IN TOUCH STAFF Editor: Mike Freeman Contributors: Ming Rodrigues. Sarah Pagtiasotti Photographer: Sol Neeiman Advertising Sales: Scott Dana. Jennifer Hucktns. Tom Leech. Randon Riley, Catherine Royie. Vicki Tobin Production: Dee McCobb. Ingrid White Beautiful Perms and Color at 1 Wonderful Prices Let us design your very own super soft Matrix perm and experience full bodied waves filled with life! Enjoy long-lasting curls with a healthy looking silky shine. Call Our Style Experts Today For an Appointment FREE PARKING lll\t J 686-1435 Evening Appts. 50 West 13th, Eugene I 25% OFF I ALL RETAIL I PRODUCTS $5°° OFF i PERMS AND COLOR I WEAVES* | ■ Offer good with Penny Larry Nancl. Art. Donna. Sue and i Daniels 'New clients only Not valid with any other offer l (Offer expires S 1S/92 J a A t Hi tit 686-1435 50 West 13th I - ■ ■ rTT-fc xi FOR THAT IMPORTANT INTERVIEW MAKE A LASTING IMPRESSION! • Job Interviews • Summer Internships • First Jobs Complimentary I Shirt and lit■ With I Suit Purchase I tVtrr M.t> B "Traditional. Clastic Apparel For Men ' 441 l)jk Street • 485-6022 ■REs&ZsSl Come one, come all: It’s your life .ill it a carnival for your career. Hut don't cx [xv t a Tth-o Whirl or Tin- (. Ytopus i>r even a Merry ( io-Round The only wild ride you van expect at this carnival is the impending tact that sun you'll lx' cHit amongst the world, your slvx’s on the'pavement trying to get your fixit into the doorway of v\Mir c loyn field fortunately, the Career Planning and Placement (Vn let has c real tv I something that just might eliminate any kind ot spinning nausea created hy the commotion of trying to figure out just what's going to happen after graduation Step right up to the Career ( onung to town April 7 and S, the (Career I air n an market and meet one-on-one with representatives from fx^ ['art ic ip.itmg c orjx'rations Tiie first day ot this event has hcvn slauvi tor depart mental panels l aider the helpful eye of Career (kiunsckir IVth Swank, jx’er advisers from JcHirnaiism, t ieneral Science, Ihology. Psychology, business and Political Sc u*nce have as semhlol ,m impressive list of panelists currently invoiced in the fields related in the resjxv opportunity tot joh seeking or johviiruxis students to explore just what tv|x*s ot ji'lis arc available, how their academic major actually fits into the job tivc majors. The three and four-member panels will each hold an hour long si-vsion at various times April 7. Panelists will introduce themselves and explain their background and participation in the field, and then will open up the fit x >r for a student question and answer session. "Tins is an invaluable way tor sruiients to get this kind of insight," says Swank. Panelists participating in da> one of the (Career Pair in clude Pane (anility (lotnmis sioner Jerry Rust. KYJI News anchor Penny Havlovick, a representative from (iuard Publishing and many others. Hie folkiwmg departments will have panelists at the P'MU from 10:30a.m. to 2:i0p.m., and all students, re gardless of academic major, arc invited to attend: General Science: IcMOa.m 11:10a.m. Oak Room. Biology: 11:00a.m.-12 noon. Maple Room. Psychology: 11 iOa.m.-12: iOp.m. (.iumwcxxi Room. Business: I 2 iiixm ! 00p.m. Oak R, om Political Science: 12A0p.m IdOp.m. Maple Room Jourtulism: 1:00p.m. 2:00p.m. (turn wood Room 1 I ’u t Your Col lege Degree To Work. \s .1 nationwide insurance repljk ernent auto rental company with T5 years of experience we are |»H>king for bright aggrvsMVt* college graduates for our Management Training Program in Washington and Oregon Interprise Kent A Car r«vogru/e> individual achievement Promotions, only from within, are based 1(*> on your own perh kagc 1 nter prise Kent A A .if »vill In- on . amptis in Apnl to intt~-vievs and •insiv if your ijuostions (s«s- s» hedule below ) k\V presently hav c both l AKI 1 K AM) SI AINU K INI I KN POSITIONS AVAII ABI I! I isted below are dates that a company representative will he available on campus: Aprils 10t)0-2 AX) Career Fair EMU Ballroom April 21 S:00-b:.A0 Presentation 1M Straub Mall April 22 All Pay Interviews Career Planning Hendricks Hall It vuu art’ ready to use vour college deg rtf as a stepping stone to higher management, visit your Career Planning and Placement Center in Hendricks Hall today to sign up for a [H*rsonal interview1 The second day of the Career l .m brings 6C corporations to the F.MU Ballroom and Wil lamette Atrium for inspection hy job seeking students. The number of corpora tions participating is double the number of businesses pres ent at last year's Fair, indicat ing to Career Fair Coordinator (onme Rohm, that her efforts to pit together the best possi hle Fair have certainly paid off. "That's really thrilling,” says Behm, “because it allows students to'have more variety and flexibility in the kinds of companies they will inter view." The Career Fair is an op portunity for the student to do the semtinizing of the chosen company rather than the oth er way around, as is usually the case. Tire Fair brings corpora tions from around the country to allow students to ask ques tions and gather information that may eventually lead to "real-world” employment. I he rair ill no assists those students who may be ;i little farther awiiy from graduation day to explore careers and coinciding majors that may di rect their course of study while still in •* htxil. The C 'areer f air alsi hel[rs to identify opportunities tot internship* and explore op tions tor other ('radical exj'e ricnce. as well as help students Turn to FAIR, I’ajje JB ITERIYAKI | ALLEY If » ; CURRY DISHES_lgJ.50 sm.2.50 ! BEBIMI CHCKEN BREAST STEAK_ JJ.50 * YAKJSOBA ; NOODLES -IgJJO TERIBEEF sm.2.50 _3.50 ACROSS FROM DAJRY QUEEN 1306 HLYARD* 345-9555 wwwrmmMwm Wc ship your stuff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes v l A** Packaging Store 2700 Willamette 344-3106