Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. 1992 EUGENE, OREGON VOLUME 93, ISSUE 129 Gays angry with movie portrayals jFrom 'Basic Instinct' to JFK,' Holly wood clings to stereotypes of homo sexuals. angering the gay community By Tammy Batey Emerald Heponer Tht’ new movie Il.r-ii histim t has tout bed a raw nerve within the gay community !*•< ause ul its portray ill of lesbians anil bisexual women (lav. lesbian ami liisexu.il groups ai ross the nation have denounced the movie and also . \ pressed anger at the portrayal of gay men in II K and /'he .S'/hwe of /he Lambs (lax men, lesbians and bisexuals are consistently por trayed negatively and stereotype ally in movies if they re portrayed at all, sax local members of tile gay community on and off campus Movies offer levs gax characters, but xvhen thex do these i buraiders are often heavily stereotyped. said Sue Dik kslader, Lesbian. (.ax, Hi.sexual Alliance i o-dirix lor. \ lot of limes movies serve to relnlori e stereo; types, Duckstader said When you serve up stereo types vou exclude the possibilities it s a veiled sort id though) control." /'he Sih'iit e ul tin■ Lambs max have swept the ()s< ars hut its portrayal ol a gax man is lar from worthy of an award, she said "The movie shows a gay man who wants to he a woman." slie said "It’s a common tielief that all gax men an obsessed with being women Most gax men I know do not xv.mt to tie women In tile movies gax men Turn lo MOVIES Pago 4 April showers bring ... what? .. ^■ ptuiob, jjrpa. Dandelions Flowers and Gilts 607 E 13th Avc lost its back wall Tuesday mommy when a 1991 Accra Li'Qend driven by Alice Lunde crashed min it Following the .incident both Lunde and her passenger John Peer were taken to Sacred Heart Hospital without injuries airbags on both sides ot the car opened on impact 57 candidates on election ballot j Students will cast their votes for ASUO president, Incidental Fee Committee members and other positions April 29 and 30 Student Small* seals, Associated Students President s Advisory Council seats and posi tions on the LMC Board of Directors will also be voted on during the primaries. April 22 and 2T and the general elei lions, April 20 and to The l.mvruUi vs ill run prohles of the pros! denlijl and vice presidential candidates and li t: candidates beginning next week In addi tion. a Voter's Cuide including siatements from all candidates will he published as a sup plement iri the 1 tnerald on April 21 • President/Vice President Bobby Lite and Karmen l ore, Chris Pilaris and Donald Morgan, Don King and Holly Ferguson, Dan Pulju. I ll A • IK I 1 -sear seals tour will tie elected; A total of V people. In on crtt+iQMS eluding lour WO jiresi ileilti.il Catalidali-s and 10 Incidental Fee t aimrnUtee * andidaies will he on the ballots wiien students at !tie t1 niversit\ vote til «|e< tions later this month ■ :. ' (.. Ill' Mu' k ' i11! ■ >. man: \ V\ .ii’.unt ' V .1 rk H- i :.ims ! ( ir- . in Bi:1 ..>: ' t v Kuss.-!i Taylor, 1’ir.im Mi-hrul.il>. lames M. Nil!; I-.1 ! 1.1 i i li -M i I Ti-S.l \ai i !i ill !( U nii.Hii lkill and t lluis U ... • lit -v ear seats a . h. • : S'.cvi Sii.iri-/ Si.'vu Masai Stev. Hatrtin, Christi Carr ami Zoc J’argot • ASl’At a . . i. t t.}1 i\v,>ii 11- kert ami Maws. .. Walling!, a l • KM l Hi i an I t -,v i; vs i ’ l it * ■ - i t-i !»■. i A i I..- tin pu fu. VVondv Vajlupek s ,n !). - k-.tader 'asun Corso and Sara Dodge • Student Senate one will i«- clot ‘- it for ink !i n-at) .scat Brian Hoop Sr,it f Brian Highland Sr.it t Si.-th U alki-r and Truv Sliitdds Sr.it ■"> Mauru t- Marvin and l.isa Alhrich Sr.it t> Shuli/a Mitha and (dirist i-ilars Sr.it ’. Owt-n Brennan and Un k l.ee Sr,it H, Darren Luvaas. Michael Jones. Jr and I liana (adlltls Sr,it y. Amy Brandon and J’ulrir la Davit o Sr.it III. Matt Hasek and John Clarke Seat (Irani (lalof. Sr.it I I. Brian I hompson Sr.it N. Justin Sprague Sr.it IS. Brandon Kelly and Matt Cordova .Seat lb. Hank Oberson. .Seat 17. Jo Trigilio Forum: Tax reform is Measure 5 remedy j In Oregon's chang mg economy, more people will need a college education By Carre Donnet! rill- flirt tv i)[ It.;..1.1 Measure .in;! ihr luture ..1 '.hr t inivri skv .mil the stillt• wrfr subjects ill ! Uf stlil V ' s President 's In rum Panelists stressed lilt future (il Oregon depends mi islut a led i ili/ens. and th.it m.inv |>ei>(>!•■ will hr i losfil nil from .in edu c titii>n unless tlif sInti■ legislo turi' and tbr status voirrs tan ajiprovi' a E.i \ reform pat k.age It makes nu si tise from any |>util ii |u iln V stand pot nt In lie tutting higher education and i losing campuses, said (•eralti kissler. senior vice provost lor planning and n snuri r. kissler said (uglier tidw .ition in Oregon lias been traditional !y underfunded bet.ause On j*iin hud .m iiniiiuiin l-as. d !,,r i ii i nr ! shim; .mil a n ■' s s However, in Oregon s lining mg ui.nnuinv, less than :■ per ■ •Hi sil ill Oregon workers .iri in lufiistrv jobs, he ..mi 1 or i‘v cry forestry joh lu’-i H) m.in.i glTl.ll li ills ilf ■ fl lli ll ' Mur •• ,ii' im '.'ill ni'ml it 11111 • • • i’ll u< a linn. In- mi Id Oregon should in investing in lls future People m.is nut hiivi- iii'i ii looking Insv.iril tin- lullin' whi n 1111• V passed Measure f>, Ilii-s mas instead have Ireen looking ,il a past and present dial was nn! w h.d they hoped lor Mr.miii' ri i ,imi- uljouI in many wavs Im i ause of 111• fait uri- id I In- Arnenr an dream. said C arl lluslrc ka a slali- rep riTM'nlalIvi' Iruiii I.up,I’m and University ussix ia!e vice prcsi deni fur slatewidi' edin atioii SlTVtl I'S Turn lo EDUCATION Page 4 FIREHOSE The California-based alternative band Firehose will douse local fans Thursday See WOW. Page 0 FOR THE ART OF IT The University's art history department will receive a $1 2 million endowment from the estate of a late professor considered 'Oregon's dean of architectural history ' See ART. Page 5 FRESH START The Duck men are looking forward to next season under their new head coach See YOUNG. Page 11