ns APTS DUPLEXES Wow Fo* •VACATION PACKAGE" Now ft Booutiful 1 ft 2 BEDROOM FROM SSOS * 1 ? Of F 1ST MONTH'S RENT * COVERED PARKING * WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS * f UROPEAN KITCHENS * FITNESS ROOM * CONVENIENT TO VAl LEY RIVER CENTER 1011 Kingtloy Rd 343 4549 NORRIS ft STEVENS Monogofnonl Co C ■ No w F o t MOVE IN S R E Cl A L N«w A E)wantifvjI 14 2 BEDROOM FROM S495 * 1 ? MONTH RE NT f Hit’ * WAS Ml M DHYt R HOOKUPS * COVE RE D PARKING * FITNESS ROOM * SUM Ml NT I Ml POOt * PATIOS BALCONIES * ON SfTESf CURiT Y P n p. k Ci poy r 31 27 Kinsrow • ’.i** ''Otri Awt/P-' .'Id try >“«»'■,; $ '•* ■■ ' V\ ' «.■ •• v. . •• . .1 «■ , v '• >4 » ’ r- ►«, • • v v: •»-. t wo HI DHOOA*. J V ' V-. .i■ *-"N- f , :* a*-. »t *> t-y Ajjjk . A • ■ Alt .» ml;'-. «nl •i*. U k' RcdiL'iMHl I’urk Apts ymr!. i hum f/ y i,11 iikj W ifh ( i(y < imirnlrMi «* Unlurnlah*il 1 tk .J lidmi S ] 70 to SI l U« Jt l! ' •• » ! h - . V •« I ijuipfwd W*igMt Hi'.im v>(« Mood Park & Playground l *vjr>df y I Alto I urnltliwtl liult •» SijJk), t A tl M S' s iiiji*'.,ki4 1 j .)«>. ;'4t*d pi* fitly 1 i<( ft. iH#d { <«' y*.f> • • I ! .4 " .«!■ It I » t. •*! » I of B*d Ha" A k it. ftoi ..t® Urn^f uft 'tf” 4io:i H. i.sr/i •» S J r>77.‘) l bdrm studio '«** - See Section 11 5 f or ull your typing needs K ST VI I. L Apartments -r" '•*1: Qui*» *4»fiKtrty Just Ifotn downtown HUS TO CAMPUS ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA S ♦ SWIMMING POOL RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm I I Bs W5 4 M9Smo 687-1318 St t i>g*n# “E 775 APTS DUPLEXES Student Plaza Apis 945 E 19th t bkvrfc to camp*»a Sunny t bdrm •pi laundry and parking %i**& mo Call 444 202 ■ Studio. phV#!« tfUwa Aft) .t)ao VK»mo mc< No No U I »v 4 V >4- «fc • Studio and 2 bodtoom apartmanta Pool =» .'tvy me ' •** «MMfbaK‘/od f vti !>■.* *! rsg*, ,1 V*\ 4 M >41} ** «l<>n 4A4 oy?? _ Talk* ovar toaao at $?)Vmo l-v'V dap Sh m*g Vary n»«a. Irg 2 bdrm apt ? »** to avnpu* AppA«nco»*»o p*** M4 Vmo 6*0.1 ’V- 4rt4 ,*4<3W 1 *h 4 OHva t gni bngbt and tparitimg tlufro •nd o* di*i'*ranta Oi*a? dowmtown a> arson » urn mg af 41 VC >ft ruOai moV • • «** Covorad parking 9S W ">lh 4B4 S&11 _____ South Crest Apts Mia u ' y 'U-~ apacioua Qx-eat m Spoth- H ?, ekw»« 10 IUJgoi.no Tr«il b /% %'op iif apt t'ont mm to campoa , :*}"’•«. ’ tjdrm* 44/*> V4’*) S4 ? r Donald St WJ 52M WALK TO CAMPUS { -.;«»«?Ou5 fcgM * 00"" tMX Ony (" V’INI1 ;-«t'V <\g ;1 *1-V » •N.;: a ■ I •.»• •!• • ■*' [)'*« by. i l v.i'h Nod haw.: Would you Mia a raalty nica room all to youraalt wrth a prfvaia bath i room, cloaa to campus. in a now j ! building whara your maata ar# pr# ! par ad for you? Call th# Col tog an 441-1245 915 Oak. #200 485-6991 •-Jkis’i ■ J Mt a 1 240 QUADS NICE AND CLOSE Claan. form»l»#d quacJa On nil laundry a«c*1lanl location, for only t?l»mo Aldar Straat Quada 1160 Aldar St MViiM» 245 ROOMS K*n room n#ar MandricAa Par* 'o io'o»j* aiudunt W'V'Tio rr. Uv''4 144 i* >41 F urn ttixlio ’ tx* trom ca^poi N«w .ai\h* ' fvJ 7 «« m .Ainu 't* V) V u No t>a<) I * ~ 2140 MAHHtS ST l ovary room sn ?««. unity ■wVo'wJ txMdtng %2O0 men JiM** and *«ch ur ,U> Non amoAi* No p*rfi SPVGl ASS ASSOCIAUSMA 1130 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Hoorn mat# «» a r>< »d Nua/ S*W***nt 'oor- nd’y t r*m uM 1 flu*"1 d*> I.’ *S»no OuC*. 4 4fl5flG?9 275 ELECTIONS MAKE A STATEMENT Vo*#/ * Gu*l« <*-'• 198? « Spin !N» ASUO OtV# Surt# 4 ( MU MAKE MONEY Group* "«wiWid •« po- ary^'-t «lud#n? jOv«f^W'! wWW (V' April iV ? 3 4*9 ' App a! * -I*/.* £ ^ WANTTO MAKE A CHANGE? OtortiS -4* «or cdmp*#t«*J p*M '«V'1 ' yO WdTM yOu* !!••» -V ■ *» to T>u VCtffld or n •* «» ’ rj,’ *'■ *l**rt iOWv'T'a( < l *act *>'^ *i Ap' ‘ *0. [ - m. a? ‘^) m_____ APAKIMI M HUNTING l f >r mor» inform a I ion. • all 146 3*tK> T Mi Ni A MAI t ? i - V » President Brand’s STUDENT FORUM on “T he Effects of Ballot Measure 5 and the Future of the IJ of ().” Wad., Apr. 7, 3:30 p.m. 100 Willamatta Hall All ttudrnt* rnt tturs^rd lo jltnul And A%k que*tk>n%! For rnorr mUnn^titon, tAllShriljjt 14b.21*99 MO CAMPUS EVENTS ATT I NT ION All PUVCMOl OGV STUOt Ml S' f-Hyvrxvogy •vo*K A(Anting and fH< C> tftvxy Soi *My «'• ihPO»‘,^cv rvg at* T> I ■ uft« 1«j > >w food « x1 •r**y*rt:f*m«n| you* •t*nWJU» p/e>t*ft»cyv I «*v > • *« ••<». ■ ' '•ixt' ' ? 00 ? 00 P 8*tj«Jft»y A,-' 1 *ff> « ;«*♦ a..t> »4a- v.'."* ;i-i«tv> !'■■{>•'** a.' ovt** W« Nivw *u«a!4d i.M* ftC ■ x tv* l^4or’*V*tnxwii W«! «*<*l4y A 4 Ktt ns ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT lin ART CINEMAS 492 E 13lh • 686-24S8 £»%< W W»H b«»a^ pmmmm l»»HMA'»V»i««4»»r ***■• 41 « copy <*'*■*•# /ww Ayvw * kmi Cmmn4m I" c«r*<«r o4 th* a mm* o4 WWi *ftppftnf»g N. ft *, '• K k> ‘ JO ft *3 Mft V MlOAtt a* A» «■ »■ *N »«■ mm AWtftiftOftrS WAVS Hi *'*. Mft NOAOl «l 44 0OAMf kV ( ftftbUM ANIMATION _EESTIVAL NM4i ft 0ft r» »•>* IOVI i m» ft MuMOftn m t HIGH HEELS raimii-im S- f «y M • •, Hit ft ft ItfTH* ftl AMO £ .ARTICLE 99 * ftlKHtutN) I HI 3is COUNSELING '•kKtonti' ««'. .4*' "« 4 *1 A i*i i «! 1 Im*!'* PUnn*d P«r«nlhood 5ck f*»p . • ft •« '! !\4 lAV-i-’’ t » VJWK l VI « **< : ,j k *<, tew ,>’* **i j AND ' * 'J» NAH'i / ; * S‘ ' Nfcitr* V >tt\ Ml*. Uft HllP 7 ' bH\ * * \ kty *)\ ) CALL 3 4 6 4 3 4 3 FOR ADS CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS i A | RvvtMfa to C •ftmnf*’ 8 Wak hoavify 12 ft » upWhng 14 avr* 15 NawI* al 16 f *k#»f3 17 Saur* 18 Cokyx/A 20 ' Iliad* and AWv««y' 23 M*nut# opantng 24 ‘.’v Slate 25 Xyto phon* \ 78 Dry »n 79 1 ikn 30 T toy WK t4l‘M * 32 Vac M 34 Commit.n Johnson 15 36 Shy < nloouil 37 S C.An.»l 40 Iho Boy* 41 A njMjf.tm fv>r l*wl 42 Ga*d«n 47 1 Aka n fvart rv«»f 4* WAikxJ tOlldfy 49 Ga#« 51 G«U Oviw^y t%m DOWN 1 How * p.vloor 2 Chakon ktng 3 ln*»h mm 4 ' plainly 5 II* dtftdon 6 Paul 7 Pr«p4»ft txifc mail 8 I or lim« (b««ng) *hor1 0 ‘ T h« Wrtv»* (1977 movw) 10 Kind o< 1 1 HrMOfH VirgtO'4 1 3 Stfrttot pulpy Ifu4 Solution tlm« min r~zrr”m~' i*i //i i iu xhx *%-■ »' . '' 4 ; 4 t 19 of Aros 20 T h«y kx>p tha l oop 21 1 io»t compos* t»on 22 P*fuv*6f» Indian 23 PhikfHxno tnlarxl 25 l «hj.iI writ 26 Mwnliil 27 I o«k1 IN» Kitty 2® Cdrnrv.il Alt r Action j 31 [ ndmg for fdl or flirt 33 look fivu 34 ‘kntf .»!«♦ 36 S«mk1 coat 37 I rom to far h«4 36 NobA**n Wio-.«l 39 Sjww ..iffy fot (ir l nuoann 40 In (txjrmf) 43 ,k)K«»n it Mil 45 l u » « 46 l WmliM •• BOOKSTORE is searching ('<» members to MTvr on the Hooks to re Hoard of Din-dors Those two your positions are available • 2 Sophomore Positions • 1 Student-At-Large Position • 1 Graduate Student Position • 1 Teaching Faculty or Officer of Administration Faculty Position • 1 Classified Staff / Management Service Personnel Position THK UO BOOKSTORE Ix.ord mem tiers represent tile student, faculty ami staft of the i'Diversity of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the l () Bookstore in policy matters Members attend monthly meetings and receive a monthly stipend Nominations for available positions will be token at the: UO BOOKSTORE ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, April 14th at 3:30 p.m in the Walnut Room, EMU Bldg. (ocross from the Post Offn *») For information, contact Bookstore (Jen eral Manager,.Jim Williams either in per son or at Mb -Fid 1 THE UO BOOKSTORE • 13TH & KINCAID