Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Not again
In the lust fivi' years, inclden
tul fees havr risen i t peri ent
Simply pul, ASl'O politicians
have repeatedly broken their
promises to lower our fees
Therefore, this year, with our
ballot measure! we have taken
the derision aw.iy from these
politicians and given it to you,
the student
Our initiative would limit the
amount students i mild he taxed
to S'O 70 It cannot mandate
from where the reductions
must come only the IKC that
students elect t an do that, lull
there are ways to make those
reductions without hampering
student groups What it does do
is eliminate the politicians and
forte those we elect to do that
width we desire that which
they have promised to do lor so
many years lower our fees
In a government where sti
pends are excessive, deficit
spending is rampant ami waste
is tolerated, stuiii nts are (man
eiallv exhausted No longer can
students stand idly, by as sin
dent government reaches !ur
ther into our ptit gets, all the
while promising that relief is
just around the corner
In the t tuning days, you will
hear lots of jiolilii.il rhetork
■lit. i;t 'hr decisions win tin' fee
reduction should not hr made
on win Hi should leave the do
c isinns to the AMit) polite
i i.ms rhev will promise us
tli.it they y\ ill ill.ike the redui
t ums w it hi ut the h.illot ni'-.e
tire But vs e ask you to retnem
her the jiersonul history o.l
these promises for five years
all the AM O jjoiituians have
given us is empty, meaningless
rhetorii . ever im reusing fees
and w astehiI 'government
I'lruse don't let that happen'
again Vote
Before legalization of abor
tion. an unmarried girl who got
in trouble was limited to a few
o 11 in unattractive < hold's
Maybe she dill no! want to mar
rv the guy and whether she
kejit It or had l! adopted, she
vv.ou-hi- still have to hear it Be
t huso ol her limited choices
her. . she might well make the
tough dei i Si on not to have |)rr
Don King
Holly Ferguson
ASUO Executive
marital st>x in !hr first plate
Arid women deserved our re
spe< t for Iheir hard i him o
Abortion .is an option is the
• -is\ is.is out ami rislui i s this
r. sp.u t
( V take another example ''.IS
I lias.' i hard'ilit wan to make
about a i*radtng opt ion I
t house to hast- it graded rather
than pass tail Hut further .loss n
(tie road. 1 find ins self in a( a
tlemh trouble arid it is too late
to go li.ii k and i hange it
I am slumped on tin- final; so
I lean over and look at ahv
neighbor s paper Wits not ’ If 1
i house to point my eyeballs in
that direr lion it is, .liter all ms
oss n hods I am maneuvering
and a person should lie tree to
do ss hates er I lies ss an! ss ith
their osvn body
Sts neighbor and 1 simply
share tie same eh i Stas be
those ideas svill shape bis lu
hire life, pist as sfie nervous
system ami all other systems In
the let us ss ill gross into a m i
ture lining' Hut lor this mo
merit. Hies are purs together
I base survived ai.elemii.il
ly but do I have self respect'
Nil.! ss ill tile l Ills i r sitv ri -p< < !
mv approai h ’
Earl Gosnoll
Get A
When you get ready
to apply for that great job,
your resume will be put at the top of the pile
if it looks something like this....
• 2 Sophomore
• I (iraduate Student
• I leaching I-acuity
or Officer of
1 C lassified .Staff /
Service Personnel
•1 Student-at-lairge
Don't You
Run for the
will be taken
at the l O
Individuals may
nominate themselves.
Tuesday, April 14th, 3:30 pm
Walnut Room of the KMl
(Across from the I S Post Office)
for inform at inn, urnlaU ( Icurra! M.m.u'rr, Jim Williams m iwmhi "i it t Jr. ! 11 i
Swimwear Contest
W c d ne s d ay 8-1 1 p m
$ so CASH
$S0 Kowloon’s Cash
..Everyone That Enters
Wins A Prize!!
:::: Onimnui Hivd.
I he 17lh Annual
Spring Lai a u
Sunday April 12
EMU Ballroom
Twilight Show VAO SAOpm
I )oors open ' JO, Show starts at l (Ht
c.flier,il Admission SS
< livening Show n U) '/ OOpm
1 )oors open (i M), Show starts 7 (K)
( .eneral Admission SI *
Kesorv ad SI >
I it krln JV Jil jhlf Jt ( ( >
Hunkitorr. C jrion A
11 jmiltnn hall* on
it.! few
i jinpot
I or muff Info
( 411 Uf» lKr»