Money for nothin’ Why investing your dollars makes more cents than ever H\ H I II (,\KKI( K I hi Hr • l «•! I •< daw if r 11 if loir of thr II1I|H »Sf! ishrd sludr lit of irii is If .till \ \ ou 1« Hint t • hr i m \kl}> bills ami hairh v* iajn b\ ru n m h mu ilir muMmul j»al rut.ti luiui* *U? But tin piohlrm mas not Ik how mm h inmirt *.ou ha\r 1: tna\ Ik* v» *ij ir (iomg < ■1 ii' •* - inu. with it I hri r an » joi of mu siiuni! ojijw »i limitirs • »ui thnr siudrnts |Usl (full ! ! .« k f .oi\ .«!; ! agt *'t tilt : Villi R ■ d U U \\ iHl.imv .ill mvrsiturnt anahst with the Wilmingi* • Savings 1 nnd s«« ir?\ Williams said simli Hi' it mi n» jmi .ill thru moiir\ in juMiitrrcM . lit * kill,: .»« « < unis 1! i si c .id of v!, M » v ’ »• .-..Is :' ill! i. .i 1 fund' I 1 >s • ■: cm u savings .u t onnts 1 lit ii mono sits m ial lunl*»in>t« ad < d urn king !< u the'in ( .1.111 led v 11 r said. lilt old adagr V :;! n ur i haw- ■ h .w mom s to m.ikt mono But that d< -< v vti ih i a an that - haw- t«» haw a 1« »l make a lot [in' S S : * a i' 1. • t! i {•*,' • «>1 s ! lit !’ iafl I* ■ filial !■ lal srt UI lt*‘ V ha . - kl tow v >| »■! i« *n > St,H ks S|. H ks of If! ihf bight v < aiimu i»* ■■ : ‘ u;% : .* t lit ’• .* thf\ » oint* with ini^iaiaiitH s I ’ll I 1 lia sillg s! > m k "> I ' t' s '‘f M t lallv l Ilf ' a : : a i-• '**• 1 u !. -g ,i 11.1« * I‘ ‘ I •!.» i oiuij.iliv It I hr i uinjiaii’. fa* < * urd! I lit \ aim of t at h shat r llii It avrs 1 ! i: ': ’ . ■ i ‘ r \ - ■ ► - d r ■ : t t hit n ! ft * t t> dit » UH H MV S<• n• ■ i, - • k :; i!M* : i o •> *.,! s s- ij t ad ! hi i \ M* •• k" !•’ i oiiii t fl.r i i'-k t!. • ,iv i. < ■ • i i ! ► < ' a ! • Bu* diw-isilwng imnhi *> mw sling a an deal ut m. usr\ iifiin wht< Ii students f t hr i < unpam (hr invest m in rtu ' thr gual ahtrr of 11 a hunting I hr initial 11 nr sunns jilus in Ito %! aflri a tixrd at: ounl o! tnni 1 htuevn it > ashrtl Iihivkhi U»ml> • an iin.ohr vr\rir jh n il'll■> Mutual kumts M U : U a 1 t . : ■ i " a ' • : o .. I * v < ■- * ■ ■ • ' • a . • list- imllal Money, Money, Estimated value of a $'000 Money *6$ ^ Q after ten years: n a . -jn a* ■.*+"A «*•' ipttjfVf.Ksd # Mtl MARCUG i . • < : ! k .i" : '\s as ^tii rani. ‘ \; - a•;< iri! (:.!(.t s |x h *1 t hru fin >nr\ vs i i ■'hi ; IT i * !; k 111 U.lU III | M i It h JVC I i’ \ < I Mill’d si > H k j M »i ti« ih. I M . , 1 IK !.lijV J »! * • \ f M t Uff l« i .liiM | M >| '!■ til' J , J ! i.! ^ ( ! ' I h - -Idei s don ■ ev< !J lire«1 :■ • unde! the vfi M k IU.ll krt to makt said 1 attv S, hmiUm^ei Mir president <>{ the • f m .. ;.! ! i! I ■. i i M i U.! W »ik. I ha Muiii-\ Mai ki ts M Ml- .'.’".til sf}' •!'!«' ! : . i 1 ! i *. I ! f t i 1 ici> IliWslMl’S -•.I:! U ; i i j u ha >i : t i s t • n k ; m m J t (i! 111 ! i * i a shoi l ;>ein>d <>f {imt S. • i; M ■-! s '! h I h 1 ^ ! 111! C ! t • \! ! . t! < s ‘ • i i! tI 1 C t .»t ( ' A I Vn . U s .tit !lla!l\I {■ ■ he link of till ‘■I'H ks IIH hided III tin | M |J 11 * >1!« » ( rrtit u ales of l >r|X »\U 1 i k« • I i < ' t; M ’ s < I *s 1! I 'lit »I i tt I J1; V fill* !<> ! ■ U ^ ! KU .11 ' i-l <1 u-Hi! i i n at 11 il; h« ii au s 'han simple saunas at t mints Instead of loalllli*; Hit »lie\ to a t ompallS , th< investor lent is Mil lilt \ l" a hank with a pi unitst not t«* vs it hi ii a vs t hr iiiunrv l of a sj >et if it nnmhri >< ats Hu! hr warned * atlv »s i i lull aw at penalties * an af h hi Intel esl ami de> jin t hum tin ol lfilial investment Save now for the costly bHte of your future ■yJUUECAMUGK ThtRmm U.rf Debsvare When college students think about their finances, they usually consider only dwn-terra expenses like rent and books. But the future i* soon, and h will be expensive. In 10 yean, today’s college student will be struggling to buy a first home, keep bill collectors at bay and raise a family. Economists predict that the cost of a four-year education alone few a child bom in the next few years will top $100,000. But now ts not the time to jump out of windows. The $1,000 invested now and carefully nurtured, could mature into a $60,000 nest egg in the next decade. With a little planning, today s students are investing in the futurr 'Investing should be a lifetime commitment,' said analyst Larry Schmittinger. 'You can't expect to make much money in three u> six months.* Jennifer Nerf, a senior at Syracuse L\, said she invested money in a mutual fund whrn site came to college •It’s easv because someone else manages your portfolio for you, and you get the profit,’ she said. And Angela Thocman. a senior at Ninth Carolina State L’., said she has worked her wav through school and still managed to put money intu a CD "1 worked for the money .* she sakl ’Now it's working for me,” % AllHA *UCZY*SIU ... V*. *,• V • - \ ».* V V*. ‘ High-tech hackers scam for big bucks Hv NIK Hill! Him K IS / V /S. \; S .1 « l h<*m t IC’diJ . i'd v .1 *r.v ’ ■ n, n! - •«mpamcui*i m jUMIlg a hl^h |JI |1 t vdiril « au^ht I a>t month thi re < . *! 11«• i m.i Stan l‘ohl( < him l m»p>homoi<•> v\ui .t»» uv d ■-f til*|\ , , ,11; , tin- ;:,»»!< x 11' "« •.'■ '! th of mrii handi\< in a \ t • Mnpuir! and t it dm aid fraud 1 hr * omputri t miicN Inin^ * ommiltrti haw r\rr\thnu; to do uith tin knowledge student* ha\r gottrn a! thru m h«m|s lWuirtl said. adding that sitidrrm an imiu* thru mtrlhvjrm r to huM thrmvrlwN 1 ■ m \ .Link '-i .! in the nation ' vmII Inn (1m ui IVm-tt said 1> i\i Kinks puhln irlati* >ns ui.nL *i I s \\ e st ( ozn m unit a t nms. said hts • >impan\ is v\n bills M an li.i kt ; s min -ni( to ht t . .ilc^c students I i;uc\s lolk-^t students m i;nicial ate mint < • uuputei Innate lit saitl ( Liu i i • »rn student . nines nn Jude Ltk.i' 1 |) st i\ii< s hit akin*; into utmeisitv 1 < nnpntcr t/ed * !as> i e^isti ation hi ^jain “ 1 'S' inn * In!! • ht < !t I'S. i.ilt dll tn It n h»{ • •mMiHM i dims lot thr t olumbta House ta|K tnd («>nipai I dist t luh said the mobile student lileshde makes u t asiei tm siudrnts i* • laktad\ auia^e • t! tuail-otdei t < iinpanies I hr m<>m t oimiH>n s* .mi Is- "hen f* • * pie v< ihI in .ui applii alum vsr send out lh« mm handisr and then vsr nr\n hear ti" (lirlll 1 ) Krrtc s.tlil addlt ^ ni.nn students use false names and addirs> rs when appUmi* toi < lub mrml»etship Ralph ( ohn. a senior vice president ! t olumbia Rrnotds said univeis; . adiiunistiatnis and campus |h*1h« vsiih the hr Ip <»! the postal sri\ti r, also air c oiiuUk down haul on dishonest students In Mjir i ase vie had a voun^ man tioii ‘ state- » ollc^r np us off hr k{oi into us tot 1 tan amount of monrv - thousands *d d«>li.u s ( * »hi i said " \\ r j»*>t in I* »ui h vs it h ■ ainpus |m>lu r 1 hr studrnt i had designs Mil to ^laduatc sc hool As a result «*. ins dealing with ( olumbia House, lie "as told h\ the um\rtsit\ ) that hr could h'l^c 1 it until hr i»ot the nutter cleared up lhrs< things detiniteh come back, to haunt students "