Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 07, 1992, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Glide, glide, glide your scull
***o«o t>y DavkJ Naff
The University's men's novice open weight eight crew team places third in the
Husky Invitational Regatta The University's womens novice open weight eight and
heavy weight four placed second and third respectively in the Seattle races
Health center funding
student phone survey
jQuestionnaire will
help in developing
student programs
By Colleen Pohlig
trrmraid Reporter
A handful of randomly c ho
sen students will bn receiving
rathor unusual phono (alls be
ginning Friday
The University Stud e n t
Health Center is funding a sur
vry of BOO random students to
answer questions almut person
al health (are, how effective
they think the health < enter is,
and other health c are questions
111 general
The survey, tlie lust ever of
Its kind at the I Iitversity VS ill
he used to develop programs to
meet the needs of students and
gain further knowledge of what
students think, about h«’4«11h is
sues .inti their own personal
health care. said health ( enter
dint lor (ierald I-'Icim hh
I’urtli ip,mis will lie asked
some vt*rv personal questions
regarding personal health cure,
in addition to tin' other issues.
I'lciischlt said
' 1 hnv will In' asked ques
lions about sexual activities
issues which could be specifh
athi111 things like condom use,
sexual assault and hodv im
age." I leischli sail)
The health ( enter made a
SO,MM) contrail with the Hu
real) ol Sociologil Keseari h at
the l'Diversity o! Nebraska to
condor t the stirscN by phone
Nebraska has used this sur
vev Indore lor resean h at their
university and the health ( enter
rum to HEALTH Purjo .}
Groups seek candidates
j Committee of student organizations screen
for progressive' applicants to run in ASUO
By Kirsten l ucas
: moral- ! Paportor
How c ,ui the rare iini) gender requirement lie i hanged to txilirr
represent tin: ilm tsilv t>1 the student txxiy'
How i ou lii tin- 1MI lx's I continue i 111 Id i are ser v li is'
What's the ilfsi nptlon for tin- current i onflii t hftwffn manage
infill .mil siniIf nts in ihf (All) Hoard of Dim tors'
These arc somf of thf (|iifstions heing askfd of ASl () i andidates
fiy a recently forinml committee m scan li of a truly "progressive"
ASf () tu kf!
Stud flits (or Diversity, Act ess and Ke on will in ImIiii a Hon will hi
dorse iandidetfs who demonslratf a (oimiiitmenl to a progressive
agenda for student government
Turn to GROUPS Pago 4
New van rules proposed
j University changing
policy one year after
a student death
By Came Denneti
f nwtf.ikl A'., - i.i’u i •<
A public hearing is sched
uled on ftv<■ proposed .nimlnls
trative rule s governing vehii los
operated by University slu
denis, employees and volun
teers on offii oil University
I'he proposed Oregon Ad
mimslrallve Holes follow rec
ommendatlons made by the
University's Accident Review
Board after an ac i ident involv
mu a staleowned viiu on April
1, 1W1 m Nevada I In' .11 i i
(ii'lit killed 1 Imversltv slmlcnl
sumiri Winn .mil injured sever
ill olhers (luring a trip spun
sored by a student organize
The proposed rules .ipply to
stale-owned vebit les and hired
vehir.les (OAK ‘>71 10-100)
I hev identify driver ipudifii .i
lions (OAK ri71 10 1«S). esl.ib
llsh u stiindurd means for evulu
ating lr v <-r per ‘ -rm.ini.e (()AK
571 10 1 10). Iisl veilir |e (Kjulp
ment and operating slandards
(OAK 571 10 115), and oulline
Turn to VAN. Pago 4
The Bush administration, seeking a rever
sal of Roe vs. Wade, asked the Supreme
Court Monday to uphold a restrictive
Pennsylvania abortion law.
Registration change fees begin today.
$10 per drop or add. Tuition/fee refund
schedule applies. The Duck Call registra
tion number is 346-1600.
The Duke Blue Devils became the first
team in 19 years to repeat as NCAA
champions with a 71-51 victory over the
youngest team to ever vie for the title
See DUKE. Page 12