1 Wf r>"» * COocD S£ LETTERS No fooling In I hi; March It) I 'mrrulii, Tony Mills said the KM11 Hudg cl Committee has Ix-en present ed with a proposal that offers alternatives to cutting student and ('.'IT positions .it the KMU It s i lear that action needs to he taken to find wavs of saving money, but die wav to do this is not to reduce student fees In the March it Kmrrnlil cov er story. ASt () presidential and vice presidential hopefuls Don King and Holly Ferguson propose to do just that very tiling Have no lessons been learned from the Reagan Hush years'' II money is tight now. do they think the situation would he improved by a 10 percent (lit in student fees7 This seems suspiciously like a similar pro posal to that ot Ceorge Hush and his would-be tax rebate, which has !>oen soundly inti ci/ed by Republicans and Dom o( rats alike King and Ferguson s pro posed ai lion would, id course make a tough situation even worse probably forcing layoffs of dozens of students employ ed a! the KMU U e need ( aridi dates and a leadership that will firing viable alternatives and so lutions to the problems in the management of our finuiu ml re sources, not the tired old rheto no constantly e< hood hy con sorviilivus Don't Ito fooled bv (sing .md Ferguson s new ,ind Iresli ideas ideas th.it are really old and tired Let's elect candi dates that vs ill really work id fectivelv for the entire student body Anthony Wynn Student Cute I thought the sior\ about Styles Brand being a student lor a day was cute (OPlApril ) I especially liked it when he put on tile I shirt to lie a student That vs as a good idea I used to hate Myles Brand, but now I think he is a lot id lull IMeese do more stories .itxuil Myles Hr.Hill bring ,1 stu ilrn! for ,i (I,iv On Page 1 ill I hr April 1 is Mir of tin' IjutT.ihl. you have .i in tip ol southeast Orrgon as p.irl ol vour article Hip, doun !rv l! shows Highway 'i‘> li'.nl tng to ( aliformu I'lrasr noli; lli.it this htghw.iv lr.nK to Nr v.idii, not California At thr point vvhrrr u . Ir.ivrs Orrgon, thr California border is ,it least IIMI milrs to till' w rst In Ini t. Iiltliost .ill ol South rust Orrgon. us portrayed on vour niiip. Kiiilrrs on Nevada r.itlirr thiin t lalilornia Bryce Ingman Psychology Huibert Paul Reduced tenure Library LETTERS POLICY The Lmeruld will attempt to print all letters ronluining comments on topir s of interest to the I hnversity community Comments must he factually h< c:xirnl«* end refrain from per son.il ultar ks on thr r fiarar tor of others l.trtiers to the editor must lie limited to no more than 2.c>() words, legible, sij^ntul .tnif tin1 identification of the writer must he verified when the letter is submitted GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 The Oregon Humemtie* Center preientt: Tho Coin IJuoyrt thon-i is ■ M S »Ml AM I . MIN •< 1 l*« »V« < A ti"« #< VWtl IOIOW tut l«i> THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON As Nyles left the safari club, his stomach suddenly knotted up Foolishly, he had ignored the warnings not to park his Land Rover in this part of Tan/arua mShuttefbug’s EVERYTHING YOU NEED IS ON SALE SALE! Use These Great Money Saving Couponsl we Print Better Pictures! Easy To Use Location! 890 E. 13th Across from UO Bookstore 342-3456 *TUShutterbug* MQMP/tt $4 OO 1 5FF All rolls of any size color print film. ■■■■■■■■I V^ naShutterbug TUESDAY REPRINTS 5 Reprints from your favorite nep. 3x3 size printed 4x4 4/100 H <1*0. I W ^■TTTTTTTTv* - Shutterbug Z ■ _ HanusBMZ - 5X7 'S Z : $ ^ 29 : ■ JUST | - m Developed t " ■ Printed from ■ ■ your negative. " *TTTTTTTTTT» Shutterbug \ ~ THURSDAY_ Z 8X10S : $^09 : JUST |[fc Z Developed t - Printed from Z your negative. - naShutterbug .f&JPAY_ PRINTS PROM SLIDES 59' Color slides printed by Tl»i» couporn »r» not good with any otH»r special oHm tipirw S 6 91