SPORTS r* JJWOts-f T/iro® Sitters can be seen trom Tidbits Mountain. These three volcanoes, each more than 10.000 toot high, seem a stone's throw from this mountain north ot Blue River. Touring the top of Tidbits Mountain INTO THE OUTDOORS BY JAYSON JACOBY Frw people would probably expend mm h ef fort to see .1 plat e called Tidbits Mountain Despite its diminutive name, though, this 5.185-foot peak north ol Blue River in the VVil lamette National f orest offers a t.iste of just alrout everything Oregon s Western hast ades have to of fer In return lor just two miles and 1.1)00 feet ol el evation gain, hikers on the Tidbits Mountain will see old-growth trees, wildflowers. the re mains of a log cabin, an impressive roi kslide. and from the mountain’s summit close up views of several I the Cascades' highest peaks l ew trails offer the variety ol scenery found on the lightly le-ed path t<* Tidbits Mountain, and you won't even have to bang up your car too badly getting there If at all possible trv to make this trip on a clear day. as tile view Iroin the top Is one ol the best in the (inx< ades To reach the treilheed, drive on Highway !.’(> east of Eugene Springfield along the Mr ken/u River lliis is truly it case where getting there is hall the fun, .is the bright colors ol the many bios somirrg flowets and tris-s prove that spring really has arrived And the river's many moods sometimes placidly flowing before turning into raging w hitnwater around the next trend are al ways interesting Just under three miles from the second of two signs pointing to Blue River, look for paver! road 15 on the left side of the highway follow this road nearly five miles along the eastern shore of ltlue Kiver reservoir Immediately .if'' r < rossfng a bridge. where the road turns to gravel. nmlmu# straight ahead on road I SOU ignoring the right fork, thill is the < nntmu.itmn of ri i I 1 '< \ I though road lfu'i has I.. .•■■i ■ nily g: id.-ii and is smooth enough for cars : , sleep and winding There are dropoff-, most of file way as the road i limbs the Tidbits t'n-ek myon, t>>.' if you fake if slow it shouldn't i ; a a m Almost eight miles Iron th' b in.I ah' i ;t one-quarter mile alter passing a gieen wat.-r tank on !he left side of lie road. turn ra id it lo tile left This road leads very stei ; ly up:.ill ah- id a tenth ol a mile, w here a short spur ■ el to the it'll ends alter 100 yards in I small parkii m a There is no (railhead sigm liul lie- trail is easy to pu k up as i: i d- ill into fh'- ' a' of the |iarkmg .tied I idhds Muun'.un i; ' from this pom! as the m k pinna Ii r. si; the W esf The trail hi: ! S steadily hilt gradually a the siite of a steep ridge, passing rigid through it middle of a < lassit uid growth Douglas ITr Inn carpeted yvith rhododendrons and wtldli.-w : There are a levs fowned ,igs across the trad, 1 . it's no problem to step around them Alter 1 mill's the trail real la ■■ a ;um tioii mark'-tl by a sign and the crumbled remains of an old log i ah 111 Idle right folk ieads !o an alternate trailhrad af road 1500 l ake the left fork past the i .ihln re mams The trull now , urves around fo the shaded north side ol the ridge, where the lust views of Ml Jeflerson open up About three tenths ol a mile from the junt lion, the trail i fosses a large and blocks rockslide of basalt lava There is a Turn to SUMMIT Pago 13 Young Ducks excited about Green’s game By Dave Charbonneau F/wald Sport* Reporter With the acquisition of new head coach Jerry Croon, it seems .in though th«* Ore gon men's basketball team Is in ii can't lose situation A new, faster paced style of play, a new philosophy, a new attitude and a new face will hrinu new life into a program tlmt was slowly dv mg umler former coach Don Monson Some players will benefit more than others Volume Stoudainire and Andre 1 sil lier will, lor instance, only have one year to play under Creen I lie players who are going to lie responsible for building a reputation for the l)u< ks and Croon are the freshmen/soon-to he-sopho mores And the Ducks are loaded with them Jeff Potter, Johnnie Keeco. Orlando Williams. Damon Runyon and Kiev inn Robin son ,|U will get three years to learn (.o n's sy stem I’ulli i ,i tel, n ii ." iorvs ard, saui he d ralb r get a new coat h now than later If tins is going to hap pen. ' he -.aid. ' I'm glad they did i! now so I have a few years left " Williams, a 0 loot guard, re !i f ■■ the older players e, h* getting a lavs deal they i an handIn av he tougher for the spent-need players" Williams said "But it's deft u u el v notlung they i an I handle " Tin team met w ith (ireen Lis' wei k and had nothing but positive things to say about him The team vs i ■■ really pleased with him," Potter said lie was real easy go tog. mil he looked like someone you could lalk lu. which is w hat w e all w ant ed " Alter Monson was fired, many players brought up the fact that Monson was a diffi cult person to lalk to '"((ireen) seemed like a Jerry Green strong dwelling figure, Wil liam* Mtid "H«i Ini us know that it we worked together, wo could get u lot nceom plished " Hut tho main thing coach Green lots said impressed his now loam the most was that ho wautod lo |>Ihv a more up-tempo game Under Munson, tho loam rosortod to tiio slow down game moro often than Ralph Miller's old Oregon State loams Not only was Oregon losing, it was also playing lairing basketball Reece, who started at point guard for most of last season, said everyone was ext itoil at the prosper t of getting into the open ( our! "All the guys like the (act that he wants to run, as op p< I sod to last \ eat win n vs e were always walking the hall up court, Reer e a id Williams is Irom I’ort ianil s Henson High School, who h is known for its run and gun style of play, and he oil v i oti s I y appro v e s of (Ireeu's plans (nr high s< ia ing games I Ifunk his sly le ol play is definitely a Imiiius lor us," he said "I'm looking for ward to it It's not i:\iii tly like Benson, hut H will he a lot of fun The tpiesiion is, how long will ll lake the Ducks lo gel used to the new system? The Turn to GREEN, Pago 13 explore your HORIZONS 92 CAREER FAIR in fhe follovv/ng4areas?r °p,ions Consisting £?£?* °.esi9". Research9’^?.?'5e’ Medldne, gSfcszs&gsr*’ G™«uat. school 4 S wa.'^Sioof. A*,ETTr mall atrium Questions? Call CPPS 346-3j35 Women, Weight & Body Image II you have an Interest In this topic, we will he tinkling a four week workshop on Mondays. April 13th. 20th. 27th May 4th, 1 1th 18th Topics of discussion will include: • Women's relationship with food and their bodies • Why diets don't work • Developing healthy attitudes about your body • Fitting In nutritious eating & a healthy lifestyle In a hectic schedule. Place: Medical Library - Student Health Center Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm Sign up to preregister - 346-4456 Limit of IS student* IT’S FREE r«l Ijv the UleMylr I’Luiuing 1‘rugj .mi Slinlrnl Health < enter