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Sports E d4» ;'hr 'radtlion is at it again The Oregon womens track team s javelin program lias al ^ .1 \ s been strong, and this term it nst got stronger \shje\ Selmari the 1 ‘too N( A A javelin c hampion, en n ifii at (Jrrgon for spring term ami w i II i ompete as a Due k next season The senior sot inlcigv major transferred from I! S( after training during the summer with Paula Horry who gradual ed horn Oregon after winning the St \ A c; pint sh ip III the event last spring Hellee dec tding to transfer. Salman moved in with ftcrrv in t.iigera September to take i \ c ar off Iron, the i'S( trac k pn attain During winter break, !tie gi vear old ( (range Counts :. i:1 v e w as se> is| v thinking about a permanent change ol pac e. she said After I was hen* for a few in litis I started think tig that I didn’t want t-, go hac k to I. A . Selma!! said I vs anted to get the lire hac k that won the ’1 et() national title ( liber lac tors that m !l uenced Seiui.m s move were the i hang ,ng of the javelin cciac.lies at CS( and the idea of being aide li ir.nn under Oregon throws c (mi h Sallv Harmon 'Sallv is really well known lor being a g r * • a t coach Selmari said It sounded like a really good (bailee to broaden rav understanding of the jave iin Seimaii saicJ i St. recently moved her throws coach to Jumps and brought m a new c csic ft. just giv mg tier more rea son to want to move She also san! she was tired of practicing h\ herself I |ust started getting burned out on training alone.’ Selmari said 1 was kind of stuck in a hole there The I ngalls weren't "real ex cited’ about letting her go, but were prett v supportive. Selmari said I’cim Hemonen has seen all ol Oregon’s great throwers in : i is ! i - \ ears as head c i ac h. and ha is just as exc tied as Selmari .s about the mat e She's a real I v nice kid." Hemonen said of the I’rojan school ret ord holder It’s great to have a top-level athlete ('< IYMNKNTA1. BhKAKKVVT Wcrl^tav* 7 JO-11 00 j Espresso A Pastries [ loNuamtuS *3.501 : EXCELSIOR CAFE > 7S4Il. I.Mi > J kUck mnt mf cmm+mt Ashley Selman who's .ilso .1 really strong influ i'ni c She .idiis goixl attributes to our team." Selman. whose personal-ro i i : i throw ni 187-9 is the I’ac 'U s lourth-hest and l S("s bust ■ vit also adds another A11 * American name to a program at i ushmied to them Harmon won the national li e as a Llut k in l‘)Hl when the national championships were not the NCAAs, but the Associ ation for Intercollegiate Athlet es lor Women (.MAW) The next year, All-American Lynda Hughes set the Oregon school retort! ot UOH t. which Berry i ame within itu lies of breaking last year Interestingly, Hughes, an Olympic team member in 1984 and 1988, left Oregon alter her junior season because of aca deme reasons She resurfaced two years later — after a red shirt year and a year for mater nity leave at Arizona, anoth er I’m • 10 school Other Oregon javolin A11 - Americans include Koz Rouse, Brooke Alien and |ill Smith, die 1988 NCAA champion. Or egon senior Kim Hyatt followed up Smith's title with two All Ament an appearances of her own m 1089 and 1990 I he 1990 season saw Berry rebound from missing the meet her sophomore year as she took second to Selman at the N't A As Ironically. Berry re turned the favor last season at Hayward when Salman fin ished second to Berry in the na tional championships Though Hyatt will graduate this year, the future looks as bright for Oregon's javelin pro gram us the past does With .Selman coming in next season, there should be less pressure on Oregon freshmen throwers Kelsey Stellick and Keri Lster brook. two of the nation's top prep throwers a yeur ago "It gives Keri Lsterbrook and Kelsey Stellick another year to mature,” Helnonen said. Sid man's year to mature is this spring, and she said she just hopes to get healthy enough to do something quite "unique" — win ihe national championship in javelin for two different schools GRADUATE FUNDING Graduate Students: Find out how to use the GRADUATE FUNDING LIBRARY at one of the following introductory workshops: DAYS: Mon., lues.. Wed. April 13-15 lues.. Wed., Thur. April 21-23 TIME: 12:00pm - 1:00pm each day PLACE: Graduate School, 125 Chapman ( .ill *4fv-2S04 lor further information