Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 16, Image 16

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57 W Broadway
and 957 Willamette
Downtown Mall
or sale
I'hc UO Folklore Program And
The Flebrew University/UO Exchange Series
Are Proud To Announce Lectures By
M. Crunwald (.hair of Folklore
Thursday, April 9
“Contemporary Israeli and
American-Jewish Folklore”
at 3:30pm in Room 338 Gilbert
“The Role of Women
in Yiddish Folklore”
at 8:00pm, Temple Beth Israel
2550 Portland St., F.ugenc
Nby tin t 'nivrmty of f )rrgnn ! allriort J'rtrgnitn, tlx ( )ffhf of
fn(rrtui$orutJ Affairt ilx / nghth l kf**trtmr*t. fix HtlUl frunh Siuiimt
/ nion a*ul tlx S4 Alpha A/w futidii Affair* lf\iurr
Women’s tennis nets big victories
By Doug Carter
Onsfion women s tennis coat h loin (.:• .• i• ■ r
"..lift his team took ,i sli p m ihi' right <iir• • > !mn
last weekend m Washington and is <m h^n1 to
set ii new single season win record
Lust Thursday s mall ti against l*uget Sound
was mount lo si rs' as a warm up lor the !)u< ks
15-10 on the year, who wore preparing lo face
Washington and Washington Stan in thi three
day Northern I'aeifii it) f onfercnc e round rohm
The Oregon women disposed of the opp sing
Loggers handily, coming up victorious in eiglit of
the nine matches played In Tac oma I he ov er
powering nature of the Ducks' w in gave the team
some added momentum going into the lourn.i
merit at the new Indoor tennis facility on the
Washington ( ampus
And the extra adrenalin paid immediale divi
dends lor the Ducks, who -enjoyed unmatched
success against the Huskies
"We won five mate In s against Washington,
that's the most ever/ Creider said Last year we
won only three and the two years In-fore that we
didnt w in any
Sophomore Katie (.lynn got the Ducks rolling
with -i straight set victory over Washingtons No
•1 singles player. t> -i *>-l I reshman Heather
l pdike was also v ictorious in straight sets, as she
gave Ull only two games lo the Huskies No l> sin
gle's player. (> ld> I
junior Shelley Brandi helped tin Oregon cause
with victories over berth the No ' and No it sin
gles players on the Huskies roster ' he fifth Due k
victory was provided by sophomore ( vnlhia
Despite strides made by Ills squad. ( freider sees
room for improvement
We lost toe many three-setters to Washington
we need to learn to close matches out.
t.n-idef said Right now, we don't know how to
put the pressure on the opponent .it the* end of a
tight mate h
Hut that 's all right bee atise you need to expert
i-nci- 1! before you < an believe in it
The Ducks didn't have the same problem
against Washington Stale, as they coasted to 1.!
wins in 1 7 male lies against tin- ('.ougars
Propelling the Ducks past the Cougars were
freshman Kara Yoshida. sophomon hrissy Barger
and Clvnn who .ill won two matt lies Oregon
We won five matches against
Washington; that’s the most
ever. Last year we won only
three, and the two years
before that we didn’t win any.’
Tom Greider.
I :,tc "’’r" .'( "’'".S' , Vi.
will have ii c hunt e In beat up on Ihr Cougars
again arid revenge prior losses to tin- Huskies-this
weekend whi'n (hr Ducks Iravol lo I’ullman for .1
dual male It April ID and I 1
The Ducks have alrradv begun preparing them
solves for the trip
"Kara (Yoshida) and I are mil lo gel the Hus
kins' No 1 doubles Irani." sophomore Sherri,
fcorgrievr said
On the men's side ol the m l. Oregon will host
Willamette Ibis alternoon at the Oniversitv courts
al 2 K)
Although its opponent has not been a great
challenge in the recent past Oregon won HO
and 0 0 in the two meetings last year coac h
Hu// Summers is not going to let his team he
1 ome complacent
We anticipate being heavy favorites, but we re
not going to overlook them." Summers said 'Our
guys will he psyched up and ready
Summers will use the opportunity to give some
younger players a shot freshmen lush I’rager and
Dora I’arlovl will la- playing the No ! and No t>
singles matches, respeu lively
We're going to give some of the players more
responsibility than they are used to," Summers
said ol the c hanges
Oregon's Chris Oiadwell yvill play the No 2
single despite nursing a bad right knee Ihe se
nior tore his anterior c rue iale ligament last month
while play ing basketball, but he said it feeds sta
hie enough with a brae e
It feels great. Clad well said I've been u. ,r k
mg with weights I'd say I'm about HO pen rut
Oiadwell plans on having reconstructive sur
gerv this summer in < aiiforntu
Prom Mar 30 ■ Apr 11
* Mncauet,Bai,s
i,Tn5ft »"«‘uded
13th & Kincaid • M-S«l • 346-4331