Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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‘Environmental’ Bush
fails title miserably
Question of the election year Will he or won't he?
Will ho or won't he make a double talking campaign
pledge — again — that is.
Which "he" are we referring to here? Our environ
mental president, of course.
If you recall. George Hush labeled himself the "on
vironmental president" .during the last election cam
paign held in IftHH Whether he was hoping America
would forget that promise the day after his inaugura
tion no one can sav. but Hush h.is failed miserably in
fulfilling that tag during his presidency.
Desperate for this year's presidential votes, he's
again shown his true colors b\ t ailing off the hulk of
the country's environmental protection measures in an
effort to jump-start our sagging economy.
Now. the man is hesitant over whether to attend
this year's "Earth Summit" to be held in Hra/.il The
summit aims to address the world's environmental
problems via sustainable resource use and various on
vironmental management strategies
On one hand, it would look polite ally great should
Hush go to the mimting; on the other, however, Bush,
along with the United States, would no doubt get a big
ol' hand slap/scolding lor their failure to partn ipate in
the international effort to resolve the pending natural
Even worse, the meeting's leaders would probably
want a commitment of some sorts from the United
States, asking for such ridiculous things as our taking
responsibility lor our share of the big mess. G'mon
now, that's just asking too much
So poor George is in a tough spot hooking environ
mentally correct vs actually acting environmentally
correct; two totally different animals Hush has so far
chosen only to look the part, and poorly one might
It's too late We've already seen through our envi
ronrnent.il president Should he hope to garner these
votes by a summit appearance, he'd better think again.
It yvill take more than near pretenses and i brims to re
store the environmental faction of voter confidence in
the president
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Da bores.
You would think University
students would hitve learned 11
lesson by Mr.isuri' fi We've
l.iki'n Inuivy losses mid not
nun h savings Well now Don
K.ink and Holly Ferguson have
a new Measure 5" on the Uni
i ersily lev el
king has ignored some Im
portant lai tors in introdut mg
his measure He has ignored the
need to prioritize student
I en dollars per term will not
keep people out of sehool, hut
how do Don and Holly plan on
responding to a student mother
whose i hild can has been cut '
How will they explain them
selves to a woman whose ai
cess to Saferlde has been di
minished, or an international
student whose job in the KMU
lots been removed '
Our university needs to em
brace its diversity. but Don says
his r oncern is that of the rnvthi
i al average student What
Don and Holly need to know Is
the average student is far
from average
If Don king is so concerned
about student fees, maybe he
should lie running for the ll-C
Then again, maylie he doesn't
want to i lean up the mess if his
Measure 5" passes
II maintaining already strug
ghng safety and retention pro
grams and servo es is important
to you. don't support the peti
tion If lower student fees is im
portant to you. vote in respon
sible ITU candidates
Do not support Don und Hol
ly's University Measure fi
Joseph Wong
1 vc Ix-c onio increasingly dis
lurtx'ii bv the blatant perpetua
tion of altitudes such us Bryan
VVesthy s (01)1 March II) lu
ward rape
VVesthy. you mu si slop Irlvi
alizing rape and sexual harass
menl as an invalid and irrution
al fear Rape is a savage allai k
on Ixilh .1 woman's Ixidy ami
her soul ll is denigrating II de
slrovs her sense of worth, re
ducing her to a means to anoth
er’s sii k ends Rape denies a
woman the rigfii lo sec uritv in
tier home and her body and
with other men
Rape is not almut sex, it is
atxiut control When a woman
is rapes!, stie is roblx'd of con
trol over her life She is victim
ized, demoralized
Rape is a terrifyingly valid
fear (or ill women The inane
suggestion of martial arts as a
solution to this fear maintains
the folly that women are re
sponsible for rape Bv Insisting
she could have fought harder,
VVesthy implies she Is at fault
tor tfie attack Think A woman
never asks for it" she is
never to blame
So VVesthy . when vour moth
er, your sister, or the woman
you're in love yvith is raped,
will you continue this asinine
insistence that martial arts
could have prevented an at
tac k7 Will you c ritic lze her for
how she fought the rapist7 In
doing so, will you perpetuate
the rape culture of ignorance,
violence and c ontrol7
Or have you the strength to
understand what rupe truly is?
Have you the courage to battle
other men, the true peqietrators
of rape, and actively. intelli
gently work to end the savage
Leslie Galliano
In an effort to firing our
grassroots movement to you.
we posted flyers trumpeting
our campaign on I'ridav. April
t Already, several have heen
Obviously, our ticket has
stria k fear Into the hearts of the
powers that he (-'irmly en
trenched government officials,
administrative fat-cats, and
those in positions of manage
ment vvill undoubtedly contin
ue to try to limit vour act ess to
our message of student power
They vvill fail
Though we are new to the
dog-cut dog world of politics, it
is obvious to us that proper
steps must lx- taken to ensure
our safety in the face of hostile
opponents We have formed a
security contingent to protect
our interests Bet a use our inter
ests are also your interests, we
are protecting you.
Our message will get out We
will continue to oppose the
power system that oppresses us
Vote for us. and we can all
bask in the warm glow of victo
ry that w ill hail the dawning of
student control at a university
that until now has lieun kept In
the darkness of the exclusionist
power structure that currently
Chris Pharis
ASUO presidential candidate
Toow w£ sruov TWE
iNTtQCDWfcC7fO*ftSS Of
Lift 0(^ PLAM£7 £ARTW.
T\ni Global. wA^lvg.
BuSM'MG things,
J OIL COHlS £{?o/V\
[ft*£MDS My «Ii£ajdS.
[iSFfftUMfc 'wy oc m c
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