Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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is breath of French air
j Not merely an es
presso nook, cafe ca
ters to varied clientele
By fim NeH
The l.uropean style cottugi
that houses ihr Excelsior ( life
seems out of tilt*! i■ on the same
bios k .i'. 7 -1,1 o v rn and Dairy
A brralh of I rent fi air on
East 13th Avenue
Hut during the past JO years,
the Excelsior has carved .1
niche lor Itself In offering
something for everyone
Wine connoisseurs come lor
the premium Oregon wines
Students drop bv on the wav to
< lass fur muffins and espresso
And tlie har is a popular altrai
lion on the weekends
Its all -according to plan for
owners f’hii and Stephanie
"When we opened, we want
ed to tie a cafe in the Trent h
tradition," Stephanie kimmel
said We are open lute and of
fur a lot of different options
file Excelsior was an instant
lilt when Kimmel opemsi the
i afe April 10, 1072 with her
first husband, Del I’earl At tile
time, espresso machines and
Italian sodas were few and lar
bet w een
"li.ll k then thele were really
just steak houses and continen
tal restaurants, sin said We
filled ,i mi he right awa\
Prior lo the Ext elsior, espres
so in Oregon vs as the evi lusive
domain of New World (Udfee,
where Klltmiel workisl while a
University graduate student
Wlieli N e vs World l Aif fee
i loved In 107], she liege n look
mg lor a place to open a small
cafe of her own
Tile seart h brought her lo the
old house on Past 1 itii Avenue
After Its construi tlon in
101(1, the building housed a
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VA.I *i .m MbOOuft^l iU aMTU> v S'OC* Cm han.
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Slophame Kimmcl end husband, Phil, run the Excelsior Cate, which
caters to everyone trom wine connoisseurs to students passing by
for a muffin.
We have this
reputation as an
expensive and
fancy restaurant,
which we’re not.’
Stephanie Kimmel,
I S‘i>r co-owner
long Mil i i'ssioii of organi/a
lions .nut businesses li was the
kappa Kappa Gumma house
until itm early l'l.tOs. when
Della I'psilon mover! in Ollier
residents included a Christian
co-op. a i lothmg store and
kZld. radio
I he Kxrelsior originally oc
< upied onlv the front room and
the patio KZKI. and the cloth
ing stun’ continued to use the
other first-floor rooms until
1 *174
In the beginning it was very
fortuitous that we hud su< h a
small space,' kimmel said "It
allowed us lo grow organically
As tin: demand gn:w, we were
able lo i reate new areas
In the e.irlv l')7()s. tin- Uni
versity campus had a reputa
lion for violent protest and con
flu t, which isolated it from the
larger Kugene community. Kim
met said As a result, the cafe
served Universitv students al
most ex< lusiv ely
But in recent years, students
have i nine to pen eive the l-.x
r elsior as .in elite, upscale res
Maybe we haven't done a
good enough job of communi
cating vvli.it we have to offer,'
Kimmel said We have tins
reputation as an expensive and
lam v restaurant, which we re
\ sidewalk dining area,
which will open in May, is
aimed at overcoming licit repu
tation, she said
"Till* sidewalk (.lie will lie a
bridge out to the students and
other pedestrians passing bv,"
siie s.uii
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