Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 4, Image 20

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    Is there a doctor in the house?
Candidates prescribe
remediesfor health care
!U s( (il l M< mi KSON
/V/ ■p-ii’ \ krr n« Si ‘ . f
\ v hr .Hit • -II r J.tlkrs nil an Hi< : < asin^h il?l| *■• 'I t.mf i ■ <!» n •
thr pfMj Hr« u«»n < ai s »liH .t»c ^ in }>i«»j>* a ‘..tin '• "f
plan* t*» i uri 'hr ills t .1 ,m .1^11114 j* >puUn>»n awl riiMin ih.ii
th< • ill .illold fir.juntr health < .in
I hr I illicit V .u t *i ami Vmill \ 1in « .* i c 1 hr «mh i*s«»
liidusfi jah/r »i nad'tin \*i'!n*ul .1 swum * * f uaii«»nah/r«i
health < an
Pal Him h.inan
Pm!j. v hi t (III!1; !«» tl .iiiltl'fll.j!
• >-mmatisr Hu« hanan v»«uild * >tt* s .»
inr.ih ai Individual K< sue mrni \« . «»uiu
UIU i 11 i < Mill i h< \\-t d ’ ■ ; mv ha health * a J r
Pi * »hi< m* Hu* h tiiai
.1 it
un\ tin i t.iv in frdt i .1! n}m titling 11< v** uml Lit t
i (| 11 i v dr \ j| r f < > U ins f c * 1< ; ti ,||(} j»l < ,i 11 s v a tlJMvr whit i 1
wuiilil li.tiin ihr I« -i tu Mint \iii(ii> .ms whu nett I bt.ilth
( .rut Kush
|\iSh\ ll|M|H*v,ti Ihisli !!* I S t( tit I -1 MijijM >1 f !< H pm.i!(
ljr.il I ti III Ml l .Hit t lfHilvldu.ih \s ji< !M' Hit Mint' lt*\ I. ! t. I i 1 > IwImW
!ht lint •rtfuilti let flU i It tit l.il VnUi ltrl («» f»UN
in mi i .in* ■ Hush lit- 11 * * f s.nti H .«»!!« snitirfU?*«.m (jn.thh
{<•! the \iiu< I * < f S Hr .«!**•• tllgrs small I'DMtirWN to t»* f Til
nrtwor kvt<Yt aniiMti'ti foi low.ri latrs
Pi < »hjrtm I lie j>i it c uk ai < omjum ing Bush s prof* >s.d,
billion o\ci 1i\r \eais will hkrl\ doom fhr lull While
hr < •■!h i t <1 a vK pai»r list . >! futtrfllU’ options the i*t isidriit
didn t s{ ht itu alK su\ h« *w hr would fund I hr system While
hi ha' p < * ilfil sed In oiiiual M ed it aid and Mrilit air
I xpenditmes his s\s!t in ml! do litt it 11» < mb rising health
I a! r < I tstv
|**rr\ Brtmn
i’oht \ PfojDsal Blown s I amd\ Bill of Rights would
nn !iit|f ihe ’ u;ht o{ \meiit alls to base some )i>im ot health
i an iii ' : . N pawl -a' t f : ■. - *ie!< d aftei iht ( anadiall
hr ah b * a! < w m m w» add vsol V h m * *! i M o| <t ts's I he fide i n
i’-ardiinrii! would at : as HiMiirfs footing the bill and
IK »!i.Um^ in ' VMUI1! II* ilKIU'H’- lit ' »w ! i
ii\* • r'nj»!i,iM/i ■ Vnh.U IK i|UH kl\ U • <»IUItlK
lm//vsonis on nillrm t.unpusrs vsrllnrss
.md pi< st-niiriii
1*11 ihlctm Hi■ ‘sms lu' «if In * tl f«*\% sjm t ilu •*
<m h>ivs to Im.iiH f hiN Mii^k- juvri svstrm
hut vtss ho J ‘t jxi < rut Hi! I .Ur UimfiU uv
vn Mild i • isri ( lists
hill ( Imton
r >ii. \ f’i*»jw>v.il ( hniun pjofhivt s h» <lril\rl a health < alt
mUiaiiW It h 1! l lil* fit M v r .1 f U1 < tl 11» « > • I i* Vs till h III* lu<l<- s
; •: * ; !• •' .i! ■ - :: 1 f mI j»H !« <m! • 1J« < llli'1 -h ■ h iirVrs
Uc i ii . ft-Air t n-'u^h saunas h\ « utliiu* health < .tit t<»\i> ^ •
!Is.i! hr vs* Ullfin I haw to t afsr Li\t s
' •:* ;ii\ 1 tk :l.: on thr hr*; in flu hr-t Ull < air ami
- ■ , ' •< . * * S,i : . v
billion i' r.isH i uni than done
Clinton promises fast action on health care reform
Paul I vm^as
PmImV Pi t ijM >s,|| I hlnil^li d » «»II I j >< till* Ml, I MM 1-1“
h- .; *r> ! 11 <!;u < health • i: < « •»>t s I h w < *uld < !«• it,
i ompruiioii \M(hm the health i.iit- indtistis .»11 * ♦ v%»r i ^
u.iiMiiiMiN tu ( h""M then pr* >s ide-i s II is plan ah< ms * ■ .>:
pi< A ide i os t-1 a^e t< *t ii Hr tuple *sea I and pat t t imr \soi ke ( s
P: • »h 1 e ! i;' I U p ll *>n! < < >'! . v s hill I"!1 l" a!:*"! _ *1: •
1* »W c-NC i»t all the ptnposah I hr pi obtain should 1m hmdrd
tht "Ui»h a ! •:« • s j»r t« cut payroll tax on h .mih>s H« am • :
the lh* * U 111 '»! lilt I r tvd taxes LS UM tails rfloil^h to kill a hi!!
Give $2,354 and call me in the morning
tu IUM HI (Km
/ . ( ", H I ..! \
Mi up. \inciii .in (J< 'ii i thin* .H»■ In ill!
• .ill- ■ It ItA I <>M Ufitll tint 111 Til it
\rt ill lie ihh t .itr t \ jirntllllJi ■ '
S' ■ ll!;.
■v J vVi | if i (IClMitl 1U llil' MM! J'l'H!, it l-H
r'ltln.ttril flv.il i t is! i will lull iim M t" mult
T ' V f ...l";;,' '! t '' T '•
S ! ' *" I It! it it u ( , 11, u [it | MV If >1 lit .tllll . lit
t ■ ■ •'-? ' .t i r ! i m
i apidh . It a\ Ihim
!i |o .l! I* *1 d .it 1 *
iju.iif hr .1 I til i.trt
M i HV pr 1 »}»lc ‘: <
• •• d m K : ihi'' •« .1 f s
ntrMdmu.il rln iron
l** bf 111^4 .d»« ml 1 rhu m
m (hr health t at r
1 hi 1 r .Hi .» 1 * * 1 ' *1
i r.hi m> v* h\ ;ht>- had
hr t * mi 1 l hr in.»}»»!
hMK \.tid ( amphrll
! lliMlI'.Ml) • •! f hr
I c *i* : iu'11; «>1 \ met 1
i ■ 1 i r I : !; S . s'.i ':; •>
i In u ,idr ,i""i l.itinll
trpirs* nun*. 1 b'<' «•!
!hr lUlU *!I s imrslu!
• >itned ho'plfah .md
In»>pn.d 'iiirfll
• 1 • mpN liit < « >m . 1!
hr.»iiii i .*n- h.»N I hr 4• >ve j ninrni i'
«• n I \ wilhn,; :«> j>.«\ !*»! .» }»«*111 <»1) <»t 11 >
, ■ 11 u 1. ’' \ : ;■: ; :iiv .»U hc.il'h 11 1 ;.!!>> « h.i*
'<<!!.; - h k .: ''■>'! h< ^ 11. :Ti' .:« * ‘
.mil th.it li.i'm,t«i* pit :uiuiiin mu t«
Ml «it rill* l; t' < t < . 1: i • >UU; ini W ill* *i
\ nn i 1« .1 m u 1r h«»ut .iit\ f«>f m >1 hr.»it h
UiMU.im c marts <*{ thrtn soon*; adult* jtivi
"It) ' »l It I *f < • ! :< wf \ H \ « S • >t 11.1*1* >Tl.tl
him 11 am « .t^riu irs shows that stt Uialls .ill * »f
thtiu drlrtr stud-rut* fr**ni the ll pareniH
loscia^r uhrl» the student tuills
Health « ait tn.iv n« *t hr m front «*! the*
minds o{ « olir^r a^rd pn sun* said ltd
Ini :ht \\ .isliin^i. >n
I M h i i \ . \ vs. >■ i > -! R< ! i! < I
!‘r ' sons thr\ in < d !*i Ih i osrt r<i jus! .ts
mill h .o .iiisUkIs 11st
"ASW -.’\n .! „V, r*AV>A .'A*!
An ‘1fci,n^ population has vaulted the heatlh
care issue to the forefront
Hi alth is vrrv
impiiit.ini to tit ill us
ni • m.i11ci wh.it ilu
a ai sa id ( hat le s
I dies i ini 'loss. ii i it
u : ■ . siliil ' l! Nru
Null, s I III ilh.ltll I
.Hid i Ii.iiiman <>t the
I I-lift .ll ( I Ollll i i oil
\giug (lining (In
\ i\ I omI .m.i
< .ii h i .iiliiiinisii .i
(in!,' S' ■ ill h ' ■!
health h.is in do with
what wi do tui out
sr!\ r s U ti a t w i i a I
i:;.i di i: ► i ■! 1:,i
things in vs tin h we
uventidulgi it atin ts
• nil health H < ai e
-liiiiosi net teiiatii • >tt
t lit mcdii al laic
sv stein '[ill k ll[i o|i
* mi sin nit <
H( ii'h »! s bnnllii N .1! i (Wtl ^If.tlC‘1
{»! • •blrn, .in .m l h<«• 111 < 11\ < < *mpi isc
■ •nl\ ; \! jm :«c n; ■ >1 \ttirth a > f*)j>ul.iUon,\rt
tli«-v ur i< \jn immMc f«u Mile thliti nt total
l s 111 • .i:f < \|H tidllur ( \ t. ■ • MtluijJ '■ -
*ln ( < . i !• ■: ;ht vini\ .| t! tin 1
<>t \lahama I lie t kli iIv i nitsume three
tunes mot e health t aic i t v mu e\ than (host
miiii i li'i
\iitJ \menc i s need till alt«•!(tattle health
■ an mil loiitinue In spins In l'evs lltHMHI
\inei It alls agr I 'ami met t eipmed long
■t tin hi alt 11 1 ale lu the it at ‘JOOtl. it is
estimated tilts nulllhel istll llttieasi lo
n'”1 and In the seal 'Jh'.'it, the iiuiiiIk i
util hale ni|ileii in I a million a. tooling to
a sin.ii done In the Waham.t t teionlologit al
Sot it'll \ll oi this ml! jittl otii piesefll
In a 11 h < tie sistetn undei an Hit letiible
sit am
< tin ot iht \ \RP s < top pnurities is to
ielm in the nation s health t ai e si stem,
H >s sa:d Main ). t • • j i! t t nd up
'(•ending then hit saunas on nieilit a! t ate
it asm; spouses ant! t luldien to t ope mill
tin .dietmath
1 lie Situation Is i 111 it al .111(1 getting noise
I in pmliltm is at the national level,'
s ilt! I t! < li.ii It s a nietiit al et onoitiist anti
t v an h pmlessoi ol inedit lilt at tin 1 ot
\ i ’ ;i . >' iiu iningham St liool ..I
Medn int We alt on si liedule to end up
with some latastfophli piuhlem, and
’egislatnui will hast lo lit passed helolt
imlhmi; meaningful is ill I* -done
l idol tuilatels . vshoevel hei times
pit sident in l*,i‘|s> vs 111 not he aide to do
a: v tiling lit salt! I )ui pi est lit lit altil
• alt ss sn no is set until aioimd die tuili ot
tilt i eiitllis
H* itii t ns. I m issest i is un ne . mini list it
In Hit ast eight months :ht it has het n
a t it I.tinill .ss.otl letoim," lit said I
hast a . ivsul ball, though so I don't
S . Its tsheti 1 ..ego ssvstlltmalh ait
s w./Viet .. Iht I i|Ulllo\ Krt-'., St,:!,
1 .< •ntnh<& ‘i u i thiv v/a >r*v
Register to vote
or stop whining
By GREG kil ls
rhf Xuburfs riiiiti'iman \uhutn l
I iki had i egistri mg h >i i lasses tsn t
as eass as I egislct mg to sole
\ i mug |k iijil< ■>< imettmes think1 hat
thf\ an il l leads In he lit the
111 .11 it n 11 tain, ’ said 111 a 1111.« thei
president <d tin \llanta 1 ulton
( omits league "I Women \ utcts
"Bui Miuih is always the redemption
td a lountts bet ausc thrs air the
tulun*," Hh i added ’ 1 hetelote, it is
Unix mailt tin them In sole as calls and
as often as dies t all
You tan t sou . lu as esc! unless sou
I enisle!
While plates to irglstct sacs hs stat<
the most i onsisteiit plat e is the t mints
(ouithoiise Non must leglstrt in tin
i ounts m sslut It sou will sole
I ss11 lat tins that sais aie hots loin;
sou must he a resident prioi to
icgisicimg and hots lal in ads am e ot
tile elet Uon sou must register
I lints ttass is the standaid foi hah
hut some states don't require sou to
meet eithci until the das td the
elet lion.
II sou have icgisicrcd prcsiousls hut
didn't sole in the IWM elet lion, von
should tall sour lot al courthouse to
make sure you're still registereti
(.hatues are sou stou t be All hut
nine states have procedures lot
purging regulations of people who
tail to sole