Administration urges Court to reverse Roe vs. Wade NATIONAL VY A SHINCTUN (AP) Sinking a re versa I of tin1 Su premo Court's 1471 ruling upholding the right to an abortion, the Bush administration asked the Su preme Court Monday to uphold a Penn sylvania abortion law that imposes a 7-i hour waiting period and inquires women to notify their husbands before ending a pregnancy. In a friend-of-the-iourt brief, the |us lice Department reiterated its long stand ing position that women do not have a fundamental right to have an abortion and that the 147.1 decision in Koe vs Wade was wrongly dec ided The brief filed by Solic itor Ceneral Kenneth W. Starr asked the high court to uphold Pennsylvania s law and argued that states could impose even stricter curbs. The Justice Department held that the court could impose ati outright Inin on abortions because the protection ot hu man life in or out of the womb is certainly the most compelling interest that a state c an advance " If the court declined In overturn Hoe. il should apply the reasoning adopted in its t'lrto (Incision m Webster ss Repro ductive Health Services and find that Pennsylvania's abortion law is valid, lie cause it advances a legitimate state in terest," according to the brief If it takes this narrower approat h. ai cording to tile brief, the court should "make clear that the libertv interest ret ogni/ed in Webster does not rise to the exceptional level Of a fundamental right The administration's filing drew praise from the National Rigid to Life l.onunjl tee lru. Rv adopting lie- justice Depart ment's position.': the .high court would eflet lively overturn Koe vs Wade and al low die states to directly limit the rea sons for which abortions .may. he per formed." the group's legislative director. Douglas lohnson. said in a statement The Justice Department action t-une one (las after an estimated aOO.tHMI pro testers marched in Washington in the biggest demonstration ever held b\ abor lion rights' activists Permsvivam.i s law is valid U-iause it advances legitimate state iiu eri-.s that yvntnen make informed de< isions Indore having an abortion. jaunlini; tu tho |us lu v Department's brief The provision requiring .1 woman tc> notify Iiit husband of plans tt) have an abortion ian help protot 1 the lit*' of a fetus, the integrity of the family unit ami the husband's Interests in pros reation within marriage and the potential life ol his unliorn child.’ ac cording t«> the hrlef I'Uinned Parenthood and other orguni /allons appealed to the Supreme Court last year after .1 federal ■ appellate ( port upheld most provisions of the law. in 1 hiding the .hi hour waiting period and one that required parental permission lor teen agers to obtain abortions Hut the ,lrd I S Circuit Court ol .\p peals struik down the spousal nolificii non provision, saving it imposed an un due burden on a woman's right lo have ari abortion under Roe The justice Department brief held that the ird ( iri ui! tbs islon was mi or ret thy applying the undue burden" test etuin i luted hv lustii'- Sandra Day UConnor in .1 1 om urnng opinion in Webster His .iiim' abortion is not a fundamental right, the < our l- should apply a more del The protection of human life — in or out of the womb — is certainly the most compelling interest that a state can advance U S Justice Department standard In nt.11»■ legislatures when reviewing um laws, according tu the lust H i* Department VVe I>«*1 tttvi* that tin' turnst standard was thi- out' articulated In the Webster plurality Is a regulation reasonably (In signed to serve .1 legitimate stale inter esl at 1 ordmg to the hriet In Starr, who will argue the government's position when the < our I hears the t ase April 22 I'hi brief suggested that state leglsla lures t ou 1 d outlaw abortions altogether, arguing. Hie state's interest 111 prenatal life is a wholly legitimate and entirely adetpiate basts lor restricting the right to abortion derived in Koe Court rules against "sting” operation WASHINGTON (AP) The Supreme Gourt on Monday lumleti some undercover sting oper.ilions when il ruled th.H ,1 Nebraska tanner was enlr.tpped hv postal agents who coaxed him for two years to buy mail-order child pornography Ity a 5 -1 vole. the justices said the farmer la< ked pre disposition to commit ii crime and only pun based the contraband material after the prolonged solicitation of the government While the ruling is a defeat for law enforcement olft cials and a surprise from .in increasingly conservative court, its impai t could prove limited Science fiction writer Asimov dies at 72 \i:w YORK (AP) Isaac Asimov, whose nearly 500 I looks ranged from science fu lion foretelling an era in which mankind and benign robots spread across the galaxy to science fact, histories and humor, died Msiml.iv .it v:i Mr tiled of h• i;’ i i kidney failure al New York University Hospital -.aid his. brother Stanley -Nalntm a via1 presidi t ' iii V vs./,h The most popular ot Asimov s novels ami stories were ev ,irs;t : into a future in wlur h K.irtli is forgot ten hy ,1 hum UHtv tti.t! spreads through tfte stars, mini by ,i gal.e tit I .umi.i!; mil served by rolxits Clinton, Brown to look for win in NY NKW YOKK M’i Deuux rats Hill Clinton and lur ry Brown traded a final barrage ol t harges Monday. but then shook hands on the final day of < ampaigning he fore high stakes primaries in New York. VYisi unsin and Kansas Tins is now ior the voters to de< ide (Hinton said We eat h argue that we have better plans for i flange Both t andidates said Paul Isonga.s, who dropped Ollt of the r.11 e three weeks ago. i.ould ret.eive a sui. number it! votes in Nrw 'lurk., llir biggest prize in I uesduv s balloting with .' I t delegates The si.ilc is i rtn nil lur both >tc tivi■ i andidates front runner ( Imton is looking lor a convincing win to ill imnlsb tlit: significance of browns 1 b.illenge, brown wants a good showing to affirm fils stains as a serious ( Wild idale Saddam’s nuclear capability still intact U \SHINC TON (Af’f More than a year later, it is clear that the bush administration vs as oil target in its (.nil War claims allied bombing pretty well dim mated Saddam Hussein's nut tear 1 epabillty Siaiie important nuclear sites were hardly tombed. 11 \ insper tors have ills, oveted In other 1 uses, build ings were hit. lint the e<|Utpment inside unharmed Some targets were damaged or destroyed even though allied war planners didn't realize the targets were tied to the nut leaf program School of MUSIC THIS WEE < at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave MICHAEL CURTIS, Woodwinds Faculty Artist Senes Wed., April 8 8 p m. $5 General AdrniSSson $3 Students Seniors SUSAN NARUCKI, Soprano Vanguard Seres Thur., April 9 8 p m. $6 50 Genera: Admission $3 50 Students ' Seniors LIBANA Women's world folk music Frl.. April 10 8 p.m. $10 General Admission $8 Students For more information, call 346-3761 (Musk; School) DIM SUM {very 11 am This Week's Luncheon Specials Bjun^ Bjun^ ( hie ken Noodles ( hi«. Your l • ytslut or* Stand ' \otrr key is! r at ton. M hat < an N ou th. \hout It bv SltMh’fil 1 A»,*]:!I' *:i V»f Miyhcr f f I n :■> ’ <>t . I “t Ini * *'■ *