Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Monday, April 6
Business Careers and the Japanese Challenge
Sam Coleman, Anlhropiogy
EMU Fir Room 7 • 0:15 p m
The American Cultural Barriers tor Japanese Companies
John Kageyama, Former Pres. America Kotobuki Electronics
EMU Fir Room 8 15- 9 p.m.
Tuesday, April 7
Exploring the Economic Systems ol Japan A America
Robert Smith, Fulbright Lecturer to Japan
EMU Fir Room 7-9p.m.
Wednesday, April 8
International Protocol: Do's and Don't of Doing Business in Japan
Marketing A Product in Japan
Dean Gadda, Trade Development Officer - OEDD
EMU Fir Room 7-9p.m.
Marketing a Product in America
Yoichi Yokokawa, Senior Trade Official for JETRO
EMU Fir Room 8 15 -9p m
Thursday, April 9
Business Success Stories from Japan and America
Panel Members:
Dr Inoue. VP of Tech & Planning Dev Kyocera USA
Don Gibbins, Pres Columbia Laboratories
Martin Hetrich, Managing Dirirector of Van Port Manufacturing
Facillitator: James Reinmuth, Dean of UO School of Business
100 Willamette 7-9pm
Free to students with UO ID iinfMx Py »>rr Pastay
$5 per day. $15 tor Mon ■ Thurs
Continued from Page ^
lir president
this seminar is .1 neutral,
unbiased, non-bashing environ
merit, he said this is infor
mation only VVtuii iirr the is
sues? How do you do busi
While this is a business semi
nar the panels anil speakers
should he ol interest to a broad
Tonight, anthropology Pro
fessor Sam Coleman will pres
ent .in overview of polities, ed
ucatlon. tradition and family in
Japanese and American culture
hollowing Coleman is John
kageyema. former president of
America kotobuki i-.lect tonics.
Inc kageyema will speak on
the cultural harriers he encoun
tered in conducting business
sui cessfully m the United
I ui'sdav s speaker is Univor
sity bionomics Professor Hub
lift Smith, wtm will outline the
Japanese i'i onomii system and
tin' Japanese p*!nipi'*.tivos ol an
economic entitv and pulii v
compared with tint American
economic s\stem
1 In \V. iini’siia\ and Thuts
dav speakers bring a iiatrnwcr
business locus
T h e w oil k e n d s wit h a
Karaoke ret option and dinner
from t. it) to 10 to p m in the
(lerhnger Lounge I he i ost is
(dmlerenco organi/ers said
they hope everyone who at
tends part nr .ill ot the seminar
will attend Friday s festivities
He would ike to see sill
dents from ill walks ..! life
come and intermingle.' said
Tom to SEMINAR P.i ;e ' t
Low Man on the Totem Pole Tour 92 with
Thursday,April 9th
WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln
Doors open 7:30pm, Showtime 8pm
Speaker explores rise of neo-Nazism
By Colleen Po' q
Emorayj f?#pofI«w
Ne,, Nazism do, nut la
long in d itirtiiin tune m histo
rv. ami Hitlei N visum of all
vs riil* ide.ilism is . msjiiring
|>f-ssiiIt* iii over tlu world. saiil
a widely published |(uirnallsl
uhi ku ked oil the miiTfiiM I
pltii.itv gradual!' student eon
ferem e on fasc ism last I hurs
Imirnalist and author htinor
Lanier, m her speet h Nome
Kef! eel ions' oil Ne,, Nazism.'
shared tier researt h on Nu
/ism and ds present evolution
of neo Nazism to about t(Hf
pec 'pie in the I AU
Lanier who is > am nth
work.nu: oil a tsios about the
V d.ltug -ot I t hi ij oan Muiuget.i
Seiavv bv Portland ■» all*' ills
! u I i \ . Os 'ne ! despite the
Na/a i r i lif,m; over out Hitler
heron d e.i odd, d. neo Nazism
lias taken Its pa/ tt , ,t Id w ide
Neii Nazism n Iroin in
talnv In legitima. V bv e\po
sure and repetition I.anger
hanger saici the evolution o!
ne>i Nazism Iron: Hie . -r ;.1 ■ ,
Nazism ha-, b, ‘ •
1 ] tt U k t \
Wr arr vstlnrssing .1 run!
phrnoini'lHin. 1 anger saiil
1 lr.lien \.t/!■■■;!i . moving
vt'f-v iiuuk.lv. evolving fionrit
v i. ili-flT I’li'ttu’lir vs it hln I hi'
punk imisii m me In .1 move
un lit into tin' streets right
tlitii 1 • 11-1 tori!I (inlull '. 'ill
v. 1;I11 n tlo' spare .‘I a levs
V r.ilv
itm relationship of the
1V0K Hlg movement to \ l/lslll
is that ol 1 Ion o tin n usinglv
ilisiinenng its .'.so purposes
t Ilf (High llfeufl f 11 .11 i I III With
till' history ami exponent r of
tin' original movement. hang
rr '.ml
l anger also spoke atHuit thr
t r 1.11 I on s h 1 [1 ho I ss 1 .Ml t Ilf
movement anil its ieetier s
I his IS not a 1 usi- ut lead
i ts 1 n iting follow'rs she
Sillt) It Is a ( usf ol spoilt.Itlf
mis groupings emerging here
anil ttifo to vs h >1 h .1 leailrr
i .111 1 onlnhute somf degree of
1 otifif in or prestige i'hf
leader's relationship remains
more symhiotH than i iius.il
1 anger saiit ttif nil lori o
I htiiil fti-o Nazism is m liiior
its histoi v nor its iitf.is that
have been preserved alter llif
Elinor Langor
tlflr.ii ol Nazism. but r.illu't
ils relationship lt> llir rr.il
disi tmtent racial n cumm
ii jinlitu al and spiritual in
tin- uorlil todu\
I he < tmlcwrit r. titled I as
ctMiiis) roots extensions rr
j>l.i\s brought It thriller local
.uni n.iUttn.il sjif,ii.frs In ex
I . re llie is .1 \ \ that fust ism
exlfitils ts voml the I'l UK .uni
I ‘i UK m C.iTiinmv ami llaU
The t mile re m e. held Thurs
da\ through Salurda\. was the
t 'iii\efsit\ s tirsl lutertllscl
plinarv graduate slutlfni i nil
lereUi e .mil w as Organs/ed Ik
graduate students in the tier
rn.m. ! nghsh and i f)in|iar.iUve
literature de|iurintents
or o it r Ga n
_\ Hitachi Camcorder
*- #VMi IS
Hitachi camcoraer
fVW! 10
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Hi 8 • Remote Coot rot
■ DKJit.il special effect'.
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