New technology modernizes student job search □ Students use new computer to do the footwork Mob hunting will ms soon Iv .is easy as a sB touch of a few keys. Camtic April 7, students can access a new career informa tion software program at the office of Career Planning and Placement Service at l len dricks Hall, the Counseling (Center and Academic Advis mg Office in Oregon I fall. "Job Link" and "Job Track" carry a listing of companies hiring within the country complete with 'jvcific descrip turns of the oh as well as a contact number and address In uidition, "|ob Link" otters such details as the ■» ale of the company, its subsidiaries, and primary pr.xiuc i and service. Those interested in an ovithmn career k .in ev* a third program, the Interna t tonal Sews Server, which Lsis i.ireer . pjs Htunities any where in the world from ( an ada to Australia I he listings are ujxlated weekly. been if ytm're only starting to reflect on sir interests and are not sure winch held vou'd like hi pet into, the network can help set you on the ripht tr.K k SR il. or System of Inter.u t ive ( iuul.iiu e Information, di rects students it', their selec non ot ,i major .ind tru-s to make ,i match with career op tums in i;;e market " I Ills sjX'eial IU-(Hli[k, ,alter texuree in an .irr.iy t»f l> -NMl'ilitics students i an seek out m (heir sea re h tor a job, said Larry Smith, direr tor ot (Sr err Planning and Place merit Service. "Students an eiUiHira^eJ in uv ,i mans le MlllllO I' [IIV-lMe, .111.I l HI! i• itnputcr i.mri information system i;no them an fmal . ip: u in thus tail, easy ami effti icni “ .Vconiine to Smith, the l 'mvernty is ime of the leu y,implies m the enun 'This social net work is cmother re source in an array of (x)ssibilities students can seek out in tlu’ir search for a job. ’ -lairry Smith I ii ( urw riuituUj? .0*1 ItufinfrW try tliiii offers students this i ani|xiu*r v areer service. I he network, which was set up over the spring break, is Still in us pilot stape. hut iis expansion will include more information on full-time ca reers, par! rime and summer jol>s, and internships. Siphisticatevl as u is, lire system, slid Smith, is easy to ;: ■< I he mu work v an he u v t -sed just hs folk iwim: a feu simple instmi thins. 1 he computer v areer infor mation service is free and lo use it, you either drop in or sipn-up. Students wlto own a I K )S i-asevl I R\1 or v v impati hie wsilk s(,ui,m van an ess the v ampus i areer nctwa uk I ai more information, vail the l la reel llanninp and ('lavement Ser\ K e at H6 O la V hn^ i\t \/n;„'ues CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT SERVICES are Planning^ Placement Service 244 Hendricks Hall 346-3235 University of Oregon Here arc just some of the services and resources that Career Planning and Placement Services provide OR!! VI V! ION Ijrarn the services available ill Cf’t'S A comprehensive intro" ( \HI I R \SS1 SSMi.N I PROORA M Career tests to clarify your interests, values anil skills PART-TIME VNI) I MMl R I MPPON Ml N 1 Check out [rossibihties in Room 12 Hendricks Hall R: Mr 4. no M R ( Oi l ! OP IO ( VKI ER A course offered Fall. Winter ami Spring quarters, < credit hours CSRY 1W Fundamentals of resume, job interviews and job search DROP-IN ( Ol NS! UN(; Hnef ten minute sessions available on a drop-in basis from I:M)-J:M) dads RES l Mi: & IN i KRVIEW WORKSHOPS A workshop is offered every week < \Kf I K LIBRARY A specialized library of on upational info , annual reports arul employer directories INDIV im Al, coi nskum; / iplore imitvuiual questions and concerns mill professional career counselors Call for appointment career deveeopmen r & INTERNSHIP PROGRAM Cam credit and experience through internships in off campus placements Cor rmijors arul minors in the College of Arts arul Suences