Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Image 17

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    April IMS • Volume &
. me. Publication
Remembering Malcolm
Nfuilrhls lit
hi# 11
Money, money, money
/V 12
Tmc Student Body
Taking a gamble
1 i -! f u : I ir * hull' c > m i »i < ! in
tin- ’nn Ir.i^ui > nunr .mil mmr
li in lei i I.isMii.m aihli u ' ,u i Imlciiini;
I hen 11 dlf^l.llc chv’ihilitN anil kjnill^
iln ua\ ■ •! the ill alt Uni ulial ale llu
i jil- •' /'ttjjr JJ
Students say /andfords are killing theirftarty
lUrRn ui; l ol Url.iH.iir
It n the* prmerbial dump
(.film wallv diN^n'tin^ <.«» ks * u< in '- and ! and* »n i ti u nidiu> '0 « n
about ilit* vai d amid dir hurt front a pat u ir«»t t/r sism u n ant!
nrtghl* »i ** alike
It •» aU«» thr independent ndk^r life Vud Mudrnt'. in 'ran h *f
im reavd ft red* »m and t rNjwMiMbihn at r tn»»\ iiu »H * am jun m > *a«»\ < *
I c nn than ‘Jd pm rnt '»! thr 1 I *» million nude :■! . u< idr: n
rntidlrd in . ollc rr s aiotind the • • min :; ■ f :• • e: o ' • •' 1 *
hoiiMii- i. • ■ (Ik iW-p.uimrn* •*! Film S»nn» * ,.!» ?! ■:»'
ft» J*\e tr h« »if » \ufh fht u paimiv but tin rrsf .uc 'I411UU <»** thi <"l*»ficd
linr f«» ii\r m nt .uln ap.uttmniv • utiduminiuim <*i h«»itio th.it * »t * * 11
ai r tin .mIcst*id
M -N- s •' :: • • • -
V, a I Mai di t K' ' *i < ■ \ft ■;* ; . « (lit !, \ h* 1 »
H<aiMh^ .*t tfM t «»! Irx.t'' \tiVii;
Hut thr hc\ida» hi s » tail'd with th< »>H~t ■ ■ • > r i < *;ta t • ‘hr
tot r!t <*iif (itiit kh hit thc^ lirV tunt tciitrts a* thi s inn t <h<* UiKllmti
V .i!*t v ’ • > f 1 ■ It :■ M .»!».•' \ . i- !h« \ ■!
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