SUMMIT Continued from Page 11 large snowdrift blcxking .dxnit lop extend from Mounl Hood south to Diamond Peak The Three Sisters appear only <1 stone's throw awiiv. ami even Mount Hu h elor and It lark. Butte farther east in Central Ore gon peak through To the north and west the mountain's slopes drop awav dramatically, and the eastern pinnae le of Tidbits Mountain rises nearby The clearing where you parked the car can also be seen far below to the east The rugged Western Cascades stretch to the ho rizon to the north and south, and there are even glimpses west to the Willamette Valley ! he view from the summit has that ptinorumu too degree feel a mountain should have The recent cooler weather has likely brought snow back to this area, hut it shouldn't last long And again, this is a hike best done on a clear day . when the full range of its s< enerv-i an he appret l Hted /av son /ar o/n is u spurts reporter tor thr Krner aid GREEN Continued from Page 11 player* don't swm to bo too worried "Wfl'fd al! pretty gi*>d .ith letrs," I’otUir Milt! "!i will take an adjustment period with a different coach and different philosophy, but I think we ll adapt to ii pretty quickly " Many players were some what surprised how quickly a new conch was hired, but the Due ks were pleased with the work of athletic director Hill Byrne "I ihink (Byrne) did a fId job." Poller sold "We were kind of In limlxi with out a couch. It's like the head's cut off the chicken " Well the head’s hack on the chicken, and there's a III tie excitement hack in the Ducks Hut everyone will have to wait until the fall to see it this team starts to lly or lavs an ejyj RESUMES • • t . • • V I'll • ,|[ • " M X ' t Mi 346 4381 9 5 Mon Fri o_ TOUCH OF CLASS CLOTHING A Tmgr>am hmt'gf* ? Httmttmg VS omen A ( hUdrm’v ( lothin^ Coniempof»> A Ethnic Niiurii Fihrrv lASTI R SPECIAL: Salt mi AM. PiMtrl It mu! Mon Kri 10-5:AO ♦ Sul 10-5 Wt Ru*. ( 'UiMftt A Irudf Rt ^ppt 2650 WJI.I.AMI I IK 343-0095 OiidiiUi mi OOuHDQ dr Mine WNQl| 6-r liOTfios m " " i‘( . l A y E11E m 8uv rRA0t OflCONSGS 343-6179 CASH FOR BOOKS T wo Co rw*ni«frt l oral ions 7*4 [ i*h 425 Witlamana I :« (J