Life and Art IJFECTYIJCS • I RK\I)S X hats represent fashion, activism Bn PA I KK K HIM N / h< I lifts l hil!}. 1 tills l While hills it I toll's have (in. imiclli- d beliefs 11! |M , > till-mahout the wm Id. a hat has tei enth s\ uiboh/rd a powei in! ide« >l« »v;n that is gaming at ten (ion a< toss*«•» ampiiM-s l )< signed In invoke’ memor les o! Mali < •‘m \ 'he ham \\u : i^h1' |c*adci who advocated UtufN aumi^ • *ppt ess< d Ida* ks the ha is have strut k a t hold in a new generation * *! < “lit 4< '■ udents t h :■ similar t*» the one his rflrt t hat! on stude-ms diinn*; the i'^M'is Blat k Pi»wer moNement I he hats (hrnwlves svmlxdl/e a r enaissan*« ainon^ tie \ • mth i et *»i4 n i / i 11 k* the important* of Mai- • m \ v ■ ■ ■ 1 '• < M a *s lulls l who wear s om ot f h<* hats w In* h ai e ^eu< > a! bla« k wuh a l.tigi cii'rrul \ \Mw appm-s ' *' • ■:i; • . r,J that is that hlai k people need f«* ^ef * *t t 'he- - : • t e • a I 1 m >■ a et < >th mill s* ilidai itN arm »ng themsehes ( .ei aid ( .ill, a l lit! S hisl< .i \ p| Jess. .) 1 ■ .ilfiife is '.sell as the |m «wi j •! M il> dsn \ ' • and urn *»mprornrsin^ values as reasons whs students rdrntrh vsith the hlae k leader \< t oidin^; to C .ill ill the past tive Near s tiiu;!: m is hk< 'spike 1 e* ami lap gtotips Uke Ptiblu 1 neim have used Mah .... v era is as . basis Ie»! then Nsol ks '( her ihe i»r\- »t lus h- 'if h?i Mil-—' \ * •* <" *■s ■' si j • t ik; lit« a role m.wlei N «»un^ ! -la. k^ mu:. *;■ i • 1 hull than other bia* k leaders tor mam teas* .ns r. . uu, \\< said 11 *. i: ■ = •riser \atives t mines Presideuu K« Ke !_• u espoused ideas not alwavs tom ihatmA n> hi e k peoph ijU'-n d Mai till l lithe! KilU of!(a ; 11 a a et< •! r hi sal*! ■■■ f :1 • ■ 1 • ' •' - a at ru’d of! •< > hm^ ' t whets M i. dm \ spent mu< h • >t his va>u(h in urban 1 and served s< une lime m prison \ttei c olive i'.-' 'a \ a a a ■! I si a m w hilt ill jail Mali olm \ wr i •!< st o ; . ■■ ■ ► ' : < ministe r tollowmg his tele asc Ills message >' is • a ai hl.i* k and defense tin * >ugh vn »U m e Karen Johnson, operations manager it da V: i u. 1: < *r N oi r he as! ei n l s.i id slu was "not suit 1 w ■ • • u ui ‘ ’ h* |x »pulai itv > >t Ma!* olm \ ami the hats I (iue>tion vshv « ei taili j^l«nips ♦ »t |wopl< is■ • u 1 • 1 f*e e • •a a. u ^ “a JOHN CMtINC A generation of American youths are identifying with Malcolm X I ■ : '. . . . ‘ M h . \ '■» ■ ,v 1 \ :.. ■ Viv ■ 'In! HIM' •' vud |iil)it'* m n!n i uiMi'.11, \ lut Mmluw ■ nn gi .mp ut p ■ iplc VI hi' 1IInhiM.lint' il l \ il l' 'Mull, ihlev uni r . • it Ini .u ■ nip • it jH'jili iir.i’ if hi lu " it if' '} 111; r il I' 11 l.i'hi. ill ilg! Hri .iiiv . ■! Njllkt l. ivr.ti mg 11 nil i 'in '.in! Mill, mg!; (!u \ 11.11 I' i: . .1* ■■ .'!i: - :i- 1 ilt"«il|i>l ■ tkii !i< hi In in ', i In uiti :i 'i iii Mil. u \ 'h .hi • i i'i i in Ir.iilri ' i nil'll (inn', llo! nil (mpul.ll UttUIc \ .'.l'.iitr'pir"UU .uIiiiii .Hu hi hi i In ii i.i n i' in V'C.u liir hi*, tin | .ii k ! bet I4thei s best i i tern In H« >,ihI it a man appn m< bed hn .if .« |».u t\ and said. \\ as someone in \oui t.imih a ?tin t He* stole ivmiklr 11«>m flu- stats met put it m null eses siie* had iietlri stas awas 111»(ll turn 1 tut line, hr suit. in use in the* 1 wtiiis Kuskaueii s lafhet s fiiriul inntided this isa warming. but Kuskaiirn n-.-k it 41 it If i f n I !v Mu* wondeird how mans pn k up lin< > w« u themin' atouud « oil* *.iiujiiN's them dass. csjx i ull\ .it hn nuii st bool, State l She br^.ui lt» liste n to them at patties ami wtHe ttirru down N'»vs sin has an cMniMu* list pinnetl on tin dooi *•( hn dorm i* Mini Some- ot ihr pn k up lines ne s4 emni^h simple . from M to* inmate is out "i town," to flu innuendo ! hat s a nn e shut hut it t! look bettri i rumpled up on rnv fh >* m ‘ ti> the lines horn an old ■ mmr\ stun; It I -hi \-»u \«*u ha < a }* atitiful would sou h t b an 1 ■ m ' h a! i •> * h 11 i1 tlvsas s pu' ms hand thete I \\ a i.:: i " ha* k n ■ u pit. < am I te ll ms hn nils we did anvvsav - ■ 1 h • Vs ant t■ i • -i 11r • a pi/ » at a! h is c s< \ What sou (|« m r like pi//a ■ I '-eats is, mis a li^ht s\s it t ii a \s as I )• m s I isa at ' • tails -1s/ them■ Inn s pis? (, a tun die said h s funns t<» see the initial e Apfe ssiotis on people s 1 hen files usu.llls hull'll and teli \ . u 'in. ■ Iaii Hull A , ■ S • . n ( Kansas State- l Breakfast cereals: They’rre Grrreat Bv si SAN WILIJAMS I lath I Uth (,hi"i'.h i, 1 .il l tah \ s i UK' i't I hr levs i email ling r\U iismus 'I ' • > 11111 11 ■1 •-* • >1>■ mg g‘ 'hhlrd up In students ,ii toss I lie (i iiinlis \nit vuiif <> h.ivc 1 >o omc sui h a pal t the morning touline, main stu(lrnl> ■ an t get through thr dav »111i• >111 thru (talh til! I hat's the irav m Willlr H*»ltl! r\n ullK' ilirl toi thr l i >! I tail! mull 11 * nl SrlMi rs has !• i till i ri rai 1 Mils with 11 Mm Hind hags u| (ap'n ( min h nm d.n \nd rvrisunr has an upiniun vsIn i cl lam t rirals air selling hr lie i I hail othru. ini ludlllg B»ddl A on d be surpi isrd hu vs main adults and i ollrge stud nils air vsali lung Salmdav Illuming i .iiIimhis. hr said l’hll (nun. Ouakri ( )als ( ai bland manage!. said i ultrgr students air allei led 1>\ advertising aimrd al i hildiru I hr tail ( ap it holds alvoul A (K irrul o( a JihM riral lliaikrt 1 dunk il s gut a good-nattilrd. almusi a irvrirnl. kind of Iiuinui(.sun said of thr < ap'n and Ins ap|>ral to i ollrge students 111 hut. < apn ( min h vs as 11 rated bv thr urate >l ut mu ii |m i s- >!;,tllUc> .iv I;111 I! :« ! ' * •• < hands a I 4 l 1.||| sUulenl Villi < .l|> Ii l ' li: III' hi' I.m mir (old 11 i ill. .Hid hr thinks hr is at In led In tin . : niiinri i uls it mill); s.inuda tin muni; ■ ai tm ms \lth> m^h In i;ciiri alls i|> -cMi t i at i ii cal l"t Inraklast, hr r Us n "lieu hr i>rts the mutii hies But I In Spurs sruii ii h « «l scisi. is tin I *>1 ( .till*itm.1 at Brikrlrs '.ml the lasmitr 11»liI < I'lral "I st inli nts i in his i an i| ms is I n istril I lakes I hr ■ air let la 'Mils sells hi lliin^ s .tssiMtlllrlil [>.(■ ks Hr sr nil'll hi I 'UK ' anil shuii Ih nls i isi md hrlli in^ s ssas the si Mi Spurs said MtlinlJgll 1 'MIS till I tyrt, till I 1'islril I '.aki ' '|f 'kr» at. is in it s j in li n alls tat >;r trd I' iss ai d a i * 'llr^t : ■. u kr' hatrn Mai I i-'iil hi'lli >H){ s pilliln its 111.ii. i^i i s.iui students like II ills h *1 s at l< ms trasi mis 1 h vsr li i ! 11Milln'inn ati's sit.ilits and rnous ss Ini hate ass s i.itrd ss if 11 si itith, sin said Beth IVildt and Spiles said Raisin i' an ''in i ■ ■ ■ 1 :. 'I ' aliri M I rail will .it lain 1 nil via Ills n Mil! lip III till .ill "Ii ivn 1 JWM viinethuin '•> li.ipjx-nrii III ,1 u-.ll ill- IWII ( .MU I Villi lit ( ..ip lit mill !l v Mil I I'M