RALLY Continued Irom Page 1 to choose ilut's mil furlong In Ihi' Inimis of Justice (Antonin) Sealia It lielong* to only one group, Anietit .in whin™ and American women .ilonr Likewist'. I.onstl.ili' s.ml lie cause of ihi- finish consent a 11vi* I S Supreme ( tiiirt winch is txjM't tt'ii to over turn the 107-1 Koe vs Wade del islon this year. the only hope lor re prtwhlf live rights lies vs ilh < on gress Lonsdale called lor the passage of the hr.lorn of ( hnne At t The ail 11 passed, would guarantee all vs omen the same right to abortion nnvs provided hv Koe vs Wade It has Iteen heard hv a i ongressional sub committee, but is waiting until (.ongress .uts on a lull tailed UK ( ongress is considering reau thorizing the bill, which gives money to family planning dm irs to provide low cost repro ductive health services to low r mi ome patients ! Ills ini! would essentially ;■ \ erse the gag rtili ret untly passed In1 the Supreme ( -ourt Ih' gag rule essentially pre vents federally funded (lines from giving any information imu erning abortion to i worn .1!' even if she needs one liir medu.il reasons I he .mart h rornes at a highly politic i/ed 1 .1 a! sir! i ! i r (gilts when the Supreme < ourt will hand down ds dii iimn in the a hi u lion case Planned P.irenthood of Southern Pennsylvania vs ( a set The Pennsylvania statute tin der review by tie Supreme ( mirt contains seven prove sioiis that would restrict a woman's acc ess to abortion, m eluding spousal notifu allon and parental ( onsent in tin ( use of minors A monitor lor the protest, ji s sji a Cleorge, a Lane (.ornmtinity < aillege Ireshmatl, said she do tided to gi‘t involved Ih*< ause tills vs as one of the las! i halites to shots her support iieftire tin Suprrini' ( <>uft hands down tis decision m Juh iirui .1 good Inin In support pro-choice i an (ii(iat)’s In:fort' the elections Whim il ( mm's lo uimrlton, I tmlieve quality of life shoulii be prul in led mil quantity.1' (leorge said Another spealmt .11 tin- i itli r .11 Building. Mary Widoff 1 Always travel with a friend. (ict the lnifrn.iuon.il student identity (urd reu>i>ni/ed worlcKv ide Muilint Virl.ii'i'N • • I )isi mints • 1 mnp no \vmmjmu 1 MV1 KM n Ol OKI t.O\ I KM Mfiiti in.tl 1 mi m l:Ml Mum !)i sk Mi nr 4^62 Planned Parenthood director, culled fur three spec:ifit: a< lions it: the future ol reproductive rights Widoff suit) I ho gag rule siiould be overt timed Widoff also advocated legal izing Rt 4t> tile so (tilled iiUirtion drug. m America. and passing the Freedom of Choice W////////////////////////. An energized crowd (tar let!) gathered at the EMU Courtyard batora marching to tha Federal Building downtown Children (left) show support tor women $ rights A marcher gets creative with his sign (below). Photos by Sol Neelman and Michael Shmdler A< I. which would legalize abor tions lor women, despite the Supreme Court's dec ision Kit tv I’iercy of National Abortion Rights Action League said five women successful!) organized the event, represent ing the Women's Law i'orum. NOW. NAKAL and Students tor Choice '/////////////////////////^ CAREER PAR IS COMNGl April 7 18 TELL EVERYONE YOU MEET \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\vws TRAVELING WATERCOLOR SUPPUES ■■JE032DG 25% Off ; ■' 't£LC ITCffiraKta? QKlEGEB Sceptre 2 3/4” rtg 5,25 2.89 Cotman Retractable 3” round r*g 13.85 8.95 5" round reg 14.95 9.T5 i 13th & Kincaid • M-Sat