1992 Career Fair Corporate Participants Ament .tn l itaduate St ht*>l u< Ini’l Management Amierven Consulting Benefit ul Mortgage t jxiipany Bi Mart (airpor atu m City of Eugene (Council Travel t 'otintry Companies Insurance Enterprise Rent A ( ar Genctu Counseling hatred I {can rill. (rcorgia Pacific Corporation I lewlett Packard Immune* I novct. Itu JC Penney (amipany Jay Jac on KZEL«6FM Lady Foockx ker Lane County C * edition tor Animals and Animal Rest art h Lane Traitsit I>isirit I Lever Brothers Company Mariposa Mobius ( Axnpanv Moles ular Probes Monterey Iil«s ure of Inf'I Studies Mutual it tfmaha National Weather Servttes Nike, lilt Northwestern Mutual Lite Omosc XX .*«.! Preserving Oregt•!! X A>llege > •! tOriental Medit me Oregon Health Si inn n University (Wgon Insttfutc of Marine Oregon McvJual l ab* Oregon S»ji tery *4 Physic urn Assist (Mede* N NX ) Pac ifti University P»»rf 1 andPublic Sihoolv Public Interest Kevin h (uoup Seattle t )m versify IVpartment V>i I )iagnt»s(ic l 'irra^nitki Starvlar J ItviuratK e C i^enpany State barm Insurarx e (V*i\pames State of Oregotv I at get I S Ait bone U S Army U S t *>jit (nurd U S bViieral IV|x*it Insurance l !ocp» iract.on U S Forest Service Kedmond Smoke Jumpers U S ( icnetal A» > ountmg i Htu e US Marine Corps US Navy U S IV.k e C orps University Hires tones University >t()regon( iradiiafc S* hool Willamette l *rmcrsity ^ ils* >n’s FAIR (.amtinued from Piige 2H dec ide m which areas they ex cel and which -'kill> to use- to their advantage. To get the most out ot the C lareer ( air students should divide if they want to ap proach specific employers or plav the field. Students might also want to research the de mand in fields they are curious about When actually sjvaking with lorjxiratton representa nws, students might want to demonstrate some prior kniiw ledge in the desired field and ask quest ions w hich dem onstrate that knowledge. Asking ahmt summer jobs or internships available at a particular corporation is cer tatnly encouraged, as are ques tions regarding relevant coursework the student might ‘This is an invalu able n ay to get this kind of insight.' -Beth Swank v urfff v >umrl * take to prep.ik' for .1 job. f r\ asking alxnjt tire coqxtrat ion's expectations of change m the company s> you can antic ipate and prepare Ivtore actually kx'kmjj tor full-time work. Alx>ve all, it is important to keep nt mind that the corpo rations are here tor students. Allow eiuxjjjh time to take advantage of this introductory opportunity to probe possible employers After all, don’t they say first impressiotvs last.’ Mike Iriviiun Avoid long lines at the post office Buy stamps at the UO Bookstore. PREPARE FOR THE LSAT. MCAT OR GRE Kaplan's prep courses have helped more students score their highest than any other courses combined. • • • LSAT classes begin April 18 UO Student Discount SSTANLEY H. KAPLAN ‘*4^-749fi A Take KapUn Or Take tour Ounces **•' 1 NAVY OFFICERS On Campus Presentations for positions in: Medical Fields Engineering Business Aviation Contact Navy representative at Career Fair booth on April 8. For information call 1-800-543-7287. NAVY OFFICER You and tin* Navy. Full Spot*d Ahead. C* CAMPUSLS ACkuSS AAiLAfCA STUPCNrS AP£ IXSIPAUGPT THAT ruty cam r Arrow? a MAC/vrosH coMPurrr t f i colO OMCY AfTORP A MAON fD5H IU-XXP Oi l TMAT'A' IN quantum ■nr: MEANWHILE apple hears " THE JR ANGUISHED CR/ES ANP CREATES The Apple Computer Loan. Now, you can’t afford not to own a Macintosh computer. Now you can finance ;ui\ Macintosh’ computer you want, as well as printers, monitors. CD-ROM drives, scanners even software All for a monthly payment that won't even put a big dent m your pizza budget See your Authorized Apple Campus Reseller right away for more details and our simple, one page application form Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm 346-4402