Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 8, Image 24

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    U. Undergraduate Scholarships
T he Anheuser-Busch
C .'ompanies
.ife { '■ K.i f present .. /lu*n.intftes
S* /’• I Jr sh ip in t h, *n u n! < ■ f
\ I .< 1 l- .it: ut t.m dsny; -in.iff it t*t
the Hurn.inities I< he eligible. the
student must .1, hiei e the ' IL-u mg
• W.untJin .i min;**tum • emde
/’■ >snt .11 e'iige
• De*n> -nstr.ite ut
.1, f'tn emenf in the . i ■ tn
.i*i.i field studies
• l ), *n< >ns[r.it, ?in.i*:.i.ll *n ed
General Motors
Acceptance C orporation
/ s I'r.-nd !>> present .1 l i n.1 *:. /.11
Seri nes I'--Lit ship tn the ,im nn! «■/
S /.■ " ;• ‘ t< i*i > lilst.indinvt student in
hn.m.e /<- he eligible, the student
*nus t hi, i ,- th, *i >11, >u ini;
• W.nnt.iin mi*:!**:ut*: e*.id,
p< >inl .n rr.ige
• Sh. n .1. .idem,:.imitment t<
fin.in, e .in.i . \ * epti* >*uil
kn> >u It dgt ' *:ft.jnt ul se*i n es
• / >,■**: 'tistr.it,- fin.;*:.;.}: n, ed
Sports Medicine
M f> r • >H,i />'<•'( Mf A st h -l AT \f' tft
\u Arxi ;»/ ' SJ *< ■' r
student u h>- *»j > m >/'.;/< •. >ut
stAndin^ ili Aiit’TTiii < \. clirfh e ;».* //?«•
field i>f sf'i>r[s mt-iiiiine l>> be
eligible, the student *nu>t /*iri <• tht
'< >ll< >u tnv*
• WAintAin A tn*t: y
/*• *mf rrjyv
• \ •ri’sn..:. ’i ‘ t \ , «•//«'»:* r /»/
//’< i /.iv%r< *• -»>f, i - * iKf'i 1 j»*t/
nlMi n/.;r .j* /.•; if/< ^
• ! 1 •• . Fiwji
is f>r.'itd : /**< w fit .i \1j*iefi*n:
St h. :n the jrri ;<».•: ^ S / ‘
- .i tHiit'Vl U f- der*1< *!st*j/t '
fx'trritul tn Mjritrfjrix I ■ /'* rhtfihi< .
the student **ut ^ f j*hieie the
ft ’>/■ *n
• M.»»;;i m;
/ • erj^e
• I )( **!> *:strjft -n! - t.i»ids*i e
re, rd in the field * \1jriet?ri\’
• I h ", 'I't’.ite 'in.i*i, s.ii need
Athletic Achievement
j S, !jr>/•;/■
\ujr.l :>: lh, j*n unt ’ * / < ^ 1 l
stUiicnl .ithletf l<> he eligible, the
.si h*>ljt .ill It ft must hjte the
* 'll- u f»:k ^lulllfh Jtl >Hs
• Aehiet J minimum . ■ . i
I” >int erjge
• I'.rti. .ai •: • ft . .»
intfjnii4r.il tt jtfi
• p ;
is />'••{<./ : present S.h.ljrship
\ujrJ : »j i’ti-Hr,: ' W 1 f ■
sfuJent til'. Atn: "fist r jl$rs ut
.iJi'mti. e\i ellen* e in the
fieU • e.iiii.it: n I h<■ eligible. the
stu.lent fttu>/ jt hie: r .'/’t '.»//, mv
• Vf . in ..
/»«nut Ji er.iy;e
• / >< »>;. nstr.ite f -tentul •
* ./'cV' w r*»/l4i *J/Ji »>/
• / '< *•:< r.vr\/
M. \ st/:r( WKDA ISA
ROTC Achievement
The Army RO I C
; • pr -ud t preterit art \rnt\ R( ) I (
\, hn■; , -ment \uard in the arrtount
• >f V/ ; ' f .if. outstanding student
fin died in the \rmx R( > / <
t" er.int I h,’ eligible, lhr student
*nust a< hu t <• the full* >u ing
• \ia:ntatn .t minimum i 2 grade
p< .fit at erage
• l nr dlment in \rR< ) I (
• I’.irtn ipati- <n in student .Jt tintn s
• l )( •*;. •: • trjti d , ’nrnunitx
'•rfi lit f (i i ft d
■jv ■ *.'•**»* A> '/< ». /»■ ’r.
Academic Achievement
is ('’ ’ltd t< present .1 Scholarship
\u ard m [hr amount >2 SljHH) t<> a
student u ho drm> nitrates out
standing academic ex^ellerne in am
r • "en: ed fir Id >>f stud's l o he
eligible, thr student must .u bin <• the
■ •//• m me
• \ minimum 2 gradt point
at erage
• \ >**thtru.itt< fi <-f e\> ellem e in
thr . Lissr >o>n , ., t ut r;, ular and
extra <urn, ular tu 1ties
• l), m. n-teite / .>urr» j.;/ ncrj
Academic Achievement
Motor Sales
ud to present a Scholarship
\uard m the amount of $ I ,(Hk) to a
indent who demonstrates out
>la*tdtng .liddemti. excellence in arts
r<\ -grazed held <»t studs l o he
eligible, the student must achieie the
ft Alt u ing
• Maintain a minimum >' 2 grade
pt nnt average
• \ iomhmati. n of excellence :n
the , Aissr. • >m. c < » i urru ular and
extra c urrtc ular /;i ities
• / >emi ristrate l man. tal need
Academic Achievement
is proud I" present .1 Si /•.d.lrship
\uard in the amount it \ 1,'hm i .
student uhn demonstrate' out
standing .nademn e\t ellem e :n .in\
ret ogmzed field of stud\. b I .
eligible, the 'Indent must aehtere the
fnlloli trig:
m Maintain a minimum i.J grade
fn nnt .11 erage
• \ 11 imbinjtii m i it exi ellen. e in
the classroom, m itirrii ul.ir jnd
extra c urn( ul.ir at in tin s
• Demtinstr.ite hn.in.ul need
Business Administration
is proud to present business
\drnintstrjtion Si holjrshtp in fht
jrnount i if $1,000 t< ‘ .1 student u~h
demonstrates high fn>te ntul m
business Administrate >n I be
eligible, the student must m htei < the
ft >IL >u me
• l)e*nonstrjte Mjdemu e\<ellerut
in the field of business
\dmmistrjtn m
• Mjtntjtn minimum ' 2 itr*ide
point jeerj^e
• / )enu >nstrjte brunt u! need
Special Achievement
U. The National
College Newspaper
is proud to present a Spdiai
\i biet ernent Au-jrd in the amount
of $ 1.000 to .1 student u )■
e(insistently overcomes personal
hardship arid obstacles to excel i"
the Ji adernn ami extra eurrn uljr
arenas \ppluants must
• Maintain a minimum 1.2 grade
pi nnt at erage
• Demonstrate an outstanding
.uademn and extraeumeubr
record of ai bin ernent
• Demonstrate f inancial need
'S.Ill< >n.il
t i
Now spapt-i