Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 9, Image 25

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    U. Undergraduate Scholarships
U. Offers 12 Scholarships for Individual Excellence
I The XationalCollege
Sen s/xi/h r will award 12 $ 1 ,(HK)
scholarships to outstanding
undergraduate students in a
variety of fields
Kleven of the lb!)2 l
Scholarships are being offered in
partnership with corporation*
who advertise in I
In addition, l \s ill a\y art! a
$ 1.000 Special Achievement
Scholarship to a student who
lias consistently overcome
fxTsonal hardship and obstacle*
to excel academically and ill
extracurricular activilie*
"The scholarship program i*
part of l s, commit merit to
serving college *tudents acres*
the nation Through tin* annual
scholarship award program, 1
*eek* to recognize and reward
students who exemplify the
values of achievement,
excellence, leadership and
diversity of interests and
concerns." *aui (layle Morris
Sweetland, Chairman and
Kditorial 1 )irector of l
Specific qualifications and
criteria are listed for each
scholarship program The
scholarships honor students
demonstrating excellence in
academic and extracurricular
activities and who have genuine
financial need.
Kxcept for scholarships
designed specifically to aid
minority or handicapped
students, the awards will he
given without regard to race,
gender, color or creed
Applications, using the form at
right, along with supporting
documents, must lx* received by
May 29. 1992.
Winners will be chosen by
Trustees of American Collegiate
Network, Inc. and will be
informed by -July 31, 1992.
Winners will be announced in
the September 1992 issue of l ’.
The National College
N.ime Sov Sec No,
I .,m I tr\! Ml
Sv.holarshtp \pplied I or
! .ith svhi>1.11ship ipplit-il for iinisi h.m > scp.ir,»tc applic,itn>n Imm
(. ollcgc or l am ei site
( in rent 't ear m St hool
\l.t|or Minor Ml1 \
tn k >1 Address I’lione
( its State /»p
Permanent Address Phone
C its State /ip
I he statement included in this application and supporting documents are true and accurate.
Signature I hue
I his application must he accompanied hv the following: I an academic transcript; at least
two letters of recommendation one must he from a prolessor m youi major ; and ' an essay
ot no more than sOO words describing com cjtialihcations. Include pertinent campus and
commumtv activities and explanation ot financial need. ( urrent resume may he mc'luded it
available. \ small photo mav be included il nailable.
\pplic ants mav applv tor more than one scholarship, hut each application must he
accompanied hv a separate application form and a complete set ot supporting documents.
I’liotoeopies ot supporting documents, including oltui.il transcripts, are acceptable.
Documents will he verified as part ot the selection process.
I his scholarship is funded hv \meric.in ( ollegi.lte Network, Inc.. I he determination of the
w inning student is the sole responsihilitv ot \ meric an t < illegiat v Network, I tic. I he aw aid
is not available to employees or family members ot American ( ollegi.lte Network, Inc., or
the sponsoring organizations except the \rinv ROD \chicvement award, which is
intended specifically for participants in that program.
Winners will be notified bv |ulv D, ll>l>2. Winners will receive their checks and
scholarships as soon as possible, following enrollment tor the I all term. I’root ot
enrollment wall be required.
(checklist: J Application
J I ssa\
J I'ranscript
J Resume loption.il >
_J I wo recommend.ition U tters
J Photo (option.ill
Please mail completed scholarship information packet to:
U. Scholarships tor I xcellence, Achievement and I e.ulership
1800 C enturj Park l ast. Suite 820, I os Angeles, C A 0()()6
1)1 ADI INh:
I'o lx- considered tor a scholarship, a complete application must lx- received h\ Mas 2l>, ll'02.