Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 08, 1992, Page 10, Image 10

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    Clinton, Bush take NY primaries
n n t i o n c\ 1
(Af*) l-'ront-runner lull
(Minion I h u m p n d 11* r r v
Brown In the brutal New
York primary I uesdin and
added a Kansas landslide for
good measure. advanc ing his
hid for the Denes ntlti: prest
denlial .nominal ion despite
persistent voter unease over his integrity
Campaign dropout 1‘uul I songas made .1 stir
prise hid (or sec ond pine < in New iork bul de
ferrvd a dec Islon on whether to re eider the roc e
Brow n said lie would press ahead w ilti tin. c .111
d idac 1 hnl (if In Ion s showing In- led in M1 nn'e
sol,1 and Wisconsin as well prompted parts el
ders to surest lie Arkansas governor was all .hut
assured of the nomination
|( • : would propel tile III V- .11 .id All lie- e
governor with the soft Southern ac cent into a fall
c a 111 pa (go against (.eorge Bush in a tune of evi ep
t Iona I turmoil overseas and economic hardship at
I songas w as elated over Ills unexpected show
"Let me say. the message survives, and the
message lives, and the message hits real [lower
i vc ■ .jinkrti !i> .1 .number of people vvho asked me
ni,: n, make .1 'let ision tonight or'tomorrow and
to wait until 1-riit.r, •• ■ there's .V iot"of analysis
that has I take p.,ue 1 have an obligation to do
something that is delilieraHve and thoughtful
Hush won Hej.ruhiK an primaries in Kansas.
VV i ■ ■ ■ "
ser v alive i halleugi of fair. » ft., hanai: He
g.lita if nearly all iha' delegates at slake and seems
on track for < 1 ,::t l. ng a, nominating ma; ritv
w ho : U ' ' . '
U ( hold'.primaries on May '■
file president S l alllpagn loaf ... ■ s j : I.t.I.g
at ( I niton'' already VV< re i . • ■,. : ■ ••
the fai l that voters in New York p.irheu'.uiv do
not seem to find am oh the ik-mm rate ; .infd.ile.
part'n ulariv .w.t eptahle ■ .If< d M . ■ s
He is right nlxiut that Interview s with ■, liter' in
several st.iles reflei t continuing cttniern about
(Hinton's integrity The Arkansas governor -has
been is -.aged with controversy throughout Ins
< ampatgn over alleged womanizing the use ol
marijuana. Ins record in offite and Ins draft re
( ord during the Vietnam w ar
Tsongas could re-enter the race it...
I songas still had Irodyguords.
motorcades. mitdli) attention
and White House dreams l ues
dav as Uemorratit voters in
New York made the t holt es
that would shape Ills future
Tsongas planned to an
mm nee I oil a v vs he (her he
would keep those dreams alive
hv resuming the presidential
hid he suspended on March l'l
for lei k of money
The determining (actors were
hovs vs el 1 he and front runner
Hill Clinton fared in the Nevs
York primary
The former Massachusetts
senator refused !<> sa\ e\a( 11V
how well In- would liiivr to do
I adore lie would nminul to re
enter the rue c Bui his wih\
Niki, sold ii was highly un*
1 iki?I> In would rejoin the
"He would have to do well
and t.ov Clinton would have
to do poorly. Niki Isongas
said She saol her husband
would have to get at least -’ll
percent ol lli< vote to contem
plate getting bur k in
1 rimsjriex from the two cam
puigos were hrdriiiig prelinn
nun (1 iscussions ihal could
lf.n1 IdTsongfis endorsing Clin
tun. depending on how tin- two
men fart'd in Tuesday's ion
!iul one Isongas adviser said
there was "no wav in denv Hill
(Hinton the nomination' and
Tseng,i- m i; Id inH allenati
the inevitable nununee if fie got
Hat k m
'Hie adviser said I sung.is was
being counseled in sl.iv out
I fie powers that be around
him suV absolutely no!.' s.iid
the adviser, who insisted on
.mom inHv
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Ml.li k v taiiKurvIy li.-trrrl ^
Krt: "■ mai 4 ^v\\\
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Jet carrying Arafat
lost in sandstorm
TRIPOLI. Litn.i (AIM A )t>! carrying
PI.O chtf'l Yasser Arafat disappeared in ,i
sandstorm Tuesday night while trying to
make an emergen* v landing in the Liby
an desert, PLO off** ials reported
\\r re Irving to Urn! rum now, Hussam Atm Sharil, Ara
fat's r.hi' i adviser, said Wednesday fromTurns. Tunisia
When in spoke. tie So\ iet-mudr Mgenun-regislcred Anto
nm transport pl.m<- was more liiar: nine hours overdue in its
flight from Sudan
Aim-Sharif, sounding distraught but holding out hope the
plane made an emergem \ landing in the desert, appealed to
i rune i- Italy, Britain, the United Slates and hgypl "to help
With .iil possible me ins to lot ate tin .ore raft
Other sources reached at the Tunis office of the Palestine
Liberation Organization chairman said 1. people were
aboard Thiw included three crew memtu-rs and a team of
bodyguards and administrative assislants
No other FLO offic lal was on the (light■Ironr Khartoum,
capital of Sudan, the sources said They spoke In phone to
the AI’ offic e in Nicosia. Cyprus
l iie ti^-vear-oid Arafat has lieen tile undisputed leader of
tie- PI.O s Latah faction, its largest, lor It t years II wasn't
c lear who among ins main aides and-allies would succeed
him l! hr were dead
Around tt it) p m (t it) pm hi)T), the Algerian c upturn of
Arafat's plane. Mohammed Darwish. twice contacted Libyan
air Iralfli controllers saving tie was encountering a heavy
sandstorm and needed c Irurancc to land at a military air strip
m AI Khofra. FLO sources said in Tunis
He was told instead to proceed to Surra where weather con
ditions were '•lightly belter, they said. In a last communica
tion. Darwish said he was headed ior Surra
il wasn't known if Darwish originally had scheduled the
stop Tuesday night The I’l.O sources said lie often stopped
to refuel at M-Khofru on the Khartoum Tunis flight
(ieorge Bush, returning to the White House Tuesday night
irom a coni ert said he knew nothing more about Arafat
Libyan radio broadcast an appeal to "the International Red
t -oss the internalicin.il meteorological, artific ial satellites,
and i oil a11atic 111 author ilies" to try to locale the plane
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