nurturing relationships of gav people but portrays us ,is if something is wrong with ns somehow Doc kslader said ft . doesn't look it lie flu red'd-h strength of gaVs ,md lesbians In movies gav men are often very feminine .iinl a dll Itger to themselves .Ifiii 1 it 111 O' said I-ttil \ lliemfs ; •Troy Shields Jr, l.isi l\n In Hn><.kiyn one gav i m |. Kiks like a wimp and a drug ipi en and .i not her < liar .a ter fool around w ith a lilt a kid Sii ie iiisaid Shield ■ .el II S dm , n,r () v. r V >t, me •It's often the weaker members of our society who become the killers in movies. It’s either the blacks, the Hispanlcs or the gays and lesbians. It’s always “the other.” ’ Ron Gregg. !Cf graduate student < iins|i;r.i< \ .!'• tin- answer to tin cpiostion of who killed thi- (iti -.nil nt t.av iM'ii are the bad guys in (ho movie .•(Th«-'g.n mi ! )U*I had scv and wanted to got rui of the president, ' in- Siliti t (,HA i rci tor Brant Keister said gay i haracters ,ilr M ;• rtravist mm usiv in movies or on televi sion : )((•!* a i t of mv .. ability for sure.' Keister said ();. 'i-ii-v isjon gay ! ' x ti-fs ;'hivide i.omu: .relief it t! i \ ;• jii.flr .1 i M i ; v a! al! they’re unhappy all the *:•••. : ' ■ \ r. . .v ., • idiii ! and they 're mill id11isled M*> Altieaigi- Uu-re P w ;«airavals of gay-men in the , SI |> VII I | rtraval >( lestnai aid Mnfg. ■- U.' : U : v ■ - : ; ! , •. ■, - .... -; • ; sj ■ :.; m J \\ oi! said When a -.!' ans an portrayed tie. v ■ niton man-hating aivd they re -.ten •dv pd ailv hide h ft's not ti alistn Vnu don ' • ■ .r tvp. he- I»i» vv ■ -► ng it* a steel ii-.di "l! makrs gays and lesbians Invisible It makes us seem like a much smaller minority than we are It spawns stuff like what s going on now with the OCA Kon Gregg, a telm ommunic alums and film graduate student, said movies with positive portrayals of g.iv men and lesbians exist, but the\ are not usually main stream. bliK.kbuster films Gregg is working on his dls serlation. title.! "The bionomics of the Masculine Star dom Money. Censorship and Homophobia in Holly wood from lr)2l) to 14'tfi (lavs and lesbians, just like other minorities, often are evil characters in movies, Gregg said It s often the weaker momlxtrs of our society who become the killers in movies,"' Gregg said "It's either the blacks. the Hispanics or the gays and lesbians It's always the other ' They're doing the killing and raping They're doing the nasty things in society Cay characters in movies often walk mincinglv and bend their wrists in the stereotypical way, Gregg said They also wear pastel and bright colors In /he Silence <>l the Lambthe g.iv man is a serin! killer w ild dons dresses and owns a poodle, Gregg said. He hides ins penis ami stands feminine-like." Gregg said "It retails the symlxil of the drag queen with the pink poodle He's ashamed of his gayness anti strikes tel! against the feminine within himself " b /(./>/{, Instinct Sharon Stone's character suggests '.lie outi h" stereotype of lesbians. Gregg said She w. . ■ : 1 11r pulled iiat k and wears hoots, jeans and , sc n, ciitivi- portrayals serve to reinforce, the.ster eti'vpes that heterosexual people have been taught, EDUCATION Cont;''Ued T! Page • Mu-.Ii! k,i said higher •• !l. :S;■ -r- s utwV wav I* ■' :,,wrr .mil l< wer middle I lasses to get til" ti-iunlit’, unrl > dm .iti •; In move ,j|) in (I ' V sin 111 .Hill if'., nil till- ill VI II Ill’ll' l> till- • || W" I lose higher edm .it ti in. that < 1 tv i-ann m \mer " -in ' e-tv is onh going tu p i bigger. he said Higher education 111.iv indeed I " in risk : -.hutting down if Measure runs its < uurse wlthoul .III a I tel i v •• 'a' |>ui kage We i I,..,riv i annul go into lin■ next hieiiniun; w itiiuul a suin', ai on lie revenue siile s.mi Margaret lialh* k. dins lur of tin- labor l. dui all. m and Reseatt ti t "lller al the 1 tuversilv ,\in alier tai lur add mg 1" iti" sens.- a uger. v at* ui v.;, asun » liie stead11 v rising nuiulier u( ingti si ii.Mii graduates in Oregon Kissler -.aid tin inindn-r is ■ x|m- n-d tu inntume to tiirmigll the end ill Itie d- i .nie With III- se IIUHiIh T-- kl ■'■ui S.| d sue 111 I, lit Ve.ll .' ■ he aide tu get into an Oregon puhl u ' "le-ge or Ulliversltv Plus, willi more students wanting to go to college to l» aide to w iirk in the mereasingly prolessmha w ofk lorre, one in f ree : av lie shut out I! possible ( Insures ul departments a .-ntire si hoots are tac lured. m. one m two Oregon high si hool graduates n av he denied Oregon higher edm at ion Measure i mav poiiil !u a future >■! tireg ruahs vvlu, n >' ■ i ant get an educ a lion, tail who i ant get Jot is llo-.tu sa Measure '■ has alreadv i ud more jobs than the spotted uw . has he saiii, and It will i ml more jobs in the future than the spotted owl eve! i mi Id ETALS illi njr^itrf! ft <* A ' \Vh\! ( impui <. tr I S. |rw 1 • h Slu.i. nl I n.. » ( * UJ K. • Slul Prt>|Ptl» lFi< Fa ili- \mri h in Sfuiicnl ( 4.11 r-y r KrjtuMri » » | a j> A n r » r 11 u <1 r n I ( r j n i / a I 11> n s ... 4 ui {■ ' 1 V < U H • ff } Sul^ it *1 t rlllfl SI ml *• n I * I lit I i^uaI V StiujI 4*»aull Sujijuirl * i-l*> *’ ml !U i .*<> }• m j; S. i f'uM.. Ifrur m* | ,« t> t j n ( , a \ and Mill « I h «> t l i >* \ inlriH r Ki drlinrti *. P u f n o K t a |> h 1 ^ P » 4 > I i . ul ! nnq u 41111 >•> < » H t > t> hi I rr n I. I nun I ..M K • 4 Hint; Hut *«• I r*bi4fi» 4iid H »w-» u * I V\ ..nit a » -* *• . ■'*•* >- ■■■»■ It 1 «•' M.ltiui H jlih.ll i iHii|niM i and Suvan S 4 I u t k I » I ■ |) r 4 n« 4> • ■ < 4 . ■ v% . M, ... ' Ould>«*i hui;iiil’ I ID [: ■- .n R.-. rti :»»4 < » ji» * ?h- ■ U> fr-.m Hi .• oo :• ir5 iht» f M’. Ballr m VS rii« iU. Atrium «r( yvi'!iv«"i if i m more than SO . • v. 4 n •> m is r »* u ti o n l kKi.K.iON ( ampuft ( rvi»#f t hrift! • , ‘ - H f?! ] 4** Sirjub Slmlrlil Mjftft Vft*- ! ft/' It '. , ■ « ‘' i- Ni-ftft nsj: . v>.j ; . /■■t mbrtutttnfi b.t Ait to th«• , . • - : U’%» b. V#l Suif«* *oo • :.*;<* >iai y In'to to putiln alion b.t Alt 'an iut >t th# #V#tU union th* r’vr’/i f ; ji f*» ;»/jh » twtot# noon \ ■ Hit •?» o/ ntmn* with a donation or j jmioj.'n that#* nil! nut tm «i (jtmpu* #*#nt* and thorn tchodulod nrattttt the publlt stion dal# will 6# pnortty Th# Km«r*jii fw*c/vwft / Kfnuitat and DOUBLE TEE PRESENTS IN EUGENE unmicomu WIDESPREAD PANIC , minium mn 12 WOW HAll $9 AMAH" un micomu A 10*4 iYinmO WTTM until 22 MMurnmi All AGES Mtkurru m Auocuno* wm am cmrmui ream TICKf rs AVAILABLE AT EMU MAIM DESK WOW HALL CD WCRlD record garden HOUSE Of RECORDS fACE the musk • FOR IMFO CAii JJo J3o2 • TICKETS SUOJECT TO SERVICE CHARGE A NO OR USE R FE i WAREHOUSE SALE TWO DAYS ONLY SAT APRIL 11th .V SUN APRIL 12th * PRICES SLASHED * TAKE AN ADDITIONAL 30%-50 OFF SALE PRICES ^ SPECIAL GROUPS OF MERCHANDISE NOW SALE PRICED AT 2.00 * 5.00 X 10.00 15.00 * 25.00 MERCHANDISE FROM ALL 8 KAUFMAN S STORES HAS BEEN TRANSFERRED TO OUR WAREHOUSE, LOCATED AT THE REAR OF OUR 135 W. BROADWAY STORE. SAVE NOW ON SPORTSWEAR .V DRESSES A COATS PANTS A SKIRTS A SHIRTS A ACCESSORIES LINGERIE & MUCH MORE' OPEN SATURDAY 9 A M. - 6 P M. -A SUNDAY NOON - 5 P.M.