Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 06, 1992, Page 16, Image 16

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    Our Windows
have opened a lot of doors.
Microsoft's \ ision is dear and Ionised. ()ur oper
ating systems, languages. and applications give
new meaning to what personal computers can do.
Making them more personal, more approachable
more indispensable.
lb do this we need not onl\ the skills ol people
who can write and test code, have a wide base ot
application use and knowledge, but also the com
bined talents ol a broad range ot indi\ iduals to
keep oui momentum going strong.
Your challenge is to use the latest in sottware
de\ elopmenl tools and methodolog\ to design
and de\elop test eases lor our software products
Contribute to product design In reviewing speci
tieations and defining problem areas Iron
bleshoot software bugs to find laultv source code,
recommend and implement changes.
You will have the opportumtv to work tin
hardware that ranges from dNh's to RIS( based
machines that are connected to \I MX.
MS DOS. and N I tile seners. Work as a team
member on projects such as operating systems,
networks, compilers, personal and business appli
cations software, graphical interlaces, handwrit
ing technologv. multimedia, and some things we
can't even tell \ou about vet.
It vou are pursuing a degree in ( ompulcr Sci
ence. I leetrical I ngmeermg (with software
emphasis), or Math, we'd like to talk with you.
We will he conducting On-campus Interviews lor
Co-op Software Design I ngineers in Test l)e\el
opiuent on luesday. \pril 2S. l'W2. See your ( o
op ()lfice loi details.
We arc an equal opportunity employe! and
are working toward a more culturally doeise