1J1 MIMM with Career Planning and Placement Attention graduates: Early bird could get the worm s turn v»m il N' .! ci>1 lege graduate and ready to hit the real world. You have a freshly printed resume, a semi-designer vut and a crisp diploma. However, it ctxild happen that after your third or your fifth or ymr twentieth inter view, you realize that ytxi’U have a harder time finding .1 joh than you expet ted. Competition is stiff in the job-search stratosphere, and m many cases, a silk tie and that degree arc no longer enough to assure potential employers that a graduate will know what he or she is doing if giv en a job. True, it is often enough to know that the potential em ployee has the stuff to make it through a H A. program, but more and more, practical ex pcrtencc is tire key to unkxk mg the dixir to employment. That's why an internship is one of the most significant ways to Uxtst your “hire ability ■" Ikit how to go alxxit getting one is tire first quo non. l utet The Career IVvel opment Internship Program, 11, 1,led hy l 'harlenc I’hipi* and I Yh Chereck, this pro gram iv the pertix t ptac e tor hopeful interns to get started Open to juniors .tnd v mors, the program can help students find an internship in their resjxitive field' or per haps earn credit for an intern ship the student may already have. In order to start the process of finding an internship, stu dents should make an individ ual appointment with Phipps or Or crock. Tire next step is to peruse their notelxxiks full of intern ship opportunities for the ap propriate position. "The op|X>rtunities are very a In in." says Cheretk, direc tor of the program. "We have listings from a lot of different companies.” Often internships tan turn into full time, paid pisitioas once the student graduates. Of students who have gone through the Internslup Pro gram, (,'hereck says many have stayed on as pud employees after their internship pcriixl ss as over. I sen if the student tsn1 asked ti> stay on with the corn pans, ('Iteres k remtruls that lontaits made are often oil v ia! for job seats lung e:se when.' (Ihcrcck also stresses rh.it the knowledge ginned and re sulting confidence from the internship experience, trans lates into a graduate wlu> has great interview ammunition. Appointments can be made with the Career IVvcIopment Internship Program at the Ca reer Planning office, 244 Hen dricks Hall, and they si you Id lx- marie early. Tlie program fills intern ships tor the following term and those positions fill quick ly, x) it is strongly recom mended that students don’t maintain tire old "hurry up and wait" attitude. A summer program is now Ix-ing funned, anti now is the perfect time get the jxixess rolling and find an internship for the summer months. Whichever road the stu dent takes, the l airecr IVvel opment Internship Program is an opportunity no junior or se nior can afford to miss. This could just lv that ex tra edge that may eventually help vou land the job of s»xir dreams. Sarah / ag/iax tti m available. V, i II t \(.ADIMK KiXKK* |( >B S1 ARCH HAN D B O O K 13th A Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat JUS MOHR