GROUPS Continued from Page 1 "A progressive student government flgfits to make sure our education Is ac oossiblo, affordable end (of (ugh) quali ty." said Brian Hoop, Student Senate vice president and ( ommillee orgiml/er Hoop and Steve Masat. Incidental l ee (kimmltlrx! budget analyst, organized the com minis', which is ((imposed of con corned members of ] ri student groups Both Hoop and Masat will lie running for ASUO office, so they will not partli ipate in SDARfc) endorsements SHARK members include memliers of the besbian. (lay and Bisexual Alliance. OSIMRC. Amazon Tenants Counc il, the International Students Association. Saferlde. just to name a few The committee's members don't rejire sr>nl spec till interests. Hc>ii|i said ’'Those are average students that i^ire atMml lie ing student leaders While no one member nm sjmak Tor Ihi* entire c onunittee. Crete him Ha I Mir of OSI’IKC offerI'd her reason for gelling in volved with SHARK "I'd like lo mm- «t ( ounlubllity in stu dent government,' Halier said I also Itunk tile (hearings) are a forum for dis cussion alxiut llw roles of ihese different (ASUO) offH es "My numlxtr one concern is ronmiil merit lo sludeni part it ipatlnn on this campus through student groups." Halier sail) SHARE organizers hope that the en dorsement process will prevent candl dates from claiming "progressive" agen das lighllv, and will instill a sens'- of m countability among elec ted student offi We believe that the endorsement process will at least prove that the candidates are aware of progressive goals and that they are taking their Jobs seriously.’ Brian Hoop, committee organizer dais We l relieve that th<- endorsement pro ( ess will at least prove the c'rtndi dates are aware of progressive goals and that they an- taking their jobs seriously." Hoop said !n this capacity. SI) \K!.’s mission is very similar to a group 'hat disbanded a fen years ago. Students for .1 Progressive Agenda A ing concern in this ye ar's election will .las student fees Masat. who is run rung for the ITC , said that the key to his progressive philosophy toward stu dent fees is "acknowledging the differ elite helyseen increasing at.cess and dl versity and increasing fees " The committee will hold endorsement hearings for interested c andidates to night at 7 ,)() m KMl - Century Room A There ysill also he a general interest meeting Thursday April 0 in TA1I ’ C.en tury Room A Contact Brian Hoop .it :H(>-H724 for further information FREE TOPPING WITH LARGE 1/ CUP YOGURT ■, -t . »TCBy * Iht l ottnlry\ hnjuil * • M 'I U'cM llllv M.irirtJ'L* I \X.M • 1888 hanklut Hivil. hmvllui Vdbul J STUDENT'S COLONIAL INN STUDENT SAVERS J'+tfaU A4mtu* 10% OFF Coupon Good Wttti Student Body Card No Cash Value • One TVnt Use twtvVHtt • Op*r> Mon tTwvi *Jt 11 am 7 (mt\ • BuWrt Mot tfru full am 1 pm ■ M*nu Cam at d* Mon tnru 'ei:ify ihal all drivers of stale.mvned vans receive one hour of van training Indore lie mg cleared to drive a slate van The rules also propose that University departments submit the names and driver s license mimU-rs id pmspis live student dm .-is annually to the ()lBee id I’uhlif Saletv OPS Would determine the eli gibility of proposed drivers based on i riteria outlined in the new rules mi ludmg po ll nil s driving retord, a ml would issue cards lertifvmg those who qualify to drive on 1 niversitv business A similar drivers clearance procedure lor prospeilive fa< ■ uIty and stall drivers, with do partmenis submitting names and driver's license numbers every three years, is included in the drall rules Whim travel of morr Ihun 2 0 0 miles 111 o n e d ay Is planned, the proposed rules re quire the timer to set- that ,il least one other passenger Is i er tilled to drive and at Is as a re lie! driver All veil it Its tivs neil or leasetl hv the In I vers it \ e vt ept huses, rnolort yt les and st out ers must is- equipped with seat hells lor ear h person In addition. drivers will he ev pet ted to make sure that their vehit.le contains an emergent v kit As weather and road condi tions dictate, state-owned or hired vehicles would turn lire t hams or other approved trat lion devices Operators of pri vately owned vehicles used on l diversity business would he eri! ouragfd to supply t hams or other traction tlevit is Alter the Nev atia at t.ilient, University officials hail urigi After the Nevada accident, University officials had originally said they would not review their policy regarding state vehicle use. nallv said they would not re view their polity regarding state vehit Ic use This stance drew criticism from some legislators last year including State Kep John Minnis, K-i’urtland Minins had also questioned the use of seven state cans hy UHt l rnversity students m Jan uary to attend a Sun I ran i ls< o peac e rally during the Persian Gulf War The hearing yvill Is- held on W ednesdav at t ji m in the i Ml W alnut Room The hear ing officer will he Muriel Jac k son, retired assistant sic e presi dent for administration Copies of tin- proposed rules ■ ire available for public viewing during regular business hours in 11u offii es of tile President, \ n e President lor Administra tion. t 'diversity Senate Presi dent, ASt (), Director of Hu man Resources. and the Direr lor of Putilu Safety I hey are also available in the reserve sei lion of the Knight Library, 1 SO 1 Km: aid St Written i liniments may be submitted before 5 p tn Wednesday to tin- Offleo of the \, K e President for Admlnistra turn in Room 202 Johiison Hall Written or oral comments may also be presented at the hear mg After the publii hearing and tile ( losing of the comment pe riod, Vice President for Admin istration Dan Williams will evaluate publii comments and •i11 available information The new rules will take effei t only after permanent filing with the Secretary of State's Otfli e HEALTH Continued from Page 1 has tiit idcd to list' ttds same formulution of questions ' The University of Oregon doesn't have the reliabilities to handle a survey of this nature," I'leischli said "They're well-trained at the University of Nebraska to do tiiis survey The University of Nebras ka lias ulcntal 1 r>e ( ommillct * mar \ lornuM *t *> Mi in the l M H-ard K<.*»»fn to hnti buduri* I 'i ( 4*r *UtuU >n ( -ft, M**r A^AinU Ka}»T V*ler l ! verity h « t And ih«» KMI Non lr*dit»onel Aludent « olfee boor *.. be Wrcine*dav ff*»m tt H) HI 10 a m ■u’.Aj ie the W m**j) t ( <■: ’.**1 Ptv l -A* V* wdy m . «• -l «■• ’* M.1 in KMl i avjAi K . 'fti i \mpt nan markplinK lalion » have am in forma U>>n •• wtnn t■■» ughl a' » in K Him 22B Chile* l nMintni Snual Hcha**otf Inlnnalumal Itaur meHWK v*.. ijy j. • »<* J1 rn . 1: KM' t antuiv K h. K Druid* w. '•««■ ^ ji > ** ' f.M t anlAf K . m l Student Senate * >•• -K-’ ! *’ ’ Ul -Ml t edar K.« ml) Pi (.Amma Mu v* ' a! « m KM1 (A»ntuiy K m \ SluJitil yiiiMTimrtil landidilr mret mu v* , • ; n_>;; 4: ' iv. W • ► W< (• beft * X SttJpi l nitrraily Profe* I « ! tivart today «i S |* rn In KM l Suit* 1 ( 4»Ii«^r Dmikn tab *» -.«w 1^1;! a; in KM 1 (am lury K . >m H \mnr«h InlrtiulKiAal w nrt ' ini&M at’ M) tn KMl' ndar K m A OSPIItC. ' hap tat meeting mi'.'. t*r : day a: 4 p rri *t ih« ^ mom* («M« ITiare will j-v ta- « Hungdl Onati up masting a! '» Hi a: tin* K >iTi ■ vat atr !«jf SUM > i : ASTOl s I S 'Japan Kunimi Seminar m ,.t he ; ?: "• • . « in lit* KMl >• -r H - m t miiitwmrnl hearing* t>y Student* !'I hvemty \ • r*a a: d Kasftrwai m V il u* aU >n • might a! ^ Ml in KMl l.entury letbian gat tiiM-iuai and *lili l alhol»« v*.:. bo the s. ,ti. of a d:M .tu >n today from • ; V ; • - ( iinimalum and toffee %*ith (ynihta Woolen V - rat- i: f T H uw I).'" 4m . t>e today a‘ 4 }• ?« m Hoorn Hum..i '.*i >eW.'.: w tw» tji‘41. ! Hap’.*' St u lien t t ni n tonight at * at the ( av 4 dr t cnt.’j! A»» uttun* Mm. ■ • rs tarn ter JVJU Horn* St (**JA wn NTTY \ppltmg lu mi«1h 4I m luul t% : tie (he tupu ? a ** rkfch;il> by a ft urn i?u> (n health S. l .'n k variety •> ho •.{ Mfrl.rin* nit..- mil! d;w u»h t« »nl iJmm.. ri pattern*, Hie * .-rkthup aril) tie , K fti 1 lo W.iiatnette tree t hole* term I m renting * 1J t»e ..-lay fr-m tf to 11 JO am in the Health Education Office of the Student Health (iftft let ( huta (aiern Seminar *. ia) from 4 ftp m in EM‘> K m do H A lax wurkiknp ’> r . : «* r n a 11 - n a I tludrnu #ni 'u wily * be t. day from noon tu . p m tn EM'. 1 eduf K >m (