Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 13, Image 29

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    Is it wrong that
textbooks cost
more than rent?
f hr \'\, v it the. t s i <'in l
h n c IH »U^!l In hir.tk ) sill* 1 < IiI n hr an inti
wallet 1 hr nrv\ « tlllloil n! lilt irtpintd
> 1 ‘l 1 * > h< M ik \ nil need In 1 ’ ' ■' ’ hr
be k »kstoi r slirivrn IravlfU* %«»u v\ if h. i • h» >; »r
< •! finding 11 he ijm i, usrd < - *ps
Publish* j n «>! • • ‘ll< tr\'' '►
It * t l^ht a S | i,l Ia • 'i in ('III I 1 'lll{' i a j 11! n d i i'
!hC-V air lollilli^ ml! with mnn lirtjurm
rilmmis mu i'» kc < j> up vs 11h •. hangup.;
mliillll.illnll fill I In <ll INC tin hiuhh
pt t»! 11.i1 • !r is* d I -■ -«»k kr! • >ui • •! ‘ m : s ; - ns
PubhshriN 'it iiv th.n thc\ an ant mptmu
(r» raiNf pmliiN h\ picvcnttMi; student* lintu
htmii^ usrd Im m tks i ha! s < < i t.unh im *t ! hr
n imi! ..id M« i mu ! >a\ in 1 ! < ■•' • -' •
lal < aii mi with I h 111-4} M mi Mi Him U r fp. 1' 1
kt t p up with vs 11 a f n 1 ii 1! rnt 111 n !! lit |u|s
kjrlirt ,il!v vs.inl ! hr nrw ml nil nation
1)av in satd that while sin < >u!d f 1 *»i pu> t
nitmht 1 i'fi how ohm new editions apprat
i don't m t to d'Hiii: mmr than in the- j»ast
1 lir t \( It s h.ivrn'l« handed
hi 11 ! •< ■ k -' . . 1 I :' r. h
a )vc*i (in past lh n< n>. thru n tit tuuirh
Im t ii a t hatigt (muni im/ic hrtjUrn!
editions n j 1 <i Hi 11 \|, hrnna U«*k division
';..1 i; i^t I a! dit IV >■•-! 'Mil ! >• > *k *1 <
Mi. hacl Ihitlv n. tiia^u -! ’ h< ^ * k - ie
.1! \ !* >Ilda Stair i N.mi 1 hr Npai r ht iwrrli
rdltiom usrtI hi Im* alwHil rvrtv h»m u .11 v
lilt n it vs t 11! d< ns u Some . mm 1111! r\ri\
fvst >. fw»> and a hall vr.U*
Hut!* said M line i.HM.h uhunihh leejUlte
lu v\ mhuin.tYioii anvthtng to do vstth the
Middle 1 IV t *> S. ,.M 1 polltlC s h>| ItlSl.Uil «
HiU he Slid ..kM"'.Ctll!i; lll.i' Midi o
l‘Mh t f lltUIA hlNtoIX Mill Util tll.111^' CUT.
t h I e c \ i ,i l v I hr\ v.i\ \u|l get billet
graphic s and niuir e <>lor and stuff hut it
d« hmi t trails juslltv < thr 11 >st
Hui j>ub!ivh< i v .tiv i s.iv iha! pi otrssoi s v> ho
anthot t e x t bo<. k s have .t hand in hovs tic
ijtu nth m u editions an* ufteird It s up to
th< pt otc wot u lull f hr\ ‘ m »m (oothinrw
( (lit11 >us said I'm lb Mullru ot Hirnli* e Hall
Hail! NcVsIm *lei in n olK'inic V pf o|rss« M at
tin 1 <.| Illinois, said a lie Vs rchtloU of his
i * onoinn statistic s te xtbook < Mines out
at* »ut eve n foul \rai> and is pal italh h um d
• irtlca t c uncut i. oiiomit e vents Ncwlnild
said be also < hatlge s e \m he \ be. atlsr
stude nts build up “solution banks
Hut students sa\ unnee e*ssaf\ « hange-s
irritate them “ \ new edition e alike nut vs ben I
vs as on t nv se i of id Spanish i on iv said \ai •
( .»! lion i sen lot it the* l oi ( o|oi ad< • Not
oiih 11>uld 1 not se ll the Inn.k bai k I had to
bu\ anothri one*, plus a uoi klxw»k
When a publishe i . omrs out vstth a lot ot
tie vs editions, its i osi ot piod ue mg and
mat krting the 1**>ks I tvs and the- pi u r < »i all
textI* h iks go Up \nd the se high e osts leave
students broke- and trust rated
Dean 1 hompson pt<M<lrnl of \w« latioii
ot Students at the 1 ot Washington m
Seattle said he s|Hllds .iImiuI si 1° toi lilt re
< lasse s but said othrt stueie'nts spend fat
nioie "When I l<M»k at im Inioks and 1 look
at tm $1 l«i [une- tag. it doesn't add up 1
have uuvIk* five <n six thin 1mm >ks
And Sense Briefiy
Getting stingy with student loans. It
mi \v h.ul trouble }uMii^ vmii j)ln»nc. «m
t 11■< 111 t.»il<1 hills HI ihr | >.»*( , you m.i\ n*«'H
find i! h.u dri tn ^c! i Mudrhf lovin iriMii
ihr In lei .ilgi >Nci nimiit V pi * aimi mi in th«
it«-vyipM Apuin d i me igriu-\ l nrm|>l« »\
Midi! \< ! , W 11K li H ill X' > in.t* > < Ih * ! 1•).» I I
Will idjuiir I• ><iU id ipirnts t^c J1 ,md
nldri |ti pass ,t <itdif t hri k brlotr
in rmnt» then iinmn \» i nidmij to
i;n Murphv sp-ikrHiii.m !"i ihr I s
I )r p.u tun ii! «*1 l «111« . I! i • * n I hr lull vs.*n
pjvvrd bo .14r\n .» JumU VMir nrrdrd
! i » |Vj\ fll< r\!f ' * {c i i I K-l!( h; s' Mill phv »N*
viid fhr 'i'ln.r'i nmrnl in hr > ■ V* l»iiii«>f
HI Mud< HI loan d< till!> I hr J)|ohl«;m In
ill 4' nt»ini >f ii11 j ti i \ >s 111 mu pi id«
I rp.|v UK 111 hr v.ilil It s .ill .» I!i Ittr! t
ri (imunii n Nrirn.i I* • >; i K Ir ^ishil iw
* (Hifi!iii,i!oi dir l mli *l Males Mmlrtit
\ss.m ntl-m -i \\ .iNhltiki'm. I' < h ini d
Mudcnl lrddmng i'toup, vnd lh«
iinrni{>!t»v iur nt Ir^isl.ilU'ii \sill hr
hrnrfit i.il but, “11 s vsmiii; to .ittrmpt I"
; m\ ! - -i flits • Hi t hr but k s «»l sluihUK Sh<
.nId< ti t hu ’ » |>I miMi >n m t lit Hig hr t
I «lm u! ion \ . i K » u ul h"! ! it ion Kill
i tirtrlifh uinlrt drh.ttr ill i ongKNS in.is
It {k .»] tin it gul.tll* *n Ivt !oi t i! I.ikc n < Ih * t
I hr s.ultlt >t thing is th.it Muth ills .it t
hr mg t ut oil fht i nigh no ho ill ol thru
r.\ 11 | ) mg villi ■ Mlk< l It !!',< it- link / hi
lhrS I Kutgri \ I
Make sure your road Crip proeeeds without a hitch.
Sometimes road (rips (.an he a little more adventurous than you
expeet them to he \\ hu Ins wh\ v<hi six mid always par k your ATX'I (.ailing ( anl
It's all v<>u need t(> make a t all In mi alnx>st anew here t< > am where It's the least
expensive wa\ to tall state to state on AIXT when you can t dial direct \nd now.
vou could also get
hat k
(m all the It mg distance t alls y< hi
with \'tmr card* The ATXT( '.ailing(.<ml Its the best n Hite u> wherevei y< hi re g< mig
(all mort\ save morv with an MAI ( ulUtt^ ( urd.
(all 1 800 654 (M-'!, Kxt. 5014.
•M„v ">••••! ««%:»«'. *.AT 41 mg lid •• . • * " . 'AT*' VO pm '
KMCMl AT*T p>« mg piam am •• ■ .<»•■ *'*' > . «. • »—t* •••